Child Safety


Edmund Rice Education Australia is committed to embedding a culture where the safety, wellbeing, and participation of all children and young people under our care is paramount. The EREA Statement of Commitment to Child Safety clearly demonstrates how that commitment is evidenced.

Child Safety is one of the major responsibilities that all schools undertake when they enrol students. We strive to provide a community where all students are protected from harm and abuse. To achieve this we have a comprehensive Child Safeguarding Policy that has been approved by Edmund Rice Education Australia, and it is being implemented across all EREA Colleges and entities.

This policy provides the framework and guidance for all procedures and processes to keep students safe. Rather than being a static document, it is an active guide that shapes our day to day operations at the College.

Supporting Documents:

ATC Child Safeguarding Policy

EREA Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

ATC Procedures for Responding to and Reporting Harm, or Allegations of Harm

ATC Student Code of Conduct

Child Safety Contacts and School Authority details Form C, click here

EREA Student Protection Processes and Guidelines

EREA Complaints Procedure for Non-compliance with EREA Northern Region Student Protection Processes

Managing Child Safety Incidents or Concerns at or Involving ATC or its Staff Members Conduct

EREA Code of Conduct (incl Child Safe Code of Conduct)