A week of ceremony and ritual

First Lego League Robotics

On Saturday, ATC Junior school had two teams compete in the First Lego League robotics competition. 19 students were selected from Year 5 and Year 6 to join the teams and these students have spent the last three months preparing for the big day. They had such a fun day exploring their coding skills, building, and adapting their robot, overcoming challenges and meeting new friends. The judges commented to both of their coaches how much they appreciated the enthusiasm and energy both our teams brought and the way they supported not only each other schools as well.  

Both teams walked away with a trophy and the have both been invited to participate in the QLD regional finals. The ATC Tech Benders won the Core Values award which was based on their approach to the day and the way they encompassed the values of the FLL competition; Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork and Fun. The ATC Technic Kirks won the Innovation award for their research project they presented which focussed on encouraging more people to take up their chosen hobby of mountain biking. They built a laser cut prototype for their device and an augmented reality headset which wowed the judges.

Thank you to Ms Miranda Sainsbury and Mr Sam Hassett for their leadership of this extension program and to all of the parents and caregivers for their support.

This Week

This is a big week of ceremony and ritual. We look forward to welcoming the extended community at Riverlife tomorrow night for our Celebration of Excellence. Warm congratulations to all of our prize winners and performers in anticipation of a terrific night. Thank you to Mr David Gardiner, Ms Tammy Sleeth and all staff involved in preparing for this special occasion.  


The tradition at ATC is that our Year 12s gather for a Retreat Day the day before Valedictory. It is a powerful bookend to our Retreat Program that is facilitated from Year 4 to Year 12 and links beautifully with our Year 12 Claddagh Retreat. It is a day of stories, affirmation, reconciliation, and gratitude. My observation over the past three years is that our students are well prepared for this day in that they have developed a literacy, language and skill set to engage meaningfully as a result of our programs. I have had the privilege of being witness to some very moving moments on these days and we look forward to the Retreat Day and the joyous occasion of Valedictory on Thursday.

 Our day commences with Year 12 student breakfast with our staff, farewell assembly, a full school tunnel of honour, Mass at St Stephen’s Cathedral where Brother Patrick Ambrose Treacy worshipped and prayed and finally for Graduation at Brisbane City Hall. It will be a magnificent day.

Thank you to Mr Conor Finn, Mr Matt Warr, Ms Suzanne Colette and Mrs Helen Hicks for their organisation and facilitation of all events associated with Valedictory and Graduation.

Managing the Final Fortnight

Best wishes to our Year 11 students who conclude classes later this week and commence their exam block. Many students will complete Year 12 assessment for the first time in this block, so their preparation is vital.

For students in Years 4 to Year 10, there is still much to manage and achieve in the remaining two weeks. I wish to highlight the importance of finishing the year well and maintaining an academic focus until the end of the term. Your explicit support at home with good work routine, diet, relaxation and sleep is important in managing the final fortnight as are some explicit instructions to finish well! Thank you as I am sure parents and caregivers are looking forward to the end of Term too.

Tom Eccleston

On Saturday the 11 November, we offer our thanks and recognition to those who died in the First World War. Tom Eccleston (Year 9) played a special role in the Remembrance Day Service at ANZAC Square, Brisbane, as a recipient of the 2023 Premier's Prize for ANZAC. Tom spoke so eloquently of his research and time in the UK and Europe completing including visits to the battlefields and war cemeteries of the Western Front, whilst also researching and commemorating his Great-Grand Uncle.

If you would like to listen to Tom's speech from Saturday, please follow the link below and head to 14:30 minutes into the video.

Remembrance Day 2023 | Live Stream | ANZAC Square, Brisbane | RSL Queensland - YouTube

Staff News

Congratulations to Ms Irene Knauseder who has been appointed to a pastoral middle leadership role at St Mary’s College in Hobart commencing next year. Irene has been planning a possible move to Tasmania for some time and we wish her well for this next part of her professional and personal journey.

Our Visual Arts School Officers, Alison White and Carrie Radzevicius are also co-incidentally finishing with us this year, both to explore new career opportunities and their own artistic pursuits. We thank Alison and Carrie and wish them well for this next step.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

Mr Chris Ryan