Celebrating the ATC Story

Thank you for what has been a very dynamic and positive first three weeks of the school year with various College events and forums and a genuine atmosphere of engagement and relationship. Our Year 4 and Year 7 and all new students are making their way the College and learning about their new school and their new journey in secondary school as are our Year 10 and 11 students as they settle into the rigors of Senior School.

Friendships are a vital part of school life and while my lived experience in spending all my life, including University, in a teaching and learning environment, this has taught me that life isn’t always sunshine and lollypops, however laughter and joy are certainly two key ingredients to the enjoyment of school. Tomorrow, I am taking my 88-year-old father to his best friend’s funeral. They met at boarding school in 1951, Dad from small town Allora on the Darling Downs and Don from Goondiwindi. As school friends often do, they lost track of one another for a little while in early post school life as they established their professional and family lives but for the past 40 plus years, the second part of their long lives, they have stayed in weekly, sometimes daily contact and have been an enormously joyful and rich part of each other’s story. There is something about the laughter of someone who has known you since you were a child, where you come from, and has grown and evolved with you and given you the space to change but can always tap into your core story. Just right now as I am typing, my closest friend from my school days texted me with a message about a work frustration and a concern he has.

I hope and pray that your young person finds great friends at ATC and enjoys the laughter that they share and that some of these friendships last the test of time similar to 1951 to 2024! Treasure your friendships, nurture them and send your friend a text, give them a call and be sure to catch up and spend time together as these long term relationships are precious treasures.

Last Tuesday’s Opening Mass was a grand occasion and there is great confidence in and hopes for a marvellous year inspired by the Senior motto of “Be the Change” and the leadership of our Year 12 students. As I shared with them at their Mass, at 176 members they are more than twice the size in number of our inaugural Seniors in 2019, which is a true sign and symbol of our growth, maturation and solidarity as a school community. Thank you to our Year 12 parents and caregivers who came to participate in the Eucharist and our rites and rituals in commissioning the Year 12 group for the mission ahead. May their friendships, some as old as Prep to Year 12, and some new and evolving, bear fruit in animating our College in 2024.

Staff News

Many families will know Ms Hillary Geers, a member of our English teaching team in recent years. Hillary relocated to the north coast recently and she has secured a teaching position there and tendered her resignation from ATC. Hillary is presently on leave from the College and will return for her colleagues to farewell her. We thank Hillary who is also a former ATC parent and wish her every success and happiness.

I recently shared the news that Ms Amy West-Sadler, our Senior School Co-ordinator of Inclusive Practices has been successful in being appointed to a promoted position external to ATC. Amy will finish with us on Friday 23 February. We wish Amy all the very best for this new opportunity and challenge and thank her for her strong contribution to the College. I am pleased to share the news that Ms Stacey Tait, a former member of our Senior School Inclusive Practice Teams will be returning to the College in the Co-ordinator’s position. We look forward to Stacey’s return.

Congratulations to Ms Jayne Ogilvie on the recent safe arrival of baby girl, Harlow. Both are doing well, and we wish Jayne a wonderful year of maternity leave.

College Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The third of five priorities in our new College Strategic Plan is Celebrating Our Story. This focus is a strength at ATC and in our tenth year, and preparing for our second decade, we also believe it is an opportunity for proclaiming and claiming our identity as an authentic Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition in making sure that as we grow, mature and consolidate, we don’t allow what is called “mission drift” away from our calling to be true to our touchstones of Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity and our core pillars of Service, Learning and Leadership.

Ambrose Treacy College will strengthen and enhance a community that celebrates our Catholic ethos and charism of Edmund Rice.

  • Enhance the Ambrose Treacy College narrative and key messages for both internal and external stakeholders clearly identifying our catholic community and call to be Signum Fidei / Sign of Faith.
  • Review and enhance the College communication and engagement strategy including website, social media, blogs, open days, campus iconography, orientation day and enrolment tours.
  • Coordinate opportunities to participate in community social justice programs with students, staff, parents, and other schools.
  • Deepen the community’s awareness and commitment to the EREA Touchstones and Ambrose Treacy College pillars.
  • Ensure Catholic Social Teachings are across all year levels, subjects, and programs at Ambrose Treacy College and facilitate staff opportunities to engage in Professional Development opportunities pertaining to working and teaching at a Catholic School.

Co-curricular Program

After the Junior Band Co-curricular Music Information evening last week, I look forward to seeing the commencement of our youngest and most enthusiastic band, as they begin their wonderful journey in our music world. Thank you to our musicians and singers who led the way at our annual Opening Mass for both the Senior and Middle School and then the Junior School later in the week last week -your gifts make the occasion special and meaningful.

We are now two weeks into the AIC Sport competition for Term One and the Greater Brisbane Conference year commenced over the weekend. As invited guests to the AIC competition, our sport participants have relished the challenge of competing against strong Colleges with rounds against St Peter’s and Iona College so far. Schools within The Greater Public Schools (GPS) association continue to extend a hand of friendship to us and our Volleyball players have greatly enjoyed rounds with Nudgee College and the Toowoomba Grammar School over the past fortnight which is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to Mr Lyndon Brieffies, the Sport Team, and our large band of coaches for supplying such wonderful opportunities, challenges, fun and growth for our participants.

Finally, another part of our Co-curricular offering and of equal importance, is our Club Program which is underway for the year. This diverse range of options for participants is a genuine point of difference at ATC and I thank Mr Luke Read and Mr Andrew McCrohon for their leadership and organisation, along with all of the coordinators, host tutors, and mentors. I am sure that the Clubs Program will again be a highlight in 2024.

Kick off Cocktails Community Event

This Parents and Friends event is open for ticket sales via Parent Lounge and I warmly encourage as many of the ATC family to join us for a pleasant evening of community at Wests Rugby Club. Please do come along this Saturday evening if you can. We thank our generous sponsors for their support of the raffle prizes. Tickets for the raffle are also available in your Parent Lounge account. I remind you that all families can buy tickets in the raffle, with the major prize being one Term's tuition fees up to the value of $4064.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

God Bless.

Chris Ryan, College Principal