Coming Up in Term Three

Congratulations to the staff, students and caregivers for thriving throughout such an extraordinary Term Two that required our positive partnership and patience regarding the ongoing pandemic management, flood recovery and influenza outbreak. It was fantastic to experience such a strong supportive response from all members of our community throughout these challenges which made the final week of assessment period and the celebrations on the last day all the more triumphant. Now we look to Term Three!

As we transition to a renewed term please be proactive in ensuring your son is meeting the expectations of our Uniform, Hair and Grooming Policy. Plan for this prior to returning because it is frightening how hard it is for caregivers to get an appointment at any hairdresser in Brisbane or even get to The School Locker in the days leading up to Monday 11 July. Book in now to the only hairdresser your son will consider to avoid disappointment. Finally, I welcome back to Mr David Gardiner who will be refreshed from his well-deserved time away on Long Service Leave.

Parent Teacher Feedback Meetings

Parent, Student and Teacher Feedback Meetings are scheduled with your son’s Semester Two teachers on Monday 18 July 2022, 9am to 7.30pm (Pupil Free Day). Bookings for the Parent, Student and Teacher Feedback Meetings will open at 7pm on Monday 27 June and close on Tuesday 12 July 2022.Please see the ATC App for a letter from Lara Morgan, Dean of Learning with full details, as well as the instructions on HOW TO BOOK AT FEEDBACK MEETING.


Monday 11 July | First Day of Term 3 – Friday bell times
Monday 11 July | College Assembly & Extended Homeroom
Monday 11 July | Year 10 Drama incursion with Zen Zen Zo
Monday 11 July | Year 12 Student Leaders Afternoon
Tuesday 12 July | NAIDOC Mass & Celebrations (Years 9-12: 8.40am-9.30am; Years 4-8: 11.00am-11.50am)
Tuesday 12 July | ATC P&F Meeting 6.30pm
Wednesday 13 July – Friday 15 July | Year 11 Leadership Retreat
Wednesday 13 July | State of Origin Game 3
Wednesday 13 July | Year 7 Nolan & Senior Geography excursion
Thursday 14 July | Year 7 Lynch & Nolan Geography excursion
Friday 15 July | Subject Selections 2023 opens
Friday 15 July | Year 12 Biology UQ Genetics excursion
Monday 18 July | Pupil Free Day (Parent, Student, Teacher Feedback meetings)


TERM 1: Wednesday 25 January 2023 to Friday 31 March
TERM 2: Monday 17 April to Friday 16 June
TERM 3: Monday 10 July to Friday 15 September
TERM 4: Tuesday 3 October to Friday 24 November (Year 12 last day is Thursday 16 November)


The following staff are new appointments:
Congratulations to Gwenda Burton on her fixed-term appointment as Junior School Teacher Librarian, given the departure of Sally Richter to undertake further study. Tom Smith will replace Gwenda’s part time role as a Year 6 Bodkin Teacher on Monday and Tuesday until the end of the year.
Karen Bate will commence as a Food Technology/Hospitality Teacher replacing Holly Westphal who accepted a promoted role with Canterbury College. We thank Holly for her significant contribution to both curriculum and pastoral aspects of our community during her time here.
Caitlin Crowley will commence as a Business and Religious Education Teacher.
Congratulations to Allana Dorman on her appointment as Inclusive Practices Coordinator – Middle School, given the departure of Christina Xavier to the promoted position of Director of Inclusive Education at St Edmund’s College.
Megan Ellis will commence as an Inclusive Practices Case Manager.
Irene Knauseder will commence as an Inclusive Practices Case Manager.

The following staff will take leave:
Brett Cashmere will take Long Service Leave from Monday 11 July to Friday 12 August and will be replaced by Maryanne Gillespie in the role of Acting Year 5 Coordinator. Ali Blake will be taking Brett’s Year 5 Lynch class.
Tim Walker will take Long Service leave from Monday 11 July to Friday 16 September and will be replaced by Jared D’Roza in the role of Acting Head of Health and Physical Education.

We welcome back the following staff:
Jane Ellice from Long Service Leave. Thank you to Mark Sayer for his humble contribution.
David Gardiner from Long Service Leave. Thank you Sarah Crompton for taking my Year 9 Science class. Conor Finn will return to the role of Dean of Formation. Sam Brown will return to role of Head of Leinster House. Thank you Conor, Sam and Jared D’Roza who took the role of Acting Head of Leinster House.
Sharni Maclean from Maternity Leave will return in a teaching capacity until the end of the year. Thank you Alison Robins for continuing in the role of Acting Assistant Head of Year 9 during this time.
Varna Metcalf from a medical procedure. Thank you Hillary Geers, Jess Lane, Dianna Leonardi and Katie Lipka for covering Varna’s classes.
Paul Reeves from Long Service Leave. Thank you Emma Palmer for doing a wonderful job in Paul’s absence.
David Tobin from Long Service Leave. Thank you Ed Raben for doing an equally wonderful job in David’s absence.



Year 8 Geography excursion
As part of the study for Term 3 Geography – ‘Coastal Landforms and Processes’, Year 8 classes – only Lynch, Wynne and Nolan will be going on excursion ALL DAY on Tuesday 9 August 2022 to Palm Beach on the Gold Coast, to investigate coastal erosion and the different management practices that have been put in place to minimise the loss of sand from Palm Beach. Whilst on the excursion, students will hear about how the development of residential property on the foredunes of Palm Beach has meant that erosion has a significant economic impact, as well as how climate change is affecting the Gold Coast and the measure that have been taken to protect the beach in the long term. As part of this excursion, students will have the opportunity to visit Palm Beach and during the excursion, students will be required to complete a field trip booklet. This will then be used as part of a report into the management of erosion on Palm Beach, which they will complete in class and homework time. Students will need attend school as by 7.15am for a departure at 7.30am. Students will return to school at 3.00pm. Full details of what to bring are on the ATC App.

Year 7 Senior and 7 Nolan Geography
As part of the study for Term 3 Geography – ‘Water on the World’, Year 7 Senior and 7 Nolan – will be participating in an excursion to Wivenhoe Dam and surrounds to investigate our water supply here in South East Queensland on Wednesday 13 July 2022. Please see the ATC App for full details of departure times and what to bring.

Year 7 Conn and Lynch Geography
As part of the study for Term 3 Geography – ‘Water on the World’, 7 Conn and Lynch will be participating in an excursion to Wivenhoe Dam and surrounds to investigate our water supply here in South East Queensland on Thursday 14 July 2022. Please see the ATC App for full details of departure times and what to bring.

Senior Drama
On 25 July Senior Drama students (Years 10 11 & 12) will be going on an excursion to QPAC to see The Sunshine Club by Wesley Enoch as part of our Senior Drama curriculum. The aim of the learning activity is to provide students with the experience of viewing live theatre, which helps them understand the practical application of Drama and theatre and build their analytical and evaluative skills. Students are to arrange private transportation to and from the excursion. Students are to arrive at the Wheel of Brisbane, South Brisbane at 5:45pm and parents are to collect students from The Wheel of Brisbane, South Brisbane at 9:10pm. See the ATC App for full important details from Mrs Holmes-Blissner.

Premier’s Reading Challenge
The Premier’s Reading Challenge is well underway, and these school holidays are an excellent opportunity for boys to get busy reading! The PRC encourages students to develop a love of reading for life. Students are encouraged to select a range of fiction and non-fiction books suited to their reading ability and record books read during the reading period, between 9 May to 26 August 2022. To complete the challenge Years 4 ATC students must read at least 20 books and Years 5 to 9 must read at least 15 books. Please see the information letter on the ATC App for more details.

From the Classroom

Digital Technology
Engaging with robotics in their Digi Tech classes this term, our Year 5 geeks have learnt to code, navigate and control the LEGO Mindstorm robots.

DigiTech in Year 5

Their assessment was designed as a real-life dilemma where robots could be used to solve the problem. Their task was to send a robot down into a confined space in a sewer and the robots had to navigate their way through the maze of a sewer and act as plumbers who were contracted to clear a blockage, collect a water sample, and record video footage to investigate a mysterious noise. What a complex task and Mr Hassett was pleased that they flushed out the problem!

Year 8 Art
Food is always a motivator with young men, and this term Year 8 artists were asked to brainstorm typical Australian foods that connect with fond memories. Students have been researching contemporary artists who create works inspired by Australian culture. They then developed a plan to transform their sketches into a three-dimensional form using clay. By intentionally altering the scale of their food, students learnt the power of engaging their audience and evoking a childhood memory.

Year 8 Art Clay Food unit

Year 12 Construction

Year 12 Certificate 1 in Construction

Last term Year 12 Certificate I Construction students have been focused on their Outdoor Chair project. Constructed out of rough sawn Baltic Pine meant the splinter averse were in charge of putting material through thicknessers, routers and sanders with an end result very throne-worthy! The more creative students tried their hand at painting their creations which really enhanced the finished product. Mr Raven was so pleased to see such enthusiasm for the project and the end result was so outstanding he treated the class to pizza and soft drinks. This term, Cert I Construction have their Final Major Project to complete, and a final theory book which signals the completion their certificate. What an achievement for these young men and a fantastic base for them to work from towards future career pathways.


Year 11 Senior Jersey

With their final year approaching, it is time for Year 11 students to mark the occasion by ordering their Senior Jersey for 2023. The College has worked closely with the manufacturer Canterbury to produce a quality product whilst maintaining a reasonable cost. Students will vote on the final design later this term. Please login to Parent Lounge to purchase. If you do not wish to proceed in purchasing a senior jersey, we kindly ask for you to decline the tour and you will receive no further follow-up correspondence. Please see the letter on the ATC App for more information and follow the link to select your preferred size.

Year 11 Leadership Retreat

An essential part of the leadership journey for our 2023 College Seniors is the Leadership Retreat from Wednesday 13 July to 15 July.  The retreat is a 3-day, 2-night event to be held at Camp Laurence at Moogerah Dam. The 2023 Leadership Team will cook a Brothers breakfast from 7:30am on the 13 July.  Following this, students will be transported to the venue. Students are expected to return by 4:00pm on Friday 15 July.  Please go to the ATC App notice to download and complete the medical form for your son by 17 June.

Year 11 P.A.R.T.Y. program 

ATC welcomes the  P.A.R.T.Y. program facilitators on Tuesday 19 July as part of our Formation program for the Year 11 students to engage in and understand what it is like to be a trauma patient through interactive simulated clinical scenarios. Our students will meet health professionals, emergency services personnel, and people who have experienced trauma and survived, often with significant disabilities. If you require any further information, contact your sons Head of House. Further details are also available via the link below for the Qld Health website. In Australia, traumatic injury is the leading cause of death in young people. This group is grossly overrepresented in injury and trauma statistics, both in terms of death and long term disability.  Road trauma is still one of the most common causes of mortality and catastrophic injury in youth. CLICK HERE for more information.

Year 11 SociABLE

The SociABLE is an important formative event for the Year 11 students. It will be held at The Greek Club, 29 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane on the 9 August. It will begin at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start and will conclude at 10:00pm. Tickets will be $126.50 per student or $253 for a couple and must be purchased by 15 July via the parent portal. The cost covers the hire of the function room, security, photography, soft drinks and cocktail style food. See the ATC App for full details of this event.


Year 11 student Toby Smitheram wrote an incredibly detailed and impressive essay for his practice History exam, and his teacher Mr Kolkenbeck-Ruh used it as an exemplar to the class on certain techniques they have been learning in the lessons this term. Gareth said. “I have been thoroughly impressed with all that Toby is doing in History and I am excited to mark his exam essay.” Well done Toby and keep up the great work in Term Three.


Year 9 Service

As part of Term 3 Service initiatives, the Year 9 cohort will be raising funds to support a very worthy cause, with all proceeds going towards much needed educational resources such as gym mats, iPads, interactive whiteboards, and assessment tools. Students have already been registered through the AEIOU foundation and have an email with their details. They are encouraged to copy the URL on their personalised page before sending it onto family and friends. As a culminating activity and as a display of support, Year 9 students will complete laps around the Jack Bowers oval, standing in solidarity with families affected by the disorder. We encourage you to get behind the cause by supporting students through sponsorship as they complete laps around the college oval. Students who are successful in raising $100 and completing the minimum 5 laps (approx. 3km) will earn 5 service hours, contributing to the 20 hours required by Year 9 students. See the letter on the ATC App from Mr Wong.

Junior School Service Initiative – Fayre
Side Show Alley at the Ekka came early this year as Junior School students lined up for shooting hoops, tossing bean bags, spinning the chocolate wheel and guessing lollies in the jar plus so many more exciting and interactive stalls as part of the Year 5 Mini Fayre.

Students handed over their silver and gold coins as part of our Service initiatives to support those less fortunate. like being in The young men are to be congratulated on their participation through their Words and Action. The money raised went towards our ATC Service Programs.


Ensembles Concert
Images from the Ensembles Concert held on 2 June are now available for viewing on our Facebook page.

Congratulations to all the Co-curricular Music, Drama & Communication and Production students on a wonderful Semester One! There have been many achievements and highlights and we can’t wait for next term. In preparation for next semester, please ensure you are subscribed to all the relevant Co-curricular Tags on the College App and look out for the following: Term Three Rehearsal Timetable; Lesson Timetables and Semester Two Performance Calendar; All Instrumental, Drama & Communication and Production lessons, Choir and Ensemble rehearsals re-commence from Day 1 of Term Three.

The Semester Two Performance Calendar is available on the ATC App, and we have a full calendar of great events coming up!



It is always a key point in the rugby season for ATC when the Marist fixtures rolls around. Marist is a school of great rugby traditions and so it is an opportunity to see where boys are at and what we are building. At Ballymore, the young men in the Junior School teams came out in great voice and enthusiasm. With the sun being out for the first time in weeks for our rugby fixtures it was a positive day of rugby at our home ground. The 5A’s, 5B’s and 6A’s, all worked extremely hard, showcasing their improvement over the season. Across at Marist, the 8/9’s, 9/10’s, seconds and 1st XV played, putting on a great display of rugby. At both venues, the support was amazing, thank you to all those who came along to support.

Holiday Programs

Athletic Development Holiday Clinics at the gym and on the ovals are focused on teamwork, coordination and communication. The program continues in the final week of the holidays on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am – 10:00am.

Term 3 Sport Timetable
Term 3 Sport Training Timetable is now on the ATC App under each of the Sport tags.  Training will commence from Monday 11 July.


The Term 3 Clubs program will commence in Week 3 for registered students, unless otherwise stated on the Term 3 Clubs timetable, which can be found on the app under the Clubs tag.  We ask students to please arrive on time for their relevant club session.

Cooking Club

Cooking Club were having buckets of fun as they wrapped up the term baking delicious Swiss Rolls. Our young chefs were very proud to take home these little delicacies to their families and Mr Manson shared some of the process with us saying, “With simple ingredients of eggs, sugar, vanilla, flour, and cocoa, and a quick folding in a mixing bowl, it’s not long before you are throwing the pan into the oven and delicious Swiss rolls are popping out!” CLICK HERE for the recipe and try making these on the holidays.


Paddy’s Place and The Bakehouse will be open on the first day of term, Monday 11 July, with the tuckshop cooks serving up the new winter warmer daily specials and all the old favourites. Monday’s specials are Pasta Bolognaise or Napoli and Open Melts on Turkish bread. The Tuckshop Menu for Term Three is available on the ATC App. Top up your son’s account via the ATC Shop. The tuckshop team look forward to welcoming students back to school next week.


Trivia Night

The ATC P&F invite you to their Trivia Night event on Saturday 30 July from 6pm – 9.45pm in NJ Hall. Please save the date in your calendars! It is an exciting Themed event and this year it’s “Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes”. Tables will be released for sale on Tuesday 12 July at 5pm on Parent Lounge. Cost per table for up to 10 persons is $200. There will be no pre-sale reservations of tables so Table Captains must be ready to login to their Parent Lounge account and make a $200 payment on behalf of their group. Sales will close when seating capacity is reached.

Organize your group of 10 and nominate a Table Captain. Start thinking about your costume theme. When tables go on sale, Table Captains only need to log into Parent Lounge and pay for the table. Once paid, you will be contacted by the coordinator about your theme. Raffle tickets will be sold separately to table sales in Parent Lounge.

Save the Date Ladies Spring Lunch

This year the ATC P&F invite ladies to the Rose Room at Cloudland on Friday 14 October at 11.30am to celebrate spring and to support breast cancer research at this special lunch. Tickets are $78 which includes a 2 course lunch and glass of bubbles on arrival. Tickets will go on sale in August, so save the date and get your friends together for a wonderful day out.

P&F Meeting Dates Term 3 and Term 4

All are welcome to join the Principal, Deputy Principal and the P&F President, Mr Ben Prain at the scheduled meetings which are held in Mt Sion Library.

Tuesday 12 July 6.30pm
Tuesday 30 August 6.30pm AGM
Tuesday 11 October 6.30pm
Tuesday 22 November 6.30pm – Planning Meeting for 2023


Due to the large number of students that were absent for School Photo Day due to illness, we have scheduled a one day only ‘catch-up’ day on 18 August for students who were absent on the day or for students who were unable to meet the ATC Hair, Grooming and Uniform standards. An App notice will be sent to all parents in the week prior, as a reminder. Thank you for your understanding.

Ordering Photos

Even if your son missed his photo of 26 May and will be having his photo taken on 18 August, you can still order photos now. Orders can be made online by CLICKING HERE.

- Enter Student ID: 012345 (Sample ID)
- Payment options: PayPal, Visa & MasterCard
- Finalised orders will receive a confirmation via email to your nominated email address
Ordering on-time helps our team get your photos to you as soon as possible.
To avoid paying extra, please finalise your order by Thursday 25 August 2022.
Photos will be delivered to the school by 21 October.
Any orders after this date will incur an $18.00 admin processing and handling fee.
Photos are unavailable to view before purchase. If there are any concerns with your photos after you receive them, please contact Studio Kirby within 10 days of receiving your pack to discuss alternative options.

- A partial refund is available for packs with digital downloads
- A full refund is available for printed packs when prints are returned to Studio Kirby (Please note: if postage applies this is at the cost of the customer)

Enjoy a restful and slower pace of the holidays and I look forward to seeing you in Term Three.

Conor Finn
Acting Deputy Principal