Coming Up Term Two

I look forward to welcoming everyone back to a new term and I hope you have enjoyed some relaxation as well as positive family time. At ATC we will continue to challenge our young people to be the best versions of themselves and Term Two will provide many opportunities for growth and learning.

A special welcome back to Mr Ryan after his study leave in Term One. In addition, I welcome the returning Ms Karen Jones (8T homeroom teacher), Ms Sophie Butler (8C homeroom teacher) and two new staff to ATC, Mr Barnsdale, and Mr Canard.

I wish to thank all the staff who were involved with activities over the holiday period. Rugby teams were involved in the Ballymore Cup while our Football teams had some very pleasing results in the EREA competition at Nudgee College. Our Swimming team have continued their training for the upcoming GBC Swimming carnival on Thursday 20 April. I appreciate the generous contribution of our staff to provide opportunities for our students.

A few reminders as we get back into school routines:-

Construction work continues in the Senior School and is on track for the Waterford duplication building. This building site creates traffic congestion and I remind everyone of the need to drive very slowly across the campus and not to use the carparks as pick up or drop off zones.

Pride in our school is something we continue to value. Please encourage your child to demonstrate pride in ATC through their neat appearance and correct uniform. The Day uniform continues to be worn until Friday 12 May. From Monday 15 May is expected that all student begin wearing the Formal Uniform of College ties and suitcoats. The College has been notified that The School Locker has a supply issue with the correct colour ATC ties. If required, you can still purchase a tie from School Locker who will replace the tie with the correct coloured item when these arrive into stock.

A few key dates coming up – Rites of passage are important in our journeys and a significant ritual for Year 12 students is their Formal and I wish our Seniors all the best for their formal on Friday 21 April. We will celebrate ANZAC Day at ATC with ceremonies on Friday 21 April in Week One. Week Two will begin with a Pupil free day on Monday 24 April for us to conduct Parent Teacher Student Feedback meetings. Nationally we will observe the ANZAC Day Public Holiday on Tuesday 25 April and I hope many families will participate in ceremonies across our city.

Mothers in May Event

The much anticipated ‘Mothers in May’ event will be held on Wednesday 17 May. ATC mums are invited to a sunset soirée by the river at ATC from 5pm to 7pm. Tickets are $25 and include champagne, canapes, live music, a lucky door prize and a gift. This is a special time to gather with old friends and connect with new women in the ATC community. Jump onto your Parent Lounge account to buy your ticket as numbers at this event are limited to 400. Note: only one ticket per family is available.

The trees will sparkle with fairy lights and lanterns and special lighting will cast pink hues over the river terrace. Our volunteer dads will serve mums glasses of champagne and beverages and our Hospitality students will serve trays of canapes!

Tuckshop Menu

The latest Autumn/Winter tasty menu is available to view on the ATC App. Remember to top up your ATC Shop account so your child can make purchases at the Tuckshops.

I hope our community enjoys the very best of everything that Term Two offers! See all the important information below for your calendars:

This is a busy term so please find important Dates, Pupil Free Days and Public Holidays.


Monday 17 April | First Day of Term Two

Monday 24 April | Pupil Free Day – Parent, Student, Teacher Feedback Meetings

Tuesday 25 April | ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Monday 1 May | Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 2 May | Year 7 Immunisations

Wednesday 3 May | Junior & Senior School Signum Fidei Breakfast

Thursday 4 May | Middle School Signum Fidei Breakfast

Friday 5 May | Blessed Edmund Rice Feast Day

Friday 5 May | Edmund Rice Masses

Sunday 14 May | Mother’s Day

Monday 15 May | First Day of Formal Uniform

Tuesday 9 May to Friday 12 May | Literary Festival

Thursday 18 May | Year 4-12 GBC Cross Country

Sunday 21 May | Dash for Crash

Thursday 25 May | Formal Photo Day

Wednesday 31 May | Beanies for Brain Cancer Day

Wednesday 31 May | Year 5-12 AIC Cross Country ChampionshipS

Saturday 3 June | Mabo Day

Tuesday 6 June | Queensland Day

Friday 9 June – Thursday 15 June | Exam Period

Wednesday 14 June | School Officer Day

Friday 16 June | Last day of Term Two – students finish at 3.00pm

Friday 16 June | Middle/Senior School Interhouse Track & Field Carnival


Monday 17 April | First Day of Term Two

Monday 17 -19 April | Year 4 and Year 6 Big Bang Science incursions

Tuesday 18 April | P&F Meeting

Wednesday 19 April | Year 7 (C, L) Geography excursion

Thursday 20 April | Year 4-12 GBC Swimming Championships

Thursday 20 April | Year 7T Geography excursion

Friday 21 April | ANZAC Day Liturgies

Friday 21 April | Year 12 Formal, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre


Parent Teacher Feedback Meetings

The Parent, Student and Teacher Feedback Meetings are scheduled for Monday 24 April 2023 9am to 7.30pm (Pupil Free Day). The meetings are an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s Semester 1 Teachers and may be more introductory in their nature. We strongly encourage your child to be present at the discussions. Further details are on the College App in a letter from Ms Lara Morgan.

Parent Writing Workshop

On Tuesday 9 May at 6 pm during the Literary Festival Week, parents from both the Junior and Middle Schools are invited to participate in a Writing Workshop to help understand our strategies and processes used at ATC. Parents will experience the resources used in class, get a taste of a writing lesson and have fun being ‘back at school’. More information regarding this workshop will be shared at the beginning of next term. Please save the date and register as soon as the online form is released as last year’s event booked out.

Literary Festival

We are looking forward to our 2023 Literary Festival to be held in Week 4 of Term Two from Tuesday 9 to Friday 12 May. A range of talented authors and artists will be presenting to boys in Years 4-12. This is a week where we focus on all things 'literary'! There will be Surprise Storytime sessions as well as a stellar line up of special guests. This year we are honoured to welcome author and poet, Josh Donellan, Manga artist David Lovegrove, slam-poet Angela Peita, non-fiction author, author, columnist and editor Tim Baker, poet and author Michelle Taylor, author Sam Wheeler and Shakespearean Hip-Hop artist, Charlie Tompson. Boys will be treated to both cohort presentations and small-group workshops, to titillate their literary appetites! We are also very excited about having a Middle and Senior School Book Fair and a Book Chat evening for parents on Tuesday 9 May. More news on that to come! Please email library staff with any questions about our upcoming Literary Festival and keep an eye on the ATC App

Geography Excursions

As part of the study for Term 2 Geography – ‘Environmental Management - Rivers’, all Year 10 Geography students will be participating in an excursion to the Nerang River, Wednesday 3 May 2023. Students will investigate the management of the Nerang River from its source to Hinze Dam. Please see the letter below from Ms Connolly for full details of departure and what to bring. Students will need to be at the Middle Car Park (off Kate St by no later than 6.15am for roll marking (we will have breakfast on the way – students should have money for this). The bus will depart from this location at 6.30am and return to the College at approximately 3.30pm. Students MUST have the following:
Wear their Sports uniform – with closed shoes and wide brimmed school hat, jumper/jacket, Water Bottle (2 litres or 2 x water bottles) – with water!, Morning tea, Lunch, Afternoon tea, Lead pencil x 2, Colouring pencils, Eraser, Clip Board, Camera/phone to take pictures, Packed in daypack to wear on back.

As part of the study for Term 2 Geography – ‘Coastal Landforms and Processes’, Year 8 Treacy, 8 Wynne, 8 Bodkin and 8 Lynch students in Semester 1 Geography will be participating in an excursion to Palm Beach on the Gold Coast, Tuesday 9 May 2023. Students will investigate coastal erosion. Students will need to be at school by 7.15am for a departure at 7.30am. Students will return to school in time to leave at the usual time of 3.00pm. Students MUST have the following: Wear their Sports uniform with closed shoes and wide brimmed school hat, jumper/jacket, Water Bottle (2 litres or 2 x water bottles) – with water!, Morning tea, Lunch, Afternoon tea, Lead pencil x 2, Colouring pencils, Eraser, Clip Board, Camera/phone to take pictures, Packed in daypack to wear on back.

Year 11 Geography students will be participating in an excursion to Fortitude Valley, on Friday 12 May to investigate urban consolidation and the impacts of high density living, traffic congestion and human wellbeing in built up parts of the city landscape. Students will need meet at 7:00am at Kate Street Drop Off zone, where they will then depart by bus at 7.15am to take them to the excursion destination in Fortitude Valley. Students will return to school by 3.30pm. They must wear their Sports uniform – with closed shoes and wide brimmed school hat, No caps please. Bring in a daypack these items: Raincoat or umbrella, Money for Breakfast + morning tea/Lunch (or bring food), Water Bottle (2 litres or 2 x water bottles) – with water!, Lead pencil x 2 and Clip Board + exercise book for notes. Please note – Students who do either Religion & Ethics (FA2 Draft) or Drama (FA3 Part A Draft) will have a draft due on the date of the Excursion – Friday 12 May. As students will be out on excursion all day and will not return until 3.30pm – students should submit their draft(s) prior to attending the excursion to ensure that it is handed in on time. If you have any queries regarding the day, please don’t hesitate to contact Ms Connelly.

Big Bang Science Incursions

Year 4 and Year 6 have the opportunity to engage and ignite their scientific curiosity with exciting incursions from Big Bang Education in week one of Term 2. Big Bang Education programs align to students’ term two units of work while also provide inspiration in the field of science. Both programs will cover understandings within Physical Sciences understandings in the Australian Curriculum. These are held in NJ Hall.

The Year 4 Program is based around contact and non-contact forces. Students engage in a 30-minute science show for the year level followed by a 60-minute workshop for each class. The science show introduces the students to forces, contact forces of pushing, pulling and friction, and the non-contact forces of gravity. During the workshops, students discuss, demonstrate, and explain specific forces involved in a range of objects and also learn about the non-contact force, magnetism.

The Year 6 Program is based around renewable energy and electricity, exploring where electricity comes from and how it is produced. Students are introduced to the concept of an electrical circuit, explore how electricity comes from a power station to our homes and school, and work collaboratively in small groups work to build a range of circuits.


Year 12 visual artists are in full swing working on their IA2 artworks. They are producing creative visual responses to their individual focus, looking at various themes and topical issues of interest. Some of these include explorations into the effects of tourism on the environment, culturally specific phenomena and how artists embark on capturing the essence of time.

ATConnect | Japanese blog

The Japanese Department recently farewelled their visiting student from Nagoya University but they are excited to say hello to another term of learning Hiragana, Katakana and cooking some of Mrs Oghanna's favourite Japanese recipes! Check out her recap on Term One, as she acknowledges Koji's impact on lessons and how students engaged with our visitor from Japan. CLICK HERE TO READ.

ATConnect | Library blog

Flash Fiction

Research indicates that the middle years of schooling are when most teens’ reading habits decline so in an effort to counteract this trend, ATC has introduced ‘Flash Fiction’ in Year 7, where every boy must stop, drop and read for 15 minutes EVERY SINGLE DAY. Oh, and it’s not just the boys…teachers are doing it too! Mrs Reynoldson shares updates on the progress of this game-changer as well as some other fun library news. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.



Message from Andrew McCrohon, Acting Dean of Faith and Missio

Term One was a busy time of year, but let’s face it, it seems as though every Term is just as busy! When we stop and reflect on all that goes into the start of a school year it really is worth celebrating! There is the daily work, the homework, the assignments, the exams. The trainings, the rehearsals, the practices. Weekday sport, weekend sport, sport spectating. Camps, retreats, NAPLAN, beep tests, swimming carnival, cross country, gala day. Assembly, Mass, Liturgy. Student Lounge, Parent Lounge, comfy Lounge! Goal Setting. Bikes, trains and buses, pickup and drop off. Construction work, heat waves. Before-school, after-school, school lunches. Emails, daily notices, App notices, Blogs, Facebook posts…..the school machine really is something to behold!

And of course, let us not forget about our responsibilities as coaches, mentors, group members, friends, brothers/sisters, sons/daughters, mothers/fathers, pet owners! As it always is, this term has been jam packed, we fit a lot into it, and there is much that we can be proud of as a community.

The Easter period was a timely opportunity for us to take stock, take a breath and refill our cups. In the busyness of life, at times, the relationship we have with our Faith, can sometimes be the first casualty. I hope you had the opportunity to reconnect with that relationship, through prayer, through nature, through acts of Service, through creativity, through time spent with family and friends, and some quiet moments of bliss.


Formal Uniform

Parents and Caregivers are reminded to check the App regarding a letter which unpacks the topics of Safe Transport as well as the College Formal Uniform and how to wear the College badges with pride. From Monday 15 May, the College tie and suitcoat are to be worn. Please visit the School Locker if you require any uniform items.

Personal Safety and Security

The College accepts that parents and/or caregivers provide their child/ren with Mobile Devices to protect them from everyday personal security and safety risks; including travelling alone on public transport or commuting long distances to school. It is acknowledged that providing children with a Mobile Devices gives parents and/or caregivers reassurance that they can contact their child if they need to speak to them urgently. However, the College accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged Mobiles Devices at school, including travel to and from school. Any student bringing a Mobile Device to school is totally responsible for the care and security of the Mobile Device. In cases of emergency the College requires parents to contact College Reception and Senior School Reception rather than students directly. Students are not to answer texts or calls during class time. This includes the use of smart watches.

It is strongly advised that students use passwords/pin numbers to ensure that unauthorised phone calls cannot be made on their Mobile Devices (e.g., by other students, if stolen). Students must keep their password/pin numbers confidential. Mobile Device and/or passwords should not be shared.

Year 12 Formal

The Year 12 Formal will be held on Friday 21 April at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Corner of Merivale and Glenelg Street from 6:30pm - 10:00pm. Please see the ATC App to refer to details of the event and the parent organised event running concurrently.

Update Personal Details in Parent Lounge

Have you moved house, updated your mobile number or changed email addresses? Parents and caregivers are reminded to update their contact details and their child’s medical details in Parent Lounge.


As we indulged in a well-earned Easter holiday, we hope students hopped into some service. The ATC Service Program provides opportunities for students from all year levels to get involved in meaningful acts of service across many areas of the wider community. Whether this be participating in their cohort friendship group activities or finding an authentic way to give back to an organisation or those in need, ATC students are constantly finding a way to connect and serve others. Students in year 4 are reminded of the Pave the Way Service Challenge – an easy-to-follow guide to earn 10 Service Hours. See the flyer attached. Students from other year levels are encouraged to find their own act of service over the holidays and report these to their homeroom teacher early next Term. We love to hear about the service initiatives students have undertaken and look forward to receiving contributions and photos at the email address. Parents are encouraged to read the Service Program Parent Information for further details about the ATC service Program. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs.

Lenten Fayre

Year 6 pooled their resources to create innovative stalls to engage their customers in Year 4 and 5 for the annual Lenten Fayre. Each group worked collaboratively to create prizes, rules and a cost for their activity with the goal to raise funds for charity. They demonstrated exemplary leadership and demonstrated what it is to be an ATC gentleman. As an act of service with a dose of good fun, these boys are true Signs of Faith


A busy Term 2 is coming up for our ensembles and choirs. Please check the full Performance Calendar on the College App and ensure important dates are recorded in your diaries.

Pemulwuy! National Male Voice Festival | 7-9 July 2023

Our middle and senior school singers will be taking part in this exciting festival in 2023. Incorporating two days of workshops and a performance at QPAC it is a wonderful opportunity to be involved in. New singers are always welcome at choir rehearsals, each Thursday from 3.10pm – 4.10pm in K104. Current choristers who have not yet confirmed their attendance at the festival please contact soon as possible.

Drama & Communication

Year 4 boys enrolled in Drama and Communication are currently working on their performance pieces for our Junior Drama Night in Term 2. The boys are having fun choosing their costumes ,masks and props. We currently have spots available for Term 2 in ALL year levels .

Boys gain valuable life skills when learning Voice and Communication and Drama, confidence in public speaking for their oral assessments, clearer diction and expressive voices when speaking which is invaluable in any profession and for job interview skills.

Year 7 AMEB Voice and Communication or Performance now contributes towards their ATAR. Mrs Shapcott has had another of her students top the state of QLD with the highest mark in their AMEB exams and will be presented with an award at Parliament House in June.

Autumn Concert
We had the pleasure of watching our musicians perform in the last week of term at the Autumn Music concert. It was a night to celebrate our student musicians, with the highlight being our youngest performers in the Jazz Ensemble Green. Our veterans in the ATC Jazz Orchestra wowed the crowd and it was wonderful to welcome our parents onsite for a special event - there wasn't a spare seat inside or out! The main concert commenced with an exciting performance from our Wind Ensemble, followed by the ATC Senior Singers and Concert Band. Junior Choir performed for the first time this year and then the Junior Band were officially welcomed to the ATC Music community and they delighted the audience with their very first evening concert appearance! Our most senior musicians then performed followed by the ATC Guitars and ATC Symphonic Winds closing the evening. It was a wonderful event that closed Term One, but signals the beginning of what will be a very busy performance schedule in Term Two! Let the magic continue!


At ATC, one of our goals is for the students to be engaged in sport for life, which is proving to be quite challenging globally. One recent study has shown that 70% of children who start playing sport at school quit by the age of 13.

As a parent of two young children, I read this article HERE with my wife and we took a lot of important messages on how we can support our children in enjoying their sporting journey and the important role we can play. Some of the messaging may not be applicable in your circumstance and the wording may not be 'on brand' with all that is used at ATC, but the research-based article has some points that may be of interest to your family. I invite you to read the article HERE, and chat amongst your family and friends about it when you get some time.

I am also happy to speak to you at any stage on how we can support your students on their sporting journey ... which hopefully lasts for many years to come. I can be contacted via EMAIL if you would like to discuss this in any more detail.

Rugby Ballymore Cup

It was a great few days for our Year 7-12 Rugby players who competed in the Ballymore Cup against other schools from around the state and over the border. The games were fantastic to put a lot of the Term 1 training into action over a number of games and we’ll definitely be in a better position leading into a big Term 2 season. Well done to all the boys and coaches for their efforts and I’m sure that everyone would have slept well on Monday evening. It was so nice to hear of the improvement in each of the groups over the tournament.


The 2023 Australian Youth Beach Volleyball Championships showcased the awesome talents of Christian N in Year 9. Christian was a member of the QLD team and they won the National U15 Championship! He was also awarded the National U15 Most Valuable Player. Keep loving what you do Christian and we can't wait to hear more of your successes. Congrats to the team on bringing the trophy home.


Clubs registrations have again been strong for Term 2. We do still have a few spaces in the following clubs, which will remain open over the Easter break –

  • eSports – Years 7 -12
  • Hip Hop Dance – Years 4 - 12
  • Chess Club – Emerging Players
  • Canoe Polo – Year 6
  • Golf – White (Beginner) & Blue (Experienced)

Please ensure you have subscribed to each relevant tag in the Co-Curricular – Clubs tile. You will find all information regarding the club your son is registered in – information letters, timetable and any updates involving the club.


Meeting Dates

All are invited to join the P&F President, Mr Ben Prain, and the Principal at our meetings on Tuesday evenings once each month. We meet in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 18 April, and subsequent meetings are on 9 May, 11 July, 8 August, 5 September, 10 October and 21 November. For any queries, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine

Year 12 Formal Parent Event

The Year 12 Parent Coordinators cordially invite Year 12 parents and caregivers to attend the Year 12 Parent's Function on Friday 21 April from 7:00 PM - 10 PM during the Senior’s Formal. Make your way to The Charming Squire, just a short walking distance from the Brisbane Convention Centre. Beverages are available to be purchased at the bar at own cost. The Charming Squire is located in the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre - 3/133 Grey Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101 Any queries please contact your Parent Representatives Andi Yeo, Megan Williamson, Nicole Mudgway and Annalinda Robinson.

Save the Date

The 8th annual Rugby Family Night Out will be a special night at Suncorp stadium for our community as we cheer on the Qld Reds play and get to see the ATC Taiko drummers perform in front of a large and appreciative crowd. We look forward to you joining us on Friday 19 May when the Reds take on the Auckland Blues. Ticketing and further information will be released at Easter. Keep an eye on the App. Thank you to Mr Andrew Taylor for once again coordinating this event on behalf of the ATC P&F.

See you in Term Two!

Mr David Gardiner

Deputy Principal