Coming Up Week 10

Japanese Student Exchange Program

This afternoon we welcomed Japanese students and teachers from Konan Elementary School, who are visiting as part of our Student Exchange Program. The Student Exchange Program was established on July 27, 2005, with the aim of fostering international friendship and understanding through intercultural activities and projects between students and teachers from Australia and Japan.

ATC Japanese Coordinator Ms Tasha Damon welcomed our guests at an assembly in NJ Hall. This was followed by a Welcome to Country by Jye and the Clontarf students. A handover of gifts to their staff by Mr Chris Ryan then took place. He will host dinner for the Konan staff this evening with Ms Damon and Dr Conor Finn.

At the end of the assembly ATC host families were introduced to the Konan students. They will spend the weekend with their host families and experience Australian family life. On Monday they return to ATC briefly before enjoying a day excursion around Brisbane.

In June ATC students will complete the exchange when they travel to Japan.

Lenten Fayre

The Year 6 Lenten Fayre takes place on Wednesday 27 March in the Junior school at second break. Year 4 and Year 5 students can participate in games, activities and buy treats which the Year 6 students have excitedly prepared. Families of Junior School students are encouraged to bring some gold coins on the day. All proceeds go to charity and form part of the Year 6 service program.

Rugby Games Wednesday 27 March

We look forward to an exciting trial match next Wednesday March 27 on Jack Bowers oval against a Japanese Touring team versing ATC Year 9/10 with a 4.00pm kick off. There will be a formal Welcome Ceremony for our guests and we encourage ATC families to come along and support our team and show our guests some ATC hospitality. Following that game, our 1st XV trial against St Patrick’s College at 5.00pm under lights. It will be a bumper afternoon of Rugby to lead us into the season. Bring your chairs, picnic rugs and ATC spirt and lets get behind the Blue White Green! Last game finishes at 6.15 pm.

Term 2 commences at 8.30 am on Monday 15 April

Assessment and Reporting

As we head to the end of a busy Term One our staff are working towards finalising assessment and exam marks. They will complete an interim report, based on application to learning.  This year the College has decided to make a change to the Homeroom comments in that these will only be provided as part of the Semester One report card.  This gives our students and teachers time to build their relationships and strengthen their commitment to their service hours and demonstrate their full potential. Our teachers provide continuous comments on student learning at the completion of an assessment task which can be found on Parent Lounge. We encourage both students and parents/caregivers to engage with this feedback as the term concludes.

Update Personal Details in Parent Lounge

Have you moved house, got a new mobile number, or changed email addresses? Parents and caregivers are reminded to update their contact details and their child’s medical details in Parent Lounge over the April holidays.

Parent, Student and Teacher Feedback Meetings

Parent, Student and Teacher Feedback online Teams Meetings are scheduled with your child’s Semester 1 teachers on Monday 22 April 2024, 9am to 7.30pm (Pupil Free Day). Bookings: Will open at 6pm on Thursday 28 March 2024 and close at 6pm on Wednesday 17 April 2024. Please see the ATC App for a letter from Liana Baillie, Dean of Learning, with full details, as well as the instructions on HOW TO BOOK A FEEDBACK MEETING.


Monday 25 March | Exams

Tuesday 26 March | Exams

Wednesday 27 March | Exams

Wednesday 27 March | Lenten Fayre - Junior School

Wednesday 27 Mach | Autumn Music Concert

Thursday 28 March | Easter Liturgy

Thursday 28 March | Year 7 Shave for a Cure

Thursday 28 March | Cross Country

Thursday 28 March | Last Day Term 1 - Finish 3 pm

Friday 29 March | Good Friday


Monday 15 April | First Day of Term Two

Wednesday 17 April | Year 7 Geography Excursion | Treacy and Nolan

Thursday 18 April | Year 4 Big Bang Science Incursion

Thursday 18 April | Year 7 Geography Excursion | Conn and Wynne

Monday 22 April | Pupil Free Day - Parent Teacher Feedback Meetings

Wednesday 24 April | Year 11 Geography Excursion

Wednesday 24 April | ANZAC Day liturgies at Warril Place

Thursday 25 April | ANZAC Day Public holiday

Wednesday 1 May | Year 10 Geography Excursion

Friday 3 May | Edmund Rice Feast Day Masses

Monday 6 May | Labour Day public holiday

Wednesday 8 May | Year 10 Japanese Excursion

Thursday 9 May | Year 9 Japanese Excursion

Monday 13 May | Formal uniform commences

Tuesday 18 May | Year 4 Showcase

Monday 20 May | Formal College Photo Day

Friday 14 June | Interhouse Track & Field Carnival

Friday 14 June | Last day of term - 3 pm finish


As Term One Sport comes to a close, exams and assignments are front of mind for most students. Mr Ryan offers his congratulations to all our sportsmen on a stellar season in AFL, Cricket, Swimming and Volleyball and encourages students to dedicate the same commitment to their assessment in the final two weeks. CLICK HERE to read this week's message from the Principal.


Interhouse Cross Country is Postponed

The term ends with our Interhouse Cross Country event has been postponed due to the weather.

Lenten Fayre

The Year 6 group work was impressive during their planning for their stalls for the Charity Fayre next week. Entry costs, prize lists, stall location, advertising and costuming were just a few of the things that they were brainstorming before making decisions. Remember to bring your gold coins on Wednesday if you are in Junior School.


ATConnect | A Positive Mindset for Exam Block

In today's blog Liana Baillie, Dean of Learning shares her most valuable tips for students as they enter assessment period, reminding them of the value of keeping a positive mindset, getting good sleep and following their study plan. CLICK HERE to read more.

Year 5 Public speaking

This year we will again offer Public Speaking to our Year 5 students. We have the opportunity for ten students from Year 5 to participate in a round robin competition at St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane. Registrations will be via Parent Lounge. Please log on to your Parent Lounge account and accept the invitation if your son is keen to trial for and participate in this activity. Registrations opened on Wednesday 20 March and will close at 3 pm on Tuesday 26 March. More detailed information is available in the message on the College app.

Term 2 Excursions:

The Year 7 Treacy and Nolan classes will be going on a Geography excursion to Wivenhoe Dam and surrounds on Wednesday 17 April. Students will need to be at the Middle Pick up/drop-off area no later than 8 am, ready for 8.15 am departure. The buses will return to the College by 3 pm. Please see the ATC App for the letter from Ms Connolly for further important details.

The Year 7 Conn and Wynne classes will be going on a Geography excursion to Wivenhoe Dam and surrounds on Thursday 18 April. Students will need to be at the Middle Pick up/drop-off area by no later than 8 am ready for 8.15 am departure. The buses will return to the College by 3 pm. Please see the ATC App for the letter from Ms Connolly for further important details.

The Year 11 Geography students will be going on an Excursion to Fortitude Valley on Wednesday 24 April. Students will need to arrive by 7 am at the Kate St Pick up/drop-off area ready for 7.15 am departure. Students will return to school by 3.30 pm. Please see the ATC App for the letter from Ms Connolly for further important details.

The Year 10 Geography class ONLY will be going on excursion on Wednesday 1 May 2024 to the Nerang River. Students will need to be at the Kate Street Car Park by no later than 6.15 am ready for 6.30 am departure. The bus will return to the College at approximately 3.30pm. Please see the ATC App for the letter from Ms Connolly for further important details.

Term 3 Excursions:

The Year 7 Bodkin and Campbell classes will be going on a Geography excursion to Wivenhoe Dam and surrounds on Wednesday 10 July. Students will need to be at the Middle Pick up/drop-off area no later than 8 am, ready for 8.15 am departure. The buses will return to the College by 3 pm. Please see the ATC App for the letter from Ms Connolly for further important details.

The Year 7 Lynch class will be going on a Geography excursion to Wivenhoe Dam and surrounds on Thursday 11 July. Students will need to be at the Middle Pick up/drop-off area no later than 8 am, ready for 8.15 am departure. The buses will return to the College by 3 pm. Please see the ATC App for the letter from Ms Connolly for further important details.

Big Bang Science

Year 6 students will learn about Physical Sciences based around renewable energy and electricity and become familiar with where electricity comes from and how it is produced when the team from Big Bang Science visit the college on Monday and Tuesday in the first week of Term 2. The concept of an electrical circuit and how electricity comes from a power station to our homes are explored through discussions and a visual demonstration. Students will work in small groups to complete the circuits they are instructed to build as they learn the concepts of simple circuits, switches, lights, motors, conductor and insulators. These circuits are powered by a battery pack. There are also a series of circuits to build using a variety of alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and a hand crank. The students will investigate the positives and negatives of the different sources of power generation.


Sacramental Program

The Sacramental Program at Holy Family Parish will commence in Term 2. If you have a child in grades 3, 4, 5 or above who have already been baptised, and have not yet completed their reception of the Sacraments of Initiation, please consider enrolling them in our sacramental preparation. Enrolments for First Holy Communion are now open via the link below. Please direct any enquiries via email Anne Rego


Year 8

In Term Two we begin our partnership with Sense Rugby as part of the Service Program. Sense Rugby provides an occupational therapy-based sports program to allow children to be part of a team, develop social and physical skills as well as manage emotions and improve self-regulation. Students will have the opportunity over the holidays and on Tuesday afternoons next term to assist with Sense Rugby sessions. During these sessions students will get the opportunity to work alongside qualified Occupational Therapists to assist students in participating in a physical activity-based program. Students may be required to work 1:1 with students, hold a tackle bag and assist with the setup and pack up of the session. This experience is an opportunity for students to develop a deeper understanding of neurodiversity and physical disabilities and the impacts this can have on a person’s engagement and access in many aspects of life. This will be linked with reflections and several learning experiences/activities throughout the year culminating with a term 4 HPE unit on Disability Rights and Inclusive Sports. We look forward to seeing our Year 8s assist with these sessions and thank Mary and Robyn from Sense Rugby for allowing us to be involved with these sessions. The first opportunity to assist with these sessions is during the Term 1 holidays on April 8, 9 & 10 from 8.15 am to 9.30 am on each day at Kenmore State School. Students can register their attendance by completing a form on their Homeroom Teams page and further information will be sent to them. If your child can attend, please encourage them to register and Mr Wong will provide further details.

Community Garden

Vera Street Community Garden had a good turnout even though it was Voting Day with more than 20 people keen to make a difference. So good to see our younger and older students working together getting their hands dirty for service in their community.


Autumn Music Concert – Wednesday 27 March 5.30pm

Join us from 5.15pm at the first Co-curricular Music concert of the year – the Autumn Music Concert. Be entertained by our Jazz bands at the Riverside Stage while you enjoy a sausage sizzle, chips, lollies and drinks. Then move inside to hear Choirs, Concert and Winds Bands and, for the first time, our 2024 Junior Band and Junior Choir. All performer information is available on the College App. If you can assist with serving at the bar or BBQ please email

Raffle | AIMF Sydney Music Tour

In June/July this year, 60 student musicians and vocalists are travelling to Sydney for the Australian International Music Festival. As the only fundraising venture, the families have put together some amazing prizes to be raffled on Wednesday 27 March. Tickets are now available via your ParentLounge account for only $5 each - don't miss out! Prizes include 5 nights at Indigo Blue Apartments Burleigh Heads | Vintage Moët & Chandon (2015) | Wine Packs | Champagne Packs | $100 Westfield Voucher | $50 Visa Gift Cards | $300 QPAC Voucher | $50 Wild Canary vocher & more!


With Term 1 coming to an end, Sport at ATC is only ramping up! This Saturday brings the final round of Volleyball games, good luck to our teams playing in the GBC finals, we hope the boys play well and bring back the silverware. Pre-season Term 2 sports are well underway coming into the third and final week of pre-season trials for Football & Rugby. Next week also marks the start of the Touch Football, Club Basketball & Indoor Cricket trials. If you're yet to register, please contact the Sports Office. We'll also have a Rugby Union camp for boys in Yr. 9-12 happening over the Easter Holidays, please register for this on Parent Lounge and more details will follow.


Last Thursday, our 1st Volleyball Team played our past students for the second year in a row, in a high level volleyball clash in SFX for the Tim Walker Trophy. It was a closely contested affair but the 1st VI were able to take out the third set to win the trophy for the first time. Mr Walker generously umpired the match which was well supported by students, staff and parents. Congratulations to our 1st Volleyball team for their undefeated season.


HOWZAT! This past weekend marked the end of the ATC Cricket Season. In what was a tough day against AIC heavyweight Marist College Ashgrove, our Irish Warriors competed until the last balls were bowled, the bails were removed and the covers were put back on for one final time. Well done to all ATC cricketers on a fantastic season.


Shout-out to the First XI who took out the AIC T20 Competition & went undefeated through the AIC season. Here are some season highlights.

First XI


Our AFL Firsts were victorious in their last game of the season defeating Villanova 58-14. Joseph D, Key Back and stand out player all season, thwarted every Villa forward entry with strong one-on-one contested marking. Aiden B, Running Back, used the ball off half back cleanly and with precision, and has been a revelation down back. Jacob E played ruck all game with little break, and has put in a great effort every game. Mr Keys noted that Jacob stood out in the ruck last week and around the game. However, every player contributed to a high level, which lead to a stunning final game by the Irish Warriors and rounds off a great season overall with some fantastic results. We look ahead to the 2025 season and more great footy!


As the Term 1 clubs comes to a close at the end of this week, we would like to thank everyone for their efforts throughout the term. It was a great start to the 2024 Clubs Program in which we are excited to get underway in Week 2 of Term 2. Please make sure to check the ATC App for all relevant information on your respective clubs. Any changes to this information will be communicated as soon as possible.

Homework Club

Finishing Strong! As we draw toward the close of Term 1, we are heading into our peak assessment period. Seeing these students using their time wisely in Homework Club is wonderful.

Dungeons and Dragons

Term 1 is coming to an end but the adventure continues in Dungeons and Dragons Club! The dice have been rolling in our favour and the boys have emerged victorious. Who knows what treasure lies around the corner for Term 2?

Year 4 End of Term Wrap Up

Term One - Looking back
What a fantastic introduction the boys have had to life at Ambrose Treacy College. New routines and expectations, new uniforms, timetables and teachers; the boys have truly thrived to become part of our school community. In addition to all that, the Year 4 Camp was also a huge success with every boy attending and enjoying the challenges of the great outdoors. Thank you to all parents for your support throughout what is an important term in setting up the boys for future success at the school. We look forward to continuing this partnership into Term Two.

Week 10 Reminders
Wednesday- Lenten Charity Fayre (remember to bring silver and gold coins for stalls)
Thursday (last day) - Cross Country & Easter Liturgy
Friday- Good Friday Public Holiday

Next Term - Looking forward
Term Two will be one of consolidating these new routines and expectations. Another challenge this term will be the introduction of our formal uniform which the boys wear between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. This includes the suit coat and tie from Monday May 13 onwards. During Year 4 assemblies, our focus word of Term One has been integrity- doing the right thing even when nobody is watching, and this will continue into Term Two. Please see below for dates and details coming up.

Thursday 18 April Big Bang Science
Year 4 students will be engaged and entertained by the people from Big Bang Science who will be visiting us on this day. The title of the workshop is “Forces In Action”.

Tuesday 28 May – Year 4 Showcase
On this morning, parents and caregivers are invited to visit and share in a display of student work in Nudgee Junior Hall. More details will be sent closer to the date, but it is a date to save!

We look forward to seeing you next week for our final week of Term 1.

Jason Sepetauc, Deputy Principal

Impressive work in Robotics Club this term. Students from Years 7, 8 and 9 have been working in teams towards the robot builds and code for the RoboRave Australia Competition. Students will be looking at competing in the Robot Mouse Maze, The Maze Speed Run Challenge, Entrepreneur Challenge and The Line Follower Challenge. They have been using Lego EV3, Lego Spike Prime, Arduino and Micromelon Robotics programming these in Python, C++ and various block code languages and having lots of fun. We can't wait to see them compete in July.

From little things, big things grow! Our Year 12 Certificate 1 students have moved on from their site leveling and plan reading unit of work and are applying what they have learned to practice on the Cubby House unit they are currently working on. They read a set of drawings and then brake up into teams to construct the walls rafters and cladding to get them ready for their end destination. Students this year will do pitched rafters for their roof line which will add an additional element of planning and complexity.



On Thursday 14 March our 1st Volleyball Team played our past students for the second year in a row, in a high level volleyball clash in SFX for the Tim Walker Trophy. It was a closely contested affair but the 1st VI were able to take out the third set to win the trophy for the first time. Mr Walker generously umpired the match which was well supported by students, staff and parents. Congratulations to our 1st Volleyball team for their undefeated season.

Beach Volleyball

We are thrilled to share that Christian Nguyen achieved a remarkable feat at the Australian Youth Beach Volleyball Championships, winning the Bronze in the U16 Boys Division. He was narrowly beaten by the gold medallist in the Semi Finals. Christian continues to love his volleyball and was an integral part of the team at the GBC Finals for ATC! Well done Christian.

ATConnect | Capping off a Mighty Cricket Season

After putting in the effort at training and on game days, our 9/10A Cricket team reflect on their performance, their improvement and the guidance from the coaching team. Their magic season will take them into 2025 with great skills, outstanding work ethic, respect for the team and a thirst for victory. CLICK HERE to read the season wrap up.


You are invited to a Gala event on Saturday 25 May 2024 at Royal on the Park, Brisbane, to support The Craig Hannam Foundation for brain cancer sufferers and their families. Ticket includes a 3-course meal, 4-hour drink packages, live music, and hosted by the renowned comedian Kat Davidson. Tickets can be purchased BY CLICKING HERE. All in the Mind - A Craig Hannam Foundation, focuses on providing support and hope to brain cancer sufferers and their families, particularly addressing the mental health side of treatment.


Secondhand Uniform Donations Needed
Keen to clean out your ATC wardrobe and don't have time to list them on the Secondhand Facebook Page? We can help! We are organising a Secondhand Uniform Stall to be held on Friday 30 August, 2024 and we can take any uniforms you no longer need. Please deliver all donations to the Main Reception. All proceeds will go to the P&F and will be put back into the school. A few key things to note:
• These are donations and you will not receive any money for them
• Please ensure only CLEAN and wearable uniform items are donated
• Please deliver all donations to Main Reception
Contact: Melissa Kuflik (0426881203) or Sasha Tucker (0411460351)