As we head towards the end of Term 1, teachers are working to finalise assessment and exam marks. Our teachers provide continuous feedback on student learning upon the completion of an assessment task. They will also complete an interim report based on application to learning. Feedback can be found on the Parent Lounge. Both opportunities allow parents and caregivers to understand how their son is progressing ahead of the parent and teacher interviews scheduled for May 1 and 2. Booking details will be sent out early next term.
There’s still lots happening around the College next week. Year 11 students return from their exam block on Wednesday. The Year 12 exam block commences on Tuesday and concludes on Thursday. Lessons continue until 3pm on Friday, April 4.
Students will also receive a copy of the 2024 Yearbook on Wednesday. One copy is provided to the youngest sibling in the family. Please note that Year 4 families will receive their first yearbook in 2026. Year 12 students will receive their yearbook along with their Senior Jersey on Friday. Senior jerseys are another exciting milestone in the journey towards valedictory.
With the last rehearsal of Wind Ensemble this morning, I am eagerly looking forward to the Autumn Music Concert at NJ Hall on Thursday, April 3, at 5.30pm. It promises to be an enjoyable evening, showcasing the talents of many gifted musicians. I am particularly excited to see how our youngest students have progressed in their first term of music tuition. Their hard work and dedication will surely shine through in their performances.
The Year 6 Lenten Fayre takes place on Friday in the Junior School at second break. Year 4 and Year 5 students can participate in games, and activities, and buy treats that the Year 6 students have prepared. Families of Junior School students are encouraged to bring some gold coins on the day. All proceeds go to charity and form part of the Year 6 service program.
Undeterred by the rain, I look forward to joining families at Lang Park on Saturday evening for the P&F Rugby night out. Go the Reds!
Coming Up Week 10
Important Dates in May
Office Hours During April School Holidays
Please note that the College Reception will close at 3.00pm on the last day of Term 1, Friday 4 April 2025. The main College Reception will be open over the school holiday period from 8.00am – 4.00pm. Senior Reception is closed during the holidays.
Term 2 - First day of Formal Uniform and Formal Photo Day (12 May)
Formal Uniform - Monday 12 May, is the first day of the Formal Uniform where the College tie and suit coat are to be worn. This year is also the first year of compulsory long pants for our Senior Students (Years 10-12).
Formal Photo Day is being held on Wednesday 21 May. Further details have been shared on the app.
10 School Immunisation Program
Ozcare vaccination team will be at the college on Wednesday 2 April. Students with prior consent will receive 1 dose of Meningococcal ACWY and Meningococcal B Vaccines. Further details have been shared on the app.
Lost Property
We have a large amount of lost property located at the Main College Reception. Please ask your child/ children to check for any missing items by Friday 4 April 2025, 3.00pm.
Year 4 End of Term Update
Week 10 Reminders | Friday- Year 6 Charity Fayre (remember to bring silver and gold coins for stalls). Normal finish time – 3pm
Further details have been shared on the app from Paul Degenkamp including important dates for Term 2.
Follow the link below to read this week's message from the Principal:
Geography Excursions Coming Up
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Year 7 Design
Year 7’s enjoyed their time creating a design for a bag tag. Sketching, creating on a computer aided design package and finally laser cutting the finished item. This is the ultimate remedy to thin out the lost property counter! Great way to engage these young designers in the classroom, nice work!
Year 10 Hospitality
Year 10 students made French crepes last term. They concentrated on presentation in the form of folding as well as taste. With a few options to flavour their crepes - jam, lemon, cinnamon or Nutella, they were pleased with results. Yum!!
Year 9
Elevate Education are external providers that help engage young people in study skills and finished with our Year 9 workshops on Friday. From helping students to take ownership of their time and responsibilities, note taking and improving memory recall for exams, Elevate shares great tips and skills with our students. Our Year 7's right through to Year 11's have had the opportunity to engage in these workshops and we are confident they have all been able to come away with new skills to help them with their study. We hope parents who accessed their virtual workshops also found them useful.
Year 12 Claddagh Retreat
We are pleased to advise that we have secured venues for the rescheduled Year 12 Claddagh Retreat. The new dates for Retreat are Wednesday 4 June to Friday 6 June. Further details have been shared on the app.
Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs, shares news on how ATC students are making an impact in the community by giving back. During Lent what are you doing to support those in need?
Go to the below link to read ATConnect | Service Blog.
Since 1987, our Senior Friendship Group: Rosies outreach program, has been building connections and community! This week, our students joined in by prepping the vans behind the scenes before heading out to share warm conversations, snacks, and hot drinks with those in need. More than just a service, it’s about linking people together and spreading kindness.
Community Garden - All Years Service Initiative – Growing Together!
Now in its second year, our ATC community garden project at Toowong is thriving, bringing students, staff, and families together to make a meaningful impact on both the environment and the local community. Whether you're eager to learn about food production, sharpen your gardening skills, or simply enjoy the outdoors with friends, there’s something for everyone! Keep an eye out for our next gardening day—we’d love for you to dig in with us!
Wind Ensemble
This morning our Wind Ensemble rehearsed for the final time this term prior to the Autumn Music Evening which is next Thursday evening. They can’t wait to share their term’s work with you. We look forward to having a fantastic audience on the evening, pre-concert starts from 5.30pm with our Jazz Ensemble – come and grab a sausage in bread and something to drink. The formal part of the evening commences in NJ Hall at 6.30pm.
The Term 2 Clubs program registrations have now closed. Please keep an eye on the App for any notices extending clubs which still have spots available in them. Term 2 Clubs will begin in Week 2 for registered students, unless otherwise stated on the Term 2 Clubs timetable, which can be found on the app under the Clubs tag. We ask students to please arrive on time for their relevant club session.
Gardening Club
Rainy days haven’t stopped our green thumbs this term! We've been propagating succulents and edible greens, harvesting tasty tomatoes and plump pumpkins, and found lots of cute/creepy critters along the way. In preparation for next season, we’ve planted seedlings and improved soil with nutrient-rich compost, manure, and more wiggly worms. Hands-on, muddy, and full of discovery—outdoor learning doesn’t get better than this!
As the term comes to an end, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all students, coaches, and parents for their dedication and support throughout the season. Your hard work, commitment, and enthusiasm have been instrumental in making this term’s sports program a success, with many great performances and memorable moments across all teams. We are incredibly proud of the effort and sportsmanship displayed by our athletes, and we appreciate the guidance and encouragement provided by our coaches and families. Looking ahead, we are excited for Term 2 sports, with team lists set to be released shortly. We encourage all students to stay engaged, continue training, and get ready for another exciting season of competition and growth.
AIC Swimming
ATC secured a commendable sixth-place finish at the AIC Swimming Championship, showcasing strong performances and determination across various events. The team’s efforts reflected their dedication and resilience, competing fiercely against top schools. With standout individual and relay performances, the swimmers demonstrated their commitment to continuous improvement and teamwork. This result highlights the school’s growing presence in AIC swimming and sets a strong foundation for future success in the sport.
In what was a great last round of the 2025 Volleyball season, our ATC Volleyballers took on Redeemer Lutheran College and Gregory Terrace. In what were competitive games all round, our boys showed true ATC spirit competing right to the end of each point and each set. Our 1st VI put in a scintillating effort in front of a packed cage against a very strong Gregory Terrace outfit. We are extremely proud of our ATC volleyballers and want to thank the wider community for your support throughout the Term 1 season.
Best of luck to our 3rd VI who are competing for the Senior 2 GBC Championship tomorrow at Sheldon.
ATC Cricket Round 6: 4068 vs 4068 | ATC vs SPLC.
As our Irish Warriors crossed the 'Indro' train line, it was time for business! It was a great day, as we well & truly took out the Battle of Indro! There were so many highlights led by the 8A’s thumping win over Peters, as they chased down 165 in just 16 overs, led by Ben Williams-Peters remarkable 103 off 53! Incredible stuff! Other highlights included the 5A’s, 6A’s & 5/6B’s sweeping the primary games! This helped set up the 6A's for a clash of the undefeated, ATC vs Iona, the two best teams of the AIC! Speaking of undefeated, the First XI continued their winning ways as they bowled St Peters out for just 36 before chasing it down in just 5 overs! Not to mention the mighty 7/8C’s securing their first win of the season, on a day that was all ATC.
Request for Support – Dash for Crash Sunday 25 May
As ATC celebrates its 10th Anniversary Year, we plan events and activities that reflect our values and vision. These events are designed to bring us together, to celebrate our shared history, and to look forward to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. We encourage you to participate, to share your stories, and contribute to the vibrant tapestry that makes Ambrose Treacy College unique.
The 5th Dash for Crash event, supporting the Ambrose Treacy College Foundation, honours the memory of Damien McMenimen. Damien valued his Edmund Rice education and enrolled his sons at ATC. We organise this event to enhance educational opportunities at Ambrose Treacy College, with the goal of expanding this community initiative to benefit everyone involved. By fostering a spirit of collaboration and support, we aim to create a lasting impact that enriches the lives of our students, families, and the broader community.
We hold this event to support the provision of education opportunities at ATC and aim to grow this community event for the benefit of all. The McMenimen family have contributed much of the human power behind the event, and it is now time for the ATC Community to join the effort. We kindly seek your help with the various preparation tasks and ask you to contact Marie McMenimen or Lou Evans at the College. We seek support with sponsorship, donations, and preparatory tasks.
Indooroopilly Bikeway Project - Survey on Active Travel
Brisbane City Council is investigating the next stages of the potential future Indooroopilly Bikeway, between the Western Freeway Bikeway and UQ. They are currently inviting community feedback on active travel experiences via an online survey that closes on Sunday 30 March. For more visit the dedicated project page on Council’s website. Council is eager to hear from the Ambrose Treacy College community and would families participating in the feedback survey.
2025 Meeting Dates
Please join the P&F Executive at the next meeting on Tuesday 1 April in the Waterford Lecture Theatre, Senior School precinct at 6.30pm. Meet the Principal and Deputy Principal and hear the latest updates on College event. (See the College Map - 17. Waterford)
Can you also join us on the dates below? We look forward to meeting you!
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
Tuesday 29 April at 6.30pm and Tuesday 27 May, Tuesday 22 July, Tuesday 2 September P&F AGM 6.30pm, Tuesday 14 October and Tuesday 25 November for the P&F 2026 Planning Meeting 6.30pm
For any queries, please email the P&F Secretary
P&F Events
Rugby Night Out - Saturday 29 March
A message has been emailed to ticket holders for tomorrow's P&F Rugby Night Out.
If you have any queries please contact:
Ticket Holders please note:
Arrival Time at Suncorp Stadium: Between 5.30pm -6.00pm (Gates open 5.30pm)
Game Commencement – kick-off 6.30pm. GO THE REDS!
ATC P&F Spring Lunch - Friday 24 October
Come and celebrate with friends and meet new ones at the ATC P&F Spring Lunch on Friday 24 October at Victoria Park from 11.30am. Ticket sales release will be advertised through the ATC App in Semester Two. Raffle tickets will be for sale to win great prizes! Should you have any enquiries please contact the event organisers, Sasha Tucker and Melissa Kuflik
New Second Hand Uniform Shop
Attention - ALL YEAR LEVELS - Donations wanted for the new P&F Second hand uniform shop. Please deliver your second hand uniforms to College Main reception between 7.30am - 3pm Monday to Friday. Please ensure your donations are clean and in good condition. The more donations we have the more we can help our ATC families and have a successful sale event.
Please contact either Sasha ( or Melissa ( if you have any questions in regards to donations or the purchase of second hand uniforms.
As a tribute to the wonderful mother figures in our lives, the College is pleased to invite mums and female caregivers to a special event by the river on Wednesday 21 May from 5pm to 7pm. Tickets will be released on Parent Lounge in April and an App notice will be sent. Be quick to secure your tickets for an evening under the stars. Mothers, female caregivers and grandmothers are most welcome.
ATC Campus Tours
Discover why your son should start his ATC journey in Year 4! Register for our next Campus Tour on Thursday 29 May at 4pm and chat to our staff and students. We look forward to proudly showing you our school.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and holy Easter break and look forward to Term 2, which commences at 8.30 am on Tuesday, April 22.
God bless.
Mr Jason Sepetauc
Deputy Principal