Coming Up Week 2

Parent, Student, Teacher Feedback meetings – Monday 17 July

The partnership with families is a key indicator for improvement for students. I hope you have been able to take the opportunity on Monday to have meetings with the teachers to discuss the feedback from work completed in semester one. Positive feedback, reflection and setting goals are proven strategies that assist with improving results. We strongly encourage your child to be present at these discussions. These meetings will be held via Microsoft Teams and will operate in 7-minute intervals. You can view your bookings in Parent Lounge. If you are unable to join the meeting, please contact College Reception on 3878 0500 or email so that the relevant staff member can be informed. It is a pupil free day to enable the feedback meetings to occur, hence there are no classes on this day.

2024 Subject Selection

Last night Year 7 and 8 families gathered to receive information regarding subject selections for 2024. The information and videos are available online and selections opened this morning, and selections need to be submitted by Friday 28 July. The process involves a Career Expo and Subject Selection evening next Tuesday 18 July, for all current year 9 and 10 families. I encourage a lot of discussions at home, and at school, to ensure good selections are made for each individual student. This data will then be processed to generate lines for subjects for 2024, number and sizes of classes, and to ascertain staffing needs across the College for next year. Students and parents can access handbooks and view video presentations on subjects relevant to the different year levels through the Student Cafe. In the Student Café the Subject Selection site is found by navigating to School Links > General Links.  Under General Links select subject selection and choose the relevant year level for your student.  A visual outline of the process is available on the ATC App.

Year 11 Leadership Retreat

Our Year 11 students returned today from their three-day Leadership Retreat. The new ATAR schedule requires Year 12 students to be heavily involved with Mock and External Exams from the end of week 8 this term. This will require the current year 11s to step up and lead the College. Their leadership retreat focused on them all being leaders and of the benefits when everyone buys in. The process also involved a step in selecting the young people, who will carry an official role and these College leaders will be announced shortly.

College Uniforms

We are aware of some concerns regarding School Locker and the supply and quality of the ATC uniform items. Many of the issues are associated with supply challenges most providers are experiencing. Unfortunately, space restrictions and staffing issues mean we cannot have a uniform shop on site, so we need to continue to work with School Locker to provide the best service. If you have any feedback, please refer them to the College Business Manager, Mr Peter Nugent, who will the liaise with School Locker. The P&F have discussed the concept of having a Pop-up Uniform sale one afternoon later this term, with items donated to the P&F who will coordinate the sale and collection of proceeds.

Please read on for important dates and other relevant information.


Monday 17 July | Pupil Free Day (Parent, Student, Teacher Feedback meetings)

Monday 17 July | Year 10 Japanese restaurant excursion

Tuesday 18 July | College Leadership Assembly

Tuesday 18 July | SRC Leaders Afternoon

Tuesday 18 July | Year 11 Construction excursion

Tuesday 18 July | Careers Expo

Tuesday 18 July | Year 10 & 11 Subject Selection Information evening

Wednesday 19 July | Year 9 Geography excursion

Thursday 20 July | Year 9 Japanese excursion

Friday 21 July | Senior School Lip Sync Battle practice – Cohort Assembly


Year 5 and 6 Let’s Chat Program

As part of our Formation program for 223, students in Years 5 and 6 will explore the topic Sexual Self in Term 3. Please refer to the College App for more information about these programs.


Personal Safety and Security

The College accepts that parents and/or caregivers provide their child/ren with Mobile Devices to protect them from everyday personal security and safety risks; including travelling alone on public transport or commuting long distances to school. It is acknowledged that providing children with a Mobile Devices gives parents and/or caregivers reassurance that they can contact their child if they need to speak to them urgently. However, the College accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged Mobiles Devices at school, including travel to and from school.   

  • Any student bringing a Mobile Device to school is totally responsible for the care and security of the Mobile Device. 
  • In the case of an emergency, the College requires parents to contact College Reception and Senior School Reception rather than students directly. Students are not to answer texts or calls during class time. This includes the use of smart watches.
  • It is strongly advised that students use passwords/pin numbers to ensure that unauthorised phone calls cannot be made on their Mobile Devices (eg, by other students, if stolen). Students must keep their password/PIN’s confidential. Mobile Device and/or passwords should not be shared. 


Munster House Mass

A significant focus for Ambrose Treacy College is to consolidate the vertical house system and the spirit and identity of each house. One means to do this is by gathering as a community to acknowledge the students of Munster House as a community within the College. An important expression of our rich tradition as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition is the celebration of Mass as an avenue to bring the community together, listen to scripture, give thanks and be united in Holy Communion as the heart of Catholic faith and life.

The Munster House Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 25 July in the Chapel of St Joseph at 8:30am. This will be a student only event. Students are expected to wear their full formal uniform, including suitcoat and tie, and meet their homeroom teacher in the Chapel at 8:25am to mark the roll prior to the commencement of Mass.


NAIDOC Week was acknowledged and celebrated at the College this week with Mass for all students and staff. This year the theme ‘For Our elders’ highlights that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders hold the stories that make up the oldest living culture in the world! Our celebration of Mass encouraged us all to ensure our young people are learning from our Elders' knowledge and perspectives, and that these continue to be passed down through generations for millennia to come.


This winter, sleep out in the name of Service. ATC students are encouraged to take part in this solo Service initiative that promotes the great work that Rosie’s do in the city of Brisbane. “Rosie’s reaches out to those most in need, people who are homeless or at risk, lonely, and socially isolated within our communities.” In solidarity with the patrons of Rosie’s, students are tasked with sleeping rough for a night, experiencing the harshness of a sleep without the comfort of a warm bed. In addition, students are encouraged to make this a solo challenge, as a way of experiencing the loneliness that many of Brisbane’s homeless community feel.

What is sleeping rough?

  • No mattress (use your garage floor/backyard/pergola/deck as your bed for the night)
  • Minimal Bedding ie Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Cold dinner

The Sleepout for Outreach will provide students with a moment to reflect on their own experiences with that of a person who sleeps rough every evening. It is through this lived experience where students will develop compassion and empathy for those living on the margins. This act of solidarity may well be the catalyst for offering support and assistance to those in need now and into the future.

To complete this service challenge, students are asked to bring a donation of 2-minute noodles to the Faith and Mission office, log 5 service hours and a picture of their experience with their homeroom teacher and It is hoped that along with creating awareness of those most vulnerable, we can also bolster the Rosies pantry, supporting their outreach program providing connection to those on the streets. Please contact Mr Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs if you have any questions.


The Bakehouse and Paddy's Place are once again open for the term and the team have been looking forward to welcoming back students. The tuckshop team, including our three cooks, Graeme, Terry and Tommy, have put together a delicious term 3 menu (available on the App). The daily specials are warm, hearty and healthy and alternate between week A and B, giving students plenty of variety. Some old favourites are making a comeback, such as the tandoori chicken and spicy potato wrap. The fridges will also be stocked with a wide range of sandwiches, wraps, salads, sushi and fruit. The Bakehouse is open from 7.30am each day serving hot breakfast options, so if your son has clubs, music or sport before school, he can refuel before starting classes for the day. A reminder that the tuckshops work on a "no card no service" policy. Please ensure your son has their ID card (with sufficient credit on their ATC shop account) or a credit/debit card if he will be purchasing from the tuckshop. Instructions about how to set up an ATC shop account can be found on the App.


Track and Field training has started and will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in preparation for the GBC and AIC Championships. It is not too late to register - please come into the Sport Office or email us at to do so. Please be advised that Track and Field training will be split across two venues. Years 4 to 6 will be on site at Jack Bowers Oval from 3.15-4.30pm, whilst Years 7 to 12 will be at Jack Cook Park at Toowong from 3.30-5pm. Buses will transport the Year 7 to 12 students to Jack Cook Park; however, a reminder that families will have to collect their child from Jack Cook Park after the conclusion of training. We look forward to a great season ahead.

Warrior of the Week

As we gear up for a big term of Sport, it is important to get settled back into a routine with our training and preparation for games. ATC Sport will continue to nominate students for Warrior of the Week, this award acknowledges students who demonstrate the following qualities in all aspects of training and competition:

- Courage, grit, spirit, and passion

- Commitment to teammates and the College

- A high level of improvement and application demonstrated throughout the season.

We look forward to acknowledging more students in Term 3. Let us all strive to be warriors of the week like Year 5 student Liam!


Our popular Clubs program gets underway for Term Three from next week, with our Golfers beginning first off, getting underway on Sunday morning. Please make sure that your child arrives promptly to their respective club to ensure the sessions can get underway on time.  Please check the Term Three Clubs timetable on the App under the Clubs tag, for the room/venue, time and duration for the term. Remember to please commit or communicate to each of your child’s clubs.


QCMF (Queensland Catholic Schools’ and Colleges’ Music Festival) is the premier event on Queensland’s Catholic School annual music and arts calendar, coordinated by Villanova College. We are delighted to again be involved in this outstanding music event, with 21 of ATC’s Bands, Ensembles and Choirs participating in 2023.

Thursday 17 August

Friday 18 August

Saturday 19 August

Sunday 20 August

Junior Guitars

Guitar Ensemble

ATC Guitars

Junior Band

Junior Choir

Concert Band

ATC Taiko Drummers

Clarinet Ensemble A

Clarinet Ensemble B

Percussion Ensemble A

Percussion Ensemble B

Percussion Ensemble C

Jazz Ensemble Blue

Jazz Ensemble Green

Big Band

Hot Brass Squad

ATC Jazz Orchestra Wind Ensemble

ATC Gents

ATC Senior Singers

ATC Symphonic Winds

Details of specific performance times and venues will be distributed this week with updates and reminders leading up to the event released via the College App. Attendance at rehearsals in the lead-up to this event are paramount so please ensure students arrive on time and ready, and absences are communicated to Ensemble Directors or


The ATC Long Lunch returns this September. We invite you to join us for an amazing afternoon of music, fun and friendship in support of the Ambrose Treacy College Foundation. Tickets go on sale at 9:00am on Monday 17 July via TryBooking so get your table of 10 ready! For those in our community who have purchased tickets to previous Long Lunch events, look out for an email in your inbox! You have priority access to early ticket release this weekend. Come along and enjoy live entertainment, drinks at the Long Lunch Bar and catching up with old friends. You can BYO food or order from Rosalie Gourmet Market for delivery to the event on the day, easy! We look forward to a wonderful community occasion and advise that this is an 18+ only event.

Sponsorship Opportunities – Do you have a business or have contacts that can help support this event by way of donation or sponsorship? We seek your involvement to make this event a success and ask that you register your interest to assist via this form.

Look out for the ticket link published this Sunday evening on the College App. Should you have any questions, please contact Helen Hicks, Administration Officer, Ambrose Treacy College Foundation.


Meeting Dates 

All are invited to join the P&F President, Mr Ben Prain, and the Principal at our meetings on Tuesday evenings once each month. We meet in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm. Our upcoming meetings are on Tuesday 8 August, 5 September, 10 October and 21 November. For any queries, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine 

P&F Trivia Night

THANK YOU to the following local & family-owned businesses which have donated RAFFLE PRIZES for the Trivia Night so far. More prizes coming soon. Raffle tickets available on Parent Lounge & also for sale on the night. Don't miss out!

  • Shopping: Boutique Meats (Kenmore), Bunnings (Indooroopilly), iFruit Fresh (Kenmore), Kenmore Plaza Seafood - Fresh & Cooked, My Green Stuff (Graceville), Presents of Mind (Indooroopilly), VetShop Australia
  • Beauty: Cru Hair (Chapel Hill), Monsoon Hair Design (Chapel Hill)
  • Services: KPR Automotive, 17 Mile Rocks
  • Food & Drinks: Ananas Espresso (Graceville), Domino’s Pizza (Chapel Hill), Wests Bar & Bistro (Toowong)
  • Entertainment: Event Cinemas (Indooroopilly)
  • Fitness & Health: Fig Tree Yoga (Fig Tree Pocket), Jetts (Kenmore), Movement Vitality Yoga & Mobility (Indooroopilly)

Please support the businesses which support the College.


  • When: Saturday, 29 July 2023, 5.30pm - 10pm
  • Who: just 2 or 3 more people (who are NOT already on a Trivia Table).
  • What's the job: sell raffle tickets, mark answer sheets, take photos & lend a hand.
  • Special skills: 1 x PHOTOGRAPHER (must have own camera)

Please contact the Event Coordinator (Suzanne) if you can help via It's a fun night!

Mr David Gardiner 

Deputy Principal