Coming Up Week 2

At Tuesday’s College Assembly, we celebrated the commissioning of our elected 2024 student leaders. The new ATAR system effectively sees the end of Year 12 classes next week, as they then enter their external exam period to conclude their ATC schooling journey. The Year 11s now step into the role of leaders of the College, and we congratulate our new leaders and look forward to their impact on their younger peers, and the legacy left by the Seniors who have gone before them.

AIC Track & Field Championships

Around 100 athletes have represented ATC at the AIC Track and Field Championships over the past two days. We congratulate them on their sportsmanship and achievements, and thank our Year 10s and 11s for their spirited support from the grandstand. Congratulations to Year 6 student Ben Schinard who set an AIC record of 2:19:16 in the 800 metres.

Jazz by the River

Our biggest community event of the year – Jazz by the River – is on next Saturday 14 October. Join over 2000 music lovers in Warril Place by the river to be entertained by our very talented Jazz bands. This event is open to all families and friends in our community and if you haven’t already, I encourage you to go online and book your tickets now VIP tables are available for groups so grab the family and enjoy a premium listening and viewing experience. There is a delicious menu available on the night including a selection of burgers, pizzas, and hot chips, but for the ultimate convenience, pre-order a delicious Cheese Box or Sweet Box, prepared by our own Hospitality Students! And finally, grab your raffle tickets to win a reserved table for 6 adults, large cheese box, bucket of beers (6), bottle of wine and 6 x gourmet burgers. Tickets are only $5 each and available now through your Parent Lounge Account. Please CLICK HERE to secure your tickets to assist us with our planning. THIS IS A LICENSED EVENT – STRICTLY NO BYO ALCOHOL. If you are available to help on the night please CLICK HERE to sign up for half an hour.

Our Generous Sponsors

Thank you to these businesses who have supported the ATC 2023 Arts Week celebrations through the donation of prizes and supplies.

Please read on for more information and upcoming events.


Monday 9 October to Friday 13 October | Arts Week

Monday 9 October | Year 9 Drama Arts Week incursion

Monday 9 October | Choral Concert

Tuesday 10 October | Year 9 (Bodkin, Lynch, Nolan) Courage to Care presentation

Tuesday 10 October | P&F Meeting

Wednesday 11 October | Year 9 (Campbell, Wynne, Treacy) Courage to Care presentation

Wednesday 11 October | Year 10 Music incursion with Topology

Wednesday 11 October | Year 10 Drama incursion

Wednesday 11 October | ARTery Opening

Thursday 12 October | Year 5 Big Bang Science incursion

Thursday 12 October | Year 8 Drama workshop

Friday 13 October | Pink Day

Friday 13 October | Year 11 Biology excursion to Nudgee Beach

Friday 13 October | P&F Ladies Spring Lunch

Saturday 14 October | Jazz by the River


Next week, the 2023 ARTery exhibition opens in NJ Hall and includes artwork created throughout the year by Visual Art students from Years 4-12. The exhibition will be open to students during lunchtimes Monday 9 to Friday 13 October. Parents and friends are invited to visit the exhibition's ARTfest event on Wednesday 11 October from 2pm-7pm and at 6pm Mr Ryan presents the Principal’s art awards. Please join us on Wednesday for art, food, drinks and and live music entertainment. No RSVP necessary.

Drama Production - Actors Studio Lord of the Flies

ATC Actor’s Studio invites you to our 2023 production of Lord of the Flies on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 October at 6:30pm in Nudgee Junior Hall. Drinks can be purchased at the bar and complementary canapes will be served. Please register your FREE attendance via Parent Lounge to assist with our planning. This production runs for two nights only!


We warmly welcome our Year 12 students to their final term of schooling. This is an exciting and important part of their school journey that will require a strong focus on preparation and performance in their external examination period before enjoying the rituals and traditions of graduating high school. Information will be sent to all Year 12 students and parents via email and the College app regarding important events, information on study, and the QCAA external assessments exam timetable. We wish our Year 12 cohort all the very best in the coming weeks.

Year 12 Important Information and Dates External Assessment

An important letter from our Dean of Learning, Lara Morgan, with information regarding important dates and exam protocol for the 2023 Year 12 External Exams including timetables, directions, equipment lists is on the ATC App.

Year 9 RE Incursion

On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 October, Year 9 students will take part in an incursion with Courage to Care as part of their broader studies in Religious Education. Courage to Care is an organisation who endeavour to create awareness of the dangers of prejudice and discrimination through education and demonstration that the actions of individuals can have a big impact. Further information can be found on their website below. The program is always an engaging and exciting opportunity for students, and we are very pleased to be able to facilitate this for students once again in 2023. The program across the day will be a combination of presentation, group discussion and small group workshops. With larger numbers in the cohort and to best support student involvement, Year 9 will attend in homeroom groups. The program will take place within the normal school day with the usual breaks however students may have a slight disruption to their regular timetabled classes. The impact on other subjects has been minimised as much as possible. Students are asked to wear their formal uniforms please. Resources will be provided for students in their workshops, and they are asked to bring their pencil case and an exercise book. If you have any queries please email Alicia Madigan. Visit the Courage to Care website HERE.

Laptop Audit Year 4 - 11

At the end of Term 4 students in Years 4-11 are required to return their laptops for the annual audit and maintenance of the machines. During the next few weeks, an audit will be completed during homeroom to identify parts that need to be ordered to complete repairs at the end of Term 4. Damage of IT equipment (intentional or accidental) will incur a repair bill for the family. Devices are covered by Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) insurance for a limited number of parts per claim with an excess of $70. Once the claim limit has been exceeded, an additional repair cost will be incurred. Please refer to the ATC Acceptable Technology Use Policy on Parent Lounge and Student Café under Links for further details. Parents will be notified if a student’s laptop is identified during the initial audit as requiring a repair at the end of the year. Year 11 - Laptops requiring repair will need to be returned once a student has completed their final exam. Once repaired, laptops will be ready for collection in December. Year 4 - 10 - Laptops will be returned to all students in Week 1, 2024.

Biology Excursion

As part of the Unit 3 Ecology assessment, Year 11 Biology students will be participating in an excursion to Nudgee Beach on Friday 13 October 2023. This excursion is essential for students to attend as it directly relates to their first Internal Assessment task (IA2 student experiment) for Senior Biology. Students will be collecting their experimental data on that day. This will then be analysed and interpreted back in the classroom. Please note this is the first of two excursions’ students need to attend for IA2. Further information to come on the second excursion (UQ) at the start of Term 4. Students will need to be at the Central Pickup Area at 8am for an 8.20am departure to Nudgee Beach Environmental Education Centre where we will meet the Education Officers.

Senior Drama Excursion

On Thursday 19 October, at 6:15pm the Senior Drama students will attend an excursion at Playhouse, QPAC, South Brisbane to see Frankenstein by Shake & Stir Theatre Company as part of our Drama curriculum.  The aim of the learning activity is to provide students with the experience of viewing live theatre, which helps them understand the practical application of Drama and theatre and build their analytical and evaluative skills.   Students are to arrange private transportation to and from the venue. Students are to arrive at the meeting point, The Wheel of Brisbane, South Brisbane at 6:15pm.   Students are to be collected by parents from The Wheel of Brisbane, South Brisbane promptly at 9:00pm.  Students may bring money for food provided at the venue if they wish to purchase a drink or snacks before the show or during the interval.  Dress Code: Students are encouraged to dress in Smart Casual attire. Closed in shoes and long pants are required, and any text or design on clothing is to be reflective of the school’s culture and standards.

Year 4 Dance Routine & HPE Lesson

A significant annual College event, ‘Celebration of Excellence’, is being held on Tuesday 14 November at Riverlife from 5.30pm. This event not only recognises outstanding excellence in learning, leadership, service and co-curricular activities, but also provides a platform to showcase our students’ talents. In 2023, the Year 4 cohort have been invited to perform a choreographed dance routine which will be taught by Mr Lachlan Bretherton-Scobie from Premier Dance Academy and overseen by Mr Grant Carlson, Junior School HPE teacher. Each Wednesday for six weeks, students will learn their moves as part of the Physical Education Curriculum. It will be an exciting night for all Year 4 students as they perform on stage in front of a large audience and it is expected that all Year 4 students attend for the entire evening. As the event draws closer, more details will be released on the ATC App regarding costumes, times and meeting places. I ask all Year 4 families to save Tuesday 14 November to their calendars. It promises to be a spectacular evening!

Year 12 Textbook returns in Term 4

A reminder that following the completion of Year 12 exams, we ask that you please check your Parent Lounge account to ensure your student has no outstanding textbooks from 2023.  Please return all textbooks by Friday 17 November, 2023.  All 2023 textbooks still outstanding by COB 17/9/23 will incur a replacement cost. If students are attending school for the Year 12 graduation assembly and farewell on Thursday 16th November, this is a good day to drop all textbooks back. We wish you all the very best at this exciting time in your child’s schooling journey!


Year 6 Significant Dates in Term 4

2023 has been another exciting year for the Ambrose Treacy community and especially for our Year 6 students. As we mark the end of this year, it is important to recognize the transition that your child is about to make as they approach the conclusion of their Junior School journey and head into Middle School. Outlined below are some key dates and events to mark in your calendars for Term 4. To assist students with the transition to Year 7, the College has developed a program with three components:

  1. Year 6 Transition Retreat held at school Wednesday 22 November
  2. End of Year 6 Celebration Mass Thursday 23 November 23 at 5pm
  3. Rite of Passage Tunnel Friday 24 November 24 approx. 9:30am -Time To Be Confirmed

Year 6 2024 Canberra trip

The 2024 Canberra trip for all Year 6 students plays an important part in the Year 6 curriculum, perfectly complementing student studies of Democracy, Leadership and Government. Students will engage in several interesting activities that provide them with a ‘hands on’ understanding of the Australian electoral system and function of the Federal Government. Through participation in the tour we will provide the boys with new experiences, encourage increased responsibility, develop leadership skills as leaders of the Junior School and provide a significant experience as a Year 6 Cohort. To accommodate the size of our cohort, we will break into two tour groups on the designated camp week across the College. Group A will take place from Monday 26 February -Thursday 29 February and Group B will take place Tuesday 27 February - Friday 1 March. Full details are on the ATC App. Should you require any further information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Michael Stewart, Head of Formation and Administration -Junior School.


Go Pink Day

Each year the young men of ATC show their support for the important work of the National Breast Cancer Foundation and next week the College will turn vibrant shades of pink in support of this cause. Students will hear from an ATC Staff member about their experience with Breast Cancer at assembly on Tuesday, and we will hold our Go Pink Day on Friday 13 October. On Friday boys are encouraged to wear pink, bring a Gold Coin donation to homeroom and ‘Become A Zero Hero’ – Stop Deaths from Breast Cancer. We encourage breast cancer awareness on this day to highlight that a significant number of Australians that are diagnosed every day with this disease. Please support this important initiative by increasing awareness of the impact Breast Cancer has on our community.


Cure Brain Cancer Foundation Walk

As a major Junior School Service initiative, we once again invite students, families and friends of the Ambrose Treacy College Junior School to join Cure Brain Cancer Foundation for an inspirational 5km morning walk through 7th Brigade Park, Chermside on Sunday 22 October from 9am. Students and families are asked to register by CLICKING HERE. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure registration with our team. As part of this service initiative, boys that register will also gain 3 Service hours in Term 4. Parents are asked to email their homeroom teacher so that students are recognised with these hours. Students are asked to wear their ATC Sports uniform for the walk. After you complete the walk, you can enjoy the entertainment and food stalls that will be set up in the park. Full details from Mr Stewart are on the ATC App.

This week sees the culmination of the Track and Field season with our team competing the AIC Athletics Championships at QSAC on Thursday and Friday. Congratulations to the 90 students from Years 5 to 12 who will be proudly representing ATC. Congratulation to Jock Noonan and Dylan Goh who are our Track and Field Captains for 2023. Be the change!

Our Touch Football players from Year 7-12 are competing in the All-Schools Touch Football Championships on the Gold Coast from October 4-8 this week. We wish good luck to all of our teams.

Term 4 sport training has commenced for CBSQ Junior basketball, swimming and volleyball. Training commences in week 2 and 3 for AFL and Cricket. House Touch is also scheduled to commence at the end of week 3. Keep an eye on the ATC App for all sport news and schedules.


Term 4 Clubs resume from Week 2. Please check the Term 4 Clubs timetable by subscribing to the individual Clubs tags on the ATC App and see details for the following clubs –

Actors Studio, Canoe Polo, Dungeons and Dragons, Environmental, Gardening, Golf, Hip Hop, Homework Club, Robotics, Mountain Biking. Please note - we are unable to register new students into this term’s clubs. We apologise if this causes disappointment but look forward to welcoming students to the Clubs Program in 2024.


Choral Concert Monday 6.30pm

Our ATC Choral Concert highlights the fantastic work of our Junior and Senior choristers this year. There has been so much great singing to be proud of in 2023 so please come along and join us on Monday 9 October, 6.30pm in the Chapel of St Joseph.

Jazz by the River

Our biggest community event of the year – Jazz by the River – is on next Saturday 14 October. Join over 2000 music lovers in Warril Place by the river to be entertained by our very talented Jazz bands. This event is open to all families and friends in our community and if you haven’t already, I encourage you to go online and book your tickets now VIP tables are available for groups so grab the family and enjoy a premium listening and viewing experience. There is a delicious menu available on the night including a selection of burgers, pizzas, and hot chips, but for the ultimate convenience, pre-order a delicious Cheese Box or Sweet Box, prepared by our own Hospitality Students!

And finally, grab your raffle tickets to win a reserved table for 6 adults, large cheese box, bucket of beers (6), bottle of wine and 6 x gourmet burgers. Tickets are only $5 each and available now through your Parent Lounge Account. Please CLICK HERE to secure your tickets this weekend to assist us with our planning. THIS IS A LICENSED EVENT – STRICTLY NO BYO ALCOHOL. If you are available to help on the night please CLICK HERE to sign up for half an hour.


P & F Spring Lunch

The annual Spring event is on Friday 13 October from 11.30am to 2.30pm at The Rose Room, Cloudland, Fortitude Valley. Ticket sales have now closed. Raffle tickets are on sale on the day, with the funds raised going to Breast Cancer Research. Raffle tickets are 1 for $5; 3 for $10; 8 for $20. Seats are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. N.B Seating will be by the Year Level of your son. Wear a splash of PINK as we combine fundraising power with the students' Pink Day.

Meeting Dates 

Please join the P&F President in Mt Sion Library on Tuesday 10 October 6.30pm and hear updates from the Principal and news regarding our community events at the College. New and current parents of ATC are invited to attend the P&F Planning Meeting on Tuesday 21 November where we discuss possible events for 2024 and set up planning groups and coordinators. If you are keen to get involved in our 6 major events for next year, come along and share your expertise and energy.

Parent Liaison

The P&F are also looking for a parent to lead the Year 4 2024 group as a Parent Liaison. If your child is starting in Year 4 next year, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine to express your interest in the role or to get more information.


Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS)

Applications for the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) opened on Sunday 1 October and will close on Tuesday 31 October 2023. The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland. If you want to know more about the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme and eligibility requirements, click on the link to view the short introductory video here: Applications for the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme will close on Tuesday 31 October. To find out more about eligibility requirements click here:

See you around the campus at our wonderful events for Arts Week!

Mr David Gardiner 

Deputy Principal