Coming Up Week 2

What a fulfilling first week as Deputy Principal of the College. I’ve met lots of smiling students who showed a sense of curiosity about who I am. Thankfully, I was able to address all students at our Opening Assembly to tell them a little about myself. I also discussed the expectation I have for them to express our College’s pillars of Leadership, Learning and Service in their deeds and actions.

It is important at this time of year to welcome new students into the community. I challenged boys to live up to the Senior’s motto of ‘Be the Change’ by taking the first steps to create a sense of belonging for new students and teachers. If students show up for each other, especially in these first few weeks, the ATC community will be enriched and grow stronger.

The Orientation Day for new students on Monday demonstrated the Senior cohort’s willingness to act as agents of change. Despite the heat they enthusiastically greeted new students from Years 4 and 7. The service they provided helped allay fears and reduce anxiety for our youngest and newest. I commend their efforts, thank you.

Year 4-7 students attended music demonstrations to see and hear our array of wonderful instruments. It is always an exciting time of year where the enthusiasm and joy of the students is evident. Families interested in enrolling students for Co-curricular Instrumental, Vocal or Drama & Communication lessons are invited to contact the Music Department.

Gala Day was a great event to cap things off. Whole school events like this are fun, they build relationships, create school spirit, and foster community. Thank you to the Formation Team and the PE and Sport Teams who helped organise a wonderful event. Congratulations to Ulster House on taking the win at the first House Challenge for 2024!

Bus timetables have been released and more detailed information can be found below in my blog, and on the ATC App. I’m aware there are some changes from the previous year that may affect the pick up locations, and pick up times, and travel time for some students. The College will continue to work with bus providers to secure the best outcomes for the students.

ATC never sleeps. Over the break our Volleyball teams competed in the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup. Our Year 8, 9 and Year 11 2nd team secured bronze medals. Our Year 11 1st team won the Division 1 championship. Last week our Open cricket team were victorious in the AIC T20 cricket championship. Congratulations also go to Will Humphries (Year 9) who has been chosen in National Diving Talent Squad.

Students can get involved in sports this term such as Volleyball and Cricket and our Clubs registration opened on Wednesday night with an array of activities on offer. See below in the Clubs News for more information and go the the ATC App for details. Sign up your son via your Parent Lounge account, and make the most of the opportunities available.

Next week I look forward to attending the Junior, Middle, and Senior School Academic Assemblies. As a school, our primary purpose is to educate. Celebrating the achievements of students in the classroom is a significant event on the school calendar. I congratulate all students being awarded. It will also be exciting to connect to some of our newest past students who will return for the annual Scholars Assembly. We will recognise the fantastic academic achievements of the 2023 Seniors who received their results over the holidays. This powerful assembly provides students with a tangible example of what can be achieved with a consistent approach to learning.

I encourage Junior School parents and caregivers to attend the Information Night on Thursday 1 February. The College Leadership Team and key Junior School staff will address all Year 4 and new Year 5 parents and caregivers in NJ Hall at 5.30pm. Year 6 parents and caregivers are to meet in the Chapel at 5.30pm for a presentation by Mr Michael Stewart where the upcoming Canberra Trip will be an important agenda item. Returning Year 5 parents and caregivers are to gather at the rear of NJ Hall at 5.50pm as the presentation concludes but you are also more than welcome to attend the 5:30pm presentation if you wish. At 6:00pm individual classroom teachers will be introduced and parents and caregivers will then move to their son’s classroom to meet and talk to their son's homeroom teacher. The evening will conclude by approximately 6:30pm. We look forward to seeing Junior School parents and caregivers next week. Please CLICK HERE to view our Campus Map for room locations.


Monday 29 January | Year 4-7 Co-curricular Music suitability testing

Tuesday 30 January   | Middle School Academic Assembly  & Year 12, 2023 Scholars’ Assembly

Tuesday 30 January | P & F Meeting 6.30pm Mt Sion library

Wednesday 31 January | Junior School Academic Assembly

Thursday 1 February  | Junior School Parent Information Evening (5:30pm – 7:00pm) 

Friday 2 February | Senior School Academic Assembly

Saturday 3 February  | P & F Year 4 and Year 7 Welcome Picnic (3:00pm – 5:00pm)


Tuesday 6 February  | Opening Mass, Riverlife Baptist Church 

Tuesday 6 February  | Year 10 & 11 Parent Information Evening (5:30pm – 7:00pm) 

Wednesday 7 February | Middle School Parent Information Evening (5:30pm – 7:00pm) 

Thursday 8 February   | Junior Band Co-curricular Music Information evening 

Friday 9 February   | Junior School Interhouse Swimming Carnival 


Southern Cross Transit - Changes Effective Monday 29 January

The College has been in consultation with Southern Cross Transit in recent days and will remain in dialogue with the bus company. Updates to the bus schedules for the S60, S61, S62, S63, S64, S65, and S66 services will be effective from Monday 29 January 2024. New timetables are available via the Southern Cross Transit website link HERE. Some services will pick up students in the afternoon at Bus Stop 30 on the Jack Bowers Oval side of Kate Street. Please see below the pickup locations and discuss this with your child:

  • S60 service afternoon pick up is at Bus Stop 30 - Kate St (school side)
  • S61 service afternoon pick up is at Bus Stop 30. Kate St(Jack Bowers Oval side)
  • S62 service afternoon pick up is at Bus Stop 30. Kate St (Jack Bowers Oval side)
  • S63 service afternoon pick up is at Bus Stop 30 - (school side)
  • S64 service afternoon pick up is at Bus Stop 30. Kate St (Jack Bowers Oval side)
  • S65 service afternoon pick up is at Bus Stop 30 - Kate St (school side)
  • S66 service afternoon pick up is at Bus Stop 30. Kate St (Jack Bowers Oval side)


Chris Ryan welcomed students to the 2024 school year in his blog on Monday and shared messages of renewal and new beginnings. CLICK HERE to read his article.


Academic Assemblies

Next week's assemblies celebrate our academic achievements from Semester 2 2023. Middle School Academic Assembly will be held on Tuesday 30 January at 8.40am in NJ Hall. Junior School Academic Assembly will be held on Wednesday 31 January at 8.40am in NJ Hall and Senior School Academic Assembly will be held on Friday 2 February at 8.30am in NJ Hall.

A Message from Ms Liana Baillie, Dean of Learning

Year 12 Geography Excursion

As part of the study for Term 1 Geography – ‘Land Cover Transformations’, Year 12 students will be participating in an overnight excursion to the Numinbah Valley, to investigate the impact of the of weeds in Numinbah Valley in Week 4, Monday 12 February to Tuesday Morning 13 February. On the overnight program students spend the majority of their time in Numinbah Valley to collect data to support understanding of biodiversity, land cover and natural areas in the Valley – through investigating two sites – an old farm and a pristine forest. Students will investigate why the old farm area is a threat to the nearby Hinze Dam and Springbrook National Park; and some of the management issues in removing non-native species. THE FULL PROGRAM, packing requirements, and contacts can be viewed on the ATC App. If you have any queries regarding the day, please don’t hesitate to EMAIL Annie Connolly, Head of Humanities Years 7-12.

Year 6 Canberra Tour

As you would be aware, the countdown has commenced to the Year 6 Canberra tour. The tour is intended to enhance the curriculum and leadership program, building student understanding of the processes of governance as well as the challenges of leadership. We travel in two groups: Monday 26 February – Thursday 29 February (Nolan & Treacy) and Tuesday, 27 February – Friday 1 March (Bodkin & Lynch). To facilitate our planning for the trip, we are asking that you update your son’s medical information via Parent Lounge, including Medicare details, dietary requirements, and medication details (allergies, all 24-hour medication, dosage, etc) no later than today. An information session will be held prior to the Junior School parent information evening, Thursday, 1 February from 5.30pm in the Chapel. This will then be followed by the Year 6 Parent Information evening in homeroom classes. Should you have any further queries regarding the Canberra tour, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Michael Stewart.


Opening Mass

Year 12 Commissioning

As Ambrose Treacy College moves into the 2024 school year, we look forward to the Opening Mass and Year 12 Commissioning on Tuesday 6 February at 12:00pm at Riverlife, Seventeen Mile Rocks. Year 12 parents and caregivers are invited to attend the 2024 Commissioning Ceremony and Opening Mass to commemorate their son’s final year of schooling. The letter on the ATC App outlines all the important information for this day, and we encourage parents and caregivers of Year 12 students to be actively involved in this important ritual. Light afternoon tea will be served at the conclusion of the Commissioning, and we expect this to conclude by 2:30pm. Please contact the Faith and Mission Office should you require any further information. Students in Years 4 – 6 will not attend on this day but will participate in a Junior School Opening Mass on Friday 9 February at the College.


Gala Day

Under bright blue skies the team spirit and enthusiastic participation in all events was exceptional. Year 7-12 enjoyed pool games, huge inflatable obstacle course and fun activities as part of their Gala Day ending the week on a high! Thank you to our staff for organising this wonderful event to help students get to know one another and build House spirit. Boys showed up, represented and had no excuses.

Young Leaders Conference

College Captain, Declan Lever joined over 50 young people from 40 schools across Australia at the “Voice and Agency” themed Conference and the Formation blog this week shares the experience and what these remarkable young people explored together. CLICK HERE TO READ.


Welcome back all new and continuing students to another year of music-making at ATC! This week all new students in Year 7 and the Junior School attended Music Demonstrations by our talented music staff and given the opportunity to express their interest in learning an instrument. If you still require further information or students would like to try an instrument, please contact us or pop in to the Music Office.


ATC Co-curricular Music also offers Vocal, Guitar (year 5 onwards) and Drama & Communication lessons - if you have any questions or an interest in joining the program we would love to hear from you. CLICK HERE to contact us.


For all new students interested in joining a choir, rehearsals are open to all students with no audition required. Junior Choir (years 4-6) rehearse on Thursday mornings from 7am and ATC Senior Singers (years 7-12) rehearse on Thursday afternoon from 3.10pm to 4.10pm. Both sessions are in Music Classroom K104. We look forward to seeing you there! From Monday Week 2 all ensemble, band and choir rehearsals commence as well as all Instrumental, Vocal and Drama & Communication lessons. The Rehearsal Schedule is available now and Lesson Schedules will be available on the College App from next week to assist with your preparations. Teachers will also email new families directly with lesson timetables. Please subscribe to the relevant Culture ‘tags’ on the College App to ensure all timetable and relevant notices are received.


Swimming Age Championships

ATC will be holding a Swimming Age Championships to be conducted at the same time as the junior school swimming carnival on Friday 9 February. The purpose of this meet is to identify the outstanding swimmers in each year level and award an Age Champion to be presented at the annual Night of Excellence. We will only have space at the swimming carnival to run 3 heats for each year level in the age championship events (house points will be allocated) with all other students participating in the house points events. For this reason, we are only looking for nominations from those students who are actively involved in a swimming squad program aimed at competition during this term. If your son is an active swimmer and would like to compete in the swimming age championship events, then please nominate for this event CLICK HERE. We look forward to seeing everyone competing at the junior school swimming carnival and having our best swimmers showcased in the age championship events.

Opportunities for Sport

Registrations are now open for the UQ Junior Bullsharks come and try event on Wednesday 21 February from 5:00pm at Graceville Memorial Park.

Northern Eagles 13-16 Yrs Northern Eagles Football trials Wednesday 31 January at Centenary SHS Oval, 1 Moolanda St, Jindalee at 3:30-5:00pm. Students must wear their school football jersey or school sports uniform.

Squads and schedule for the AIC Volleyball Trial match round this Saturday 27 January are on the ATC App.

Trial registration for 2024 Dragons PVL Junior Division (previously known as Premier Junior) and Youth Tier U15, U17 and U19) previously known as JPVL) are now open. Trial Fee is $60 per player (for all 3 days) and this is held at The Gap State High School, 1020 Waterworks Rd, The Gap. If your son would like to attend trials, please click on the link in the ATC App for further details on the trials and how to register.

Updated squads and schedule for the AIC Cricket Trial match round this Saturday 27 January are on the ATC App. Some of the squads will be larger than normal this week as we'd like all players to have some game time. See the Cricket tag for details.

Coaches Needed

We are seeking committed, enthusiastic and skilled sport coaches to join our program for a variety of sports in 2024. Being strongly supported by our experienced Sports Department and Sport Coordinators, the successful applicants will have a passion for athlete development, knowledge of the activity, strong communication and interpersonal skills to develop and build positive relationships with students, colleagues, and the wider College community. Coaches with varying levels of experience will be considered, including those looking to get involved in coaching for the first time, through to experienced coaches. We strongly encourage parents, old-boys and the wider ATC community to apply.


The ATC Clubs program is a wide and varied program offered to students from Years 4 – 12, offering the opportunity to join a vast array of activities. With a large choice of clubs offered, based on year levels, group size and duration, students can enjoy an alternate co-curricular experience from the list below. Information regarding the specific club, registration process and dates and timetables have been released and registrations are now open. All details and initial communication are through the ATC App under Co-curricular – Clubs tabs. Registrations are only through Parent Lounge. Please contact Luke Read if you have any queries.

  • Actors Studio – Year 7 – 12 
  • Art Club 
  • Cooking Club – Years 4 & 7 
  • Canoe Polo – Years 5 – 10 
  • Chess – Queens Gambit – Years 5 – 12 
  • Chess – Emerging Players – Year 4 – 12 
  • Dungeons & Dragons – Years 6 – 12 
  • Esports – Years 4 – 12 
  • Film & Media – Years 8 – 12 
  • Gardening – Years 4 – 6 
  • Golf – Years 4 – 12 
  • Homework – Years 4 – 6 
  • Homework – Years 7 – 12 
  • Mountain Biking – Years 4 – 12 
  • Paddle Play 
  • Robotics 
  • SLOG (Secret Life of Gamers) - Years 7 – 12 
  • Theatresports 


Kick Off Cocktails

Join us to celebrate the start of the 2024 school year at the P&F's annual Kick Off Cocktails on Saturday 17 February 2024 from 6.30-11.00pm at Wests Bulldogs Rugby Club, Figs on Sylvan, Sylvan Road, Toowong. Catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and have the chance to win one term's Tuition Fees through our raffle. Tickets cost $40pp and includes a champagne cocktail on arrival and canapes during the evening. For all enquiries, please contact Jane Rowan, P&F Vice President and event Coordinator. Go to your Parent Lounge account to buy tickets to the event.

Welcome Raffle

Everyone can join in the raffle! You DO NOT have to be present at Kick off Cocktails to win! Here is the great list of prizes:

1. One term's school fees - valued at around $4,000 (depending on year level)

2. 1.5 hour Gin and Rum Tasting Experience for 8 people at Woombye including a bottle of "The Road North Rum" - donated by My Broker Solutions and Nil Desperandum Rum - valued at $500

3. Bunnings Voucher - donated by Interior Exterior Builders - valued at $500

4. Family iFly Experience (Up to 5 people – 10 flights) - donated by Liz Browning Plum Property - valued at $380

5. Kenmore Village Package including a beautiful freshwater pearl bracelet valued at $175 from Haemen Mendis Jewellers and a $100 voucher from Kenmore Shoe Fashions - total value $275

6. A stunning Ultimate vase arrangement from Kenmore Village Florists - valued at $200

If you are NOT attending on the night, and want to buy raffle tickets, please see the event “Welcome Raffle” in our Parent Lounge account to buy your raffle tickets. This is separate to the Kick off Cocktails event.


Our first meeting is on Tuesday 30 January in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm with Mr George Patrikios, President. Everyone is welcome to join us to hear news from the College Principal, meet the new Deputy Principal Mr Jason Sepetauc, and hear College updates and discuss the final details for the 2024 Welcome Events and other upcoming P&F events.

Year 4 and Year 7 Welcome Picnics

All families in Year 4 and 7 are invited to come along to the college ovals on Saturday 3 February from 2pm to 4.30pm for games and activities. There will be a jumping castle, zoob games and activities with some of our Year 12 students. Families can bring their own picnic basket and chairs/blankets and enjoy meeting new friends and catching up with old ones. Thank you to Maria and Suz for organising this event in support of P&F friendraising. No RSVP necessary. Just mark it in your diary! See you there for fun and games!

Enjoy your long weekend.

Jason Sepetauc, Deputy Principal