Coming Up Week 3

Learning has begun in earnest this week with students engaging well in their first full week of lessons. Regular attendance and participation in class are the simplest ways for students to build mindful habits that lead them toward academic success. There was no clearer way of seeing the benefits of a sustained approach to learning than the Academic Assemblies I attended this week.

I was thrilled to celebrate the success of students across cohorts who received Improvement, Continuous Approach to Learning, Commendable Approach to Learning, Outstanding Approach to Learning, Bronze Academic, Silver Academic, Gold Academic and Honours Awards.

The different categories of awards build a ‘Culture of Learning’. All students, regardless of academic skill level, can be part of his culture. I challenge every student to be the best they can be in 2024.

EREA Touchstones

The EREA touchstones give us ideals authentically linked with the charism which underpins the ministry in our school and educational endeavours. This week we unveiled ATC themed Touchstone signage to connect students directly with the message they convey. They can be viewed on the Kilkenny building.


Bus Service Update

The College Principal remains in constant communication with Southern Cross Transit, sharing the feedback of the ATC Community. Southern Cross Transit have shared changes to bus services and updated bus routes for the week beginning Monday 5 February and we urge all bus users to go to the SCT website to review the changes. Please note, the S64, S65 and S66 routes have been combined into two services which are now labelled S65 and S66. The S64 service will now follow a new route on the north side of the river. There are some minor changes on all routes coming into effect on Monday 5 February. Please CLICK HERE to see the latest updates and make yourself and your son familiar with any changes for Monday. Remember that you can track the live location of buses when en route via the TransportMe App. Once downloaded, choose the service your son travels on to see where the bus is in real time.

Parent Information Evenings

Yesterday the College held the Junior School Information Evening. It was wonderful to welcome new parents/caregivers, and those returning. The opportunity for families to meet their teachers was valuable in building a positive partnership between home and school. We look forward to working with you during the year. Next week similar information evenings will be held for the Middle and Senior Schools. Please note the details which are also available on the College App. I encourage all families to attend. Please follow the link below to our Campus Map to assist you with finding building locations.

Year 10 and Year 11

Parents and Caregivers of Year 10 and Year 11 students are invited to the Senior School Information Evening commencing at 5.30pm on Tuesday 6 February in the Nudgee Junior Hall. Dean of Learning, Ms Liana Baillie, and Dean of Formation, Mr Conor Finn will deliver information to help your son succeed academically and pastorally throughout his senior school experience.

After the presentation, Parents & Caregivers of Year 10 students will have a further opportunity to meet with their Head of House to build relationships and understand Senior schooling processes more fully. We anticipate the event will conclude at approximately 6.45pm.

Year 7, 8 and 9

Parents and Caregivers of Year 7, 8 and 9 students are invited to the Middle School Information Evening commencing at 5.30pm on Wednesday 7 February.

  • Year 7 will meet in the Nudgee Junior Hall
  • Year 8 will meet in the Chapel of St Joseph
  • Year 9 will meet in the Callan Building

The first part of the evening involves a presentation from your son’s respective Head of Year and a Learning Leader. Families will then be directed to their son’s Homeroom to meet their teacher. It is an opportunity to build relationships and understand more about the upcoming camp and Middle schooling processes. We anticipate the event will conclude at approximately 6.45pm.


Camp is only a few weeks away with programs from Year 4 to 10, as well as the Year 12 Claddagh experience, commencing from Monday 26 February. Next week you will receive an information letter about the camp your son is attending. Please read through the information carefully and contact the nominated coordinators if you have any questions. Our administration team is reconciling student detail records to ensure we have all the information we need about your son whilst he is on camp. Please head to ‘Parent Lounge’ and use the parent and student details tabs to check your information and edit your records. In the ‘Medical Details’ area please ensure we have a Medicare number, private healthcare number (if relevant), swimming ability, and allergy, diet, or other medical information. Some of our camp experience providers also request waiver and student details information. Links will be included in the information letter. Please attend to this as soon as possible.

Year 6 Tour

As you would be aware, the countdown has commenced to the Year 6 Canberra tour. We travel in two groups: Monday 26 February – Thursday 29 February (Nolan & Treacy) and Tuesday, 27 February – Friday 1 March (Bodkin & Lynch). To facilitate our planning for the trip, we are asking that you update your son’s medical information via Parent Lounge, including Medicare details, dietary requirements, and medication details (allergies, all 24-hour medication, dosage, etc) no later than Monday 5 February. An information session will be held prior to the Junior School Parent Information evening on Thursday, 1 February at 5.30pm in the Chapel. Should you have any further queries regarding the Canberra tour, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Michael Stewart.


I look forward to connecting with the parents and caregivers tomorrow at the P&F Year 4 and Year 7 Welcome Picnic from 2.30pm to 4pm on Brothers Oval. Details are on the College App, with games and an inflatable obstacle course for the students. Don’t forget your hat, sunscreen, and a picnic rug or chair. Please note this is a family friendly event (no alcohol).

On Tuesday I attended the first P&F meeting of the year. I was impressed by the level of engagement of the group. They have the students’ best interests at heart of course, but also the interests of parents. They really want to make you feel welcome and engaged with ATC. Please connect to your relevant Parent Year Level Liaison. Names and contact email addresses are on the ATC App in the P&F Liaison notice. Also, don’t forget to book your ticket for the Kick Off Cocktails on Saturday 17 February via Parent Lounge. More details about the event and the Mega Raffle can be found on the ATC App.

Swimming Age Championships

Yesterday the Swimming Age Championships was held where top swimmers battled it out. Age Champions will be announced in the Week 4 Assembly. The event also identified the strongest team for our upcoming AIC Swimming Carnival on Tuesday 5 March. Thank you to all the staff involved in organising the event. The Junior School Carnival will be held next Friday 9 February. Details are on the ATC App.


Tuesday 6 February  | Opening Mass, Riverlife Baptist Church 

Tuesday 6 February  | Year 10 & 11 Parent Information Evening (5.30pm – 7.00pm) 

Wednesday 7 February | Middle School Parent Information Evening (5.30pm – 7.00pm) 

Thursday 8 February   | Junior Band Co-curricular Music Information evening 

Friday 9 February   | Junior School Interhouse Swimming Carnival 


Chris Ryan shared a brief outline of one of our Strategic Plan foci - Enhancing our Learning Culture in his blog this week, which tied in with our Academic Assemblies and the beginning of a new year of learning. CLICK HERE to read this week’s message from the Principal.


Year 12 Geography Excursion

As part of the study for Term 1 Geography – ‘Land Cover Transformations’, Year 12 students will be participating in an overnight excursion to the Numinbah Valley in Week 4, Monday 12 February to Tuesday Morning 13 February. THE FULL PROGRAM, packing requirements, and contacts can be viewed on the ATC App. If you have any queries regarding the day, please don’t hesitate to EMAIL Annie Connolly, Head of Humanities Years 7-12.

Year 12 Hospitality Excursion

As part of the study for the Certificate II in Hospitality Year 12 students in Term 1 will be participating in an excursion to the Mantle group’s central kitchen and one of their outlets at Indooroopilly shopping centre – Pig and Whistle on Wednesday 14 February 2024. Students will need to attend school and homeroom and the Ash Wednesday liturgy and gather at the middle pick-up area after the liturgy for a departure at 9.30am. Students will return to school in time to leave at the usual time of 3.00pm. Please wear the Formal school uniform with leather black shoes, College tie and suitcoat. Bring a Water Bottle, morning tea, lunch and a camera/phone to take pictures. If you have any queries regarding the day, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Martin.


Year 12 Chemistry – Redox or Not? Our chemists have commenced their study of redox reactions this term by performing a series of displacement reactions. By observing reactions in which metals displace other metal ions from solutions, they can obtain a reactivity series of metals. This is a very important principle for determining which reactions can be used to produce an electric current. Mrs Kath told us, "An important goal in Year 12 Chemistry is to also prepare students for work in a University laboratory and these photos show that ATC Chemistry students already understanding and appreciating the precision and care needed to obtain accurate results."


The Year 12 Construction students are currently undertaking a unit of work focused on reading and interpreting building plans and levelling operations. Students have undertaken tasks relevant to current industry skills using the laser level and the optical level and they have applied these skills in setting out a house in a simulated construction site.


Year 11 Biology students are designing and conducting a laboratory investigation into comparing the structural features of cells from different kinds of organisms – protozoans, onion, elodea pondweed, cheek cells, white blood cells and hair tissue. The experiment included creating wet mount slides, viewing fresh and prepared slides under microscopes and preparing drawings of each specimen.

2023 Scholars

Our Scholars’ Assembly acknowledged the 2023 Academic Award winners and celebrated the College Dux, Proxime Accessit, Excellence in Vocational Education, and all Outstanding Subject Award winners. 12% of our ATAR eligible cohort achieved a result of 95 or above, placing them in the top 5% of the state! This tremendous academic achievement is acknowledged by the Brother Patrick Ambrose Treacy Medal. We congratulate the 2023 student cohort for all their incredible achievements. Several of our high achieving graduates shared their insight on how to achieve success in Year 12: It goes without saying that you must study hard, but it is also important to have some downtime with mates. Remember to ask questions in class and make a schedule and backward map for exams. Don't be afraid to dial down the extracurricular commitments, especially during assessment time and consider taking some time off from your part-time job and it doesn't hurt to turn down a party invite. There will be plenty of time for that when school finishes! College Dux, Matthew Collins, reflected on his journey, telling the audience, “The culture in the Senior School is amazing, and by culture, I’m talking about the attitude everyone at ATC has towards supporting their peers.” We wish our 2023 all the very best as they towards exciting futures.


Year 7 Immunisation

On Wednesday, all Year 7 Students were given an envelope with a Consent Form for free HPV and dTpa vaccinations. Please read the form and letter enclosed carefully. Complete the form and return it to Student Reception in the Edmund Rice Building no later than 19 February 2024. They will be collected by our School Immunisation Providers.

Feel-Good Friday

Feel-Good Friday is back and better than ever! Our awareness campaign to foster wellbeing and self-care is a wonderful initiative that is a focus each Friday around the College. You will see our Seniors at the drop-off zone, playing great music and greeting younger students as they arrive. You might see some staff wearing bright, funky outfits and notice that everyone is smiling a bit brighter and walking with a spring in their step. How do you feel today? RUOK? We hope it's been a really good Friday for you and remember, 'a conversation could change a life’.


Opening Mass

As Ambrose Treacy College moves into the 2024 school year, we look forward to the Opening Mass and Year 12 Commissioning on Tuesday 6 February at 12:00pm at Riverlife, Seventeen Mile Rocks. The Mass will be attended by students in Years 7 – 12. Students in Years 4 – 6 will not attend on this day but will participate in a Junior School Opening Mass on Friday 9 February at the College. All students will eat at school before they travel by bus to the venue and return to the College at approximately 2:00pm. If a student in Year 7 – 11 has an older sibling in Year 12 they are permitted to remain at the venue with their parents at the conclusion of the Mass. Parents are asked to advise their child’s homeroom teacher of this arrangement. All students in Years 7 – 11 are asked to wear the Day Uniform of striped shirt and grey shorts with College tie. Those students in the choir or band are also asked to wear the Formal Day Uniform including striped shirt, suitcoat and long trousers. Please see further correspondence from the music department about this event.

Year 12 Commissioning

Year 12 parents and caregivers are invited to attend the 2024 Commissioning Ceremony at the Opening Mass to commemorate their son’s final year of schooling. The letter on the ATC App outlines all the important information for this day, and we encourage parents and caregivers of Year 12 students to be actively involved in this important ritual. Light afternoon tea will be served at the conclusion of the Commissioning, and we expect this to conclude by 2:30pm. Please contact the Faith and Mission Office should you require any further information.

Year 10 Retreat

The Year 10 Retreat will be held on Monday 12 February 2024 at Riverlife Church, Jennifer St Seventeen Mile Rocks to provide an opportunity for boys to reflect on their friendships, life choices and solidarity as a cohort. It will be a day which engages students through examples of Faith in Action and leadership, further preparing them for their Senior School journey and the years that lie ahead. This day forms an important part of the year for the Year 10 Students and, as such, attendance is compulsory. Students are to bring a Water Bottle, Morning Tea, and Lunch – there are no facilities to purchase food at the venue. They can wear appropriate free dress with closed in shoes. The Retreat will be facilitated by the Dean of Faith and Mission and run by an external service provider. Students will commence the at 8.30am. Full details are on the ATC APP.

Year 10 & 11 Ozanam Leadership Program

St Vincent De Paul is inviting applications for their annual leadership program aimed at current Year 10 and 11 students hoping to gain valuable skills. It provides an opportunity for young people across South East Queensland to come together and build their knowledge, skills, friendships and become the leaders of the next generation. This program has been running for a number of years now and the feedback has been invaluable from the young people who have participated – rubbing shoulders with CEOs, being a part of sleep outs and advocacy events along with the interpersonal skills they developed. The program is offered on an application only process and students must participate in an information session in order to gain access to the application process. These information sessions will be held on either Tuesday 13 or Monday 19 February in South Brisbane. Please go to the ATC App to see an information flyer, and register your interest via the QR Code.


This week all Junior School students who attended instrumental testing will receive their Letter of Offer. Families of students new to the Junior Band program are invited to attend an Information Session on Thursday 8 February, 6pm in the Chapel of St Joseph Level 1 in the Edmund Rice Building. If you still require further information or students would like to try an instrument, please contact us or ask students to pop in to the Music Office.

Mr Grindrod's Anniversary

Ten years ago, we welcomed Mr Grindrod to the Music Department as our first Piano teacher! A decade on, many aspiring pianists have passed through his classroom door and benefited from his expertise. We congratulate Daniel on this milestone and look forward to him continuing to share his knowledge and skill with ATC musicians.


ATC Co-curricular Music also offers Vocal, Guitar (year 5 onwards) and Drama & Communication lessons - if you have any questions or an interest in joining the program we would love to hear from you. CLICK HERE to contact us.


For all new students interested in joining a choir, rehearsals are open to all students with no audition required. Junior Choir (years 4-6) rehearse on Thursday mornings from 7am and ATC Senior Singers (years 7-12) rehearse on Thursday afternoon from 3.10pm to 4.10pm. Both sessions are in Music Classroom K104. We look forward to seeing you there!


The Rehearsal and Lesson Schedules are available on the College App from next week to assist with your preparations. Teachers will also email new families directly with lesson timetables. Please subscribe to the relevant Culture ‘tags’ on the College App to ensure all timetable and relevant notices are received. Turn ON Notifications in your ATC App setting as well.


Swimming Age Championships

ATC will be holding a Swimming Age Championships to be conducted at the same time as the Junior School swimming carnival on Friday 9 February. The purpose of this meet is to identify the outstanding swimmers in each year level and award an Age Champion to be presented at the annual Night of Excellence. We will only have space at the swimming carnival to run 3 heats for each year level in the age championship events (house points will be allocated) with all other students participating in the house points events. For this reason, we are only looking for nominations from those students who are actively involved in a swimming squad program aimed at competition during this term. If your son is an active swimmer and would like to compete in the swimming age championship events, then please nominate for this event CLICK HERE. We look forward to seeing everyone competing at the Junior School swimming carnival and having our best swimmers showcased in the Age Championship events.

AIC Ecumenical Service

On Thursday, representatives from the College participated in the AIC Ecumenical Service at St Peter's Lutheran College to launch the AIC sporting year. Mr Ryan, Mr Brieffies, Mr Warr and a group of Year 12 students attended this special event which had a theme of 'Grow Together'. College Captain, Declan spoke to the audience about the growth of ATC and our appreciation of the sporting opportunities offered to us as an invited guest member of the organisation. After the Ecumenical Service, special guest Paralympic swimmer, Karni Liddell gave an inspirational presentation to students on the challenges she has faced and overcome in her journey and her messages of growth and determination will inspire our young men.


Information letters and timetable for each of the 2024 Clubs and Activities are now available on the relevant tags on the College App.

Please ensure you read and fully understand the information letters before registering your son/s for their desired activities.

Registrations will ONLY be through Parent Lounge and will occur from Wednesday 24 January at 6:00pm to Wednesday 31 January at 3:00pm. Whilst we endeavour to accommodate every student and their desires, due to resource limitations some Clubs and Activities have capped numbers. We apologise in advance for any disappointment. You must subscribe to each Club tag on the College App to receive all information about each club. Some clubs require payment of a fee, paid via Parent Lounge at the time of registration. Please make sure when registering and paying you click on the GREEN SUBMIT TO SCHOOL button. Failure to do so will result in no registration. REFUNDS - IMPORTANT: Please take the time to ensure your son is available to attend the club he has been signed up for. Given that spots are limited, and clubs are staffed based upon registered numbers, no refunds will be granted once registered. Be sure to check club timetables against sporting and music timetables to ensure there are no clashes. Please check the video on the ATC App for instructions on registering for clubs via Parent Lounge. Queries to Mr Luke Read please.


Welcome Picnics

This Saturday 3 February from 2pm – 4.30pm on Brothers Oval, families in Year 4 and Year 7 are invited for a picnic and games. These P&F events are being held at the same time but at different ends of the oval. Meeting Points on Brothers Oval are - Year 4 families meet near the canteen at the tennis court end of the oval; Year 7 families at the Kate Street end of the oval. Year 4 will start the session on the Giant Inflatable obstacle course near the tennis courts while the Year 7s play games organised by the Year 12 student at the other end of the oval. The two groups will swap areas and activities at half time (around 3.15pm). BYO chairs or blankets, food and drinks (no alcohol please). Please bring plenty of water (stay hydrated), sunscreen and wear hats. We are seeking a volunteer to act as First Aid Officer for the Year 4 group on the day. Please EMAIL Suzanne if you can help. We look forward to seeing families for an afternoon of fun and games. Don't forget to bring your picnic and some chairs!

Kick Off Cocktails

Join us to celebrate the start of the 2024 school year at the P&F's annual Kick Off Cocktails on Saturday 17 February 2024 from 6.30-11.00pm at Wests Bulldogs Rugby Club, Figs on Sylvan, Sylvan Road, Toowong. Catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and have the chance to win one term's Tuition Fees through our raffle. Tickets cost $40pp and includes a champagne cocktail on arrival and canapes during the evening. For all enquiries, please contact Jane Rowan, P&F Vice President and event Coordinator. Go to your Parent Lounge account to buy tickets to the event and the Mega Raffle.

Welcome Raffle

Everyone can join in the raffle! You DO NOT have to be present at Kick off Cocktails to win! Here is the great list of prizes:

1. One term's school fees - valued at around $4,000 (depending on year level)

2. 1.5 hour Gin and Rum Tasting Experience for 8 people at Woombye including a bottle of "The Road North Rum" - donated by My Broker Solutions and Nil Desperandum Rum - valued at $500

3. Bunnings Voucher - donated by Interior Exterior Builders - valued at $500

4. Family iFly Experience (Up to 5 people – 10 flights) - donated by Liz Browning Plum Property - valued at $380

5. Kenmore Village Package including a beautiful freshwater pearl bracelet valued at $175 from Haemen Mendis Jewellers and a $100 voucher from Kenmore Shoe Fashions - total value $275

6. A stunning Ultimate vase arrangement from Kenmore Village Florists - valued at $200

If you are NOT attending on the night, and want to buy raffle tickets, please see the event “Welcome Raffle” in our Parent Lounge account to buy your raffle tickets. This is separate the Kick off Cocktails event.

Please support our P&F in all their endeavours. I hope you enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you very soon.

Jason Sepetauc, Deputy Principal

Join us for a College Tour

If you know a young man who is thinking of coming to ATC, please share our invitation with his family and the registration link for our upcoming Campus Tour. We look forward to welcoming your friends and family to look around the campus and meet our staff on Thursday 22 February from 4pm.