Coming Up Week 4

Arts Week has dominated the last two weeks with so many outstanding events. We could not squeeze the multitude of events into one week with it spilling over into this week. Jazz by the River was a wonderful community event with around 1000 people gathering in Warril Place. The setting beside the Brisbane River on a beautiful Spring afternoon and evening, with the Jacarandas in full bloom, could not be better. Gratitude and congratulations to all our performers and our Music team who put on a classy show for the crowd.

Tuesday and Wednesday evenings saw the inaugural Actor’s Studio production of the Lord of the Flies. It was an outstanding production with over 200 people in the audience across the two nights. Congratulations to every performer and the incredible leadership of Ms Holmes-Blissner and Ms Knauseder. This was the first attempt at such a large production and the quality of the performances was incredible. The energy and intensity on display and the delivery of the lines was first class.

Many other events have also occurred this week. The Signum Fidei breakfast on Tuesday celebrated a large number of students from across Years 4 to 11 who have quietly been a “sign of faith’. These young people have demonstrated positive actions and examples across their days in the areas of our three pillars, learning, leadership, and service. It was a lovely gathering to also celebrate the partnership between families, staff, and students. Our 2024 College Vice-Captains, Michael Newmann and Jock Noonan, also impressed with their genuine address to the crowd.

College Assembly this week celebrated many key people. Firstly, as it was the last College assembly with our Year 12s, our long serving staff were recognised. Congratulations to Ms Kristy Taylor (10 years at NJ/ATC), Ms Karen Jones (15 years of service with EREA), Ms McGrath (15 years with EREA), Mr Michael Bannon (20 years at NJ/ATC) and Ms Lisa Mortlock (25 years at NJ/ATC). We are truly blessed to have such dedicated, committed, and skilled educators at ATC.

Mrs Mortlock with her son and granddaughter

The second group celebrated were the winners of the annual ATC’s Got Talent. Our three winners, Paddy Lum, Ben Collins and The Butterfingers, performed at assembly and the crowd loved each performance.

Killian Reboul from Butterfingers

At assembly we also announced the winner of the ARTery People’s Choice award. Congratulations to Henry Harwood for being selected by the majority of people who attended ARTery.

Over the last week, our Senior students have been celebrating in their final days in a fun way, while still focusing on their revision work in classtime. Friday was Pink Day, with Monday ‘bring an alternative schoolbag’ day, followed by their favourite fictional character on Tuesday and then their House spirit on Wednesday with house colours everywhere. Wednesday marked the final day of classes for our Year 12 students. The morning was marked with the Interhouse Gate to Gate race.

It was an energy filled morning and congratulations to our winners across the year groups: for Junior School Year 4 - 1st Place Harvey M - champion house Munster, Year 5 - 1st Place Mason C - champion house Ulster, Year 6 – 1st Place Ben S, champion house Connacht.

In Middle School Year 7 – 1st Place – Vince F – champion house Connacht, Year 8 – 1st Place Kyan S – champion house Leinster, and Year 9 – 1st Place Tom M – champion house Leinster.

Finally, in the Senior School Year 10 – 1st Place Jackson M – champion house Leinster, Year 11 – 1st Place Noach C – champion house Ulster, and Year 12 – 1st Place Zac B – champion house Munster.

Overall House positions, 1st Place Connacht, 2nd Place Ulster, 3rd Place Munster, and 4th Place Leinster.

The final day of Year 12 classes also signposts the end of term four is fast approaching. Every student will soon be entering a full-on period of assignments and exams. As usual, an awareness of tasks and dates is important, along with an allocation of some extra time to homework, assignment work, revision and study.

Please read on for more upcoming events to ensure you are up to date.


Saturday 21 October | AIC Touch Football Invitational

Sunday 22 October | AIC Water Polo Invitational

Monday 23 October to Tuesday 24 October | 2024 Instrument Testing

Monday 23 October to Friday 27 October | Year 12 External Assessment

Monday 23 October | Year 12 Pre-Exam Breakfast

Tuesday 24 October | Year 12, 2024 Parent Information Evening

Wednesday 25 October | Drama & Communication Scenes Evening

Thursday 26 October | St Vincent de Formal

Friday 27 October | World Teacher’s Day


Year 12 Important Information and Dates External Assessment

An important letter from our Dean of Learning, Lara Morgan, with information regarding important dates and exam protocol for the 2023 Year 12 External Exams including timetables, directions, equipment lists is on the ATC App. 

Year 12 Breakfast

Our teachers are looking forward to our annual breakfast with the Year 12 cohort. We will come together prior to the commencement of the first cohort exam for General English on Monday 23 October at 7.45am at Westcourt. This will be an opportunity for staff to give final words of reassurance in support of the important time ahead. The community will come together in prayer and mindfulness to set the appropriate tone for the External Assessment period. Wishing our Year 12 students all the very best.


Our ATC Drama teachers attended a special Drama Teachers performance of the QLD Theatres production of Algorithm by the youth ensemble. We were very proud of ATC’s Year 11 student Dash S who auditioned and was offered a role out of hundreds of hopeful young actors. Mrs Shapcott prepared his monologue for his audition! If your son is interested in acting or voice and communication lessons, please contact Megan Shapcott via email.

Year 4 Dance – Celebration of Excellence

The Year 4 students have been rehearsing their Celebration of Excellence dance routine every Wednesday in Physical Education lessons and whilst it is still early days, the dance routines are coming along very well!

Please refer to the letter from Mr Michael Stewart on the College App with regards to clothing and rehearsals. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Stewart or your child’s Homeroom Teacher.

Year 5 Humanities

This term, in Humanities, the Year 5 students are studying natural disasters.  As part of this study, they are learning about flooding.  In particular, they are learning about some of the causes of floods, their impacts, and how to mitigate or reduce the damage that they can cause.

We will at different times consider and refer to the recent two flooding events in Brisbane in 2011 and 2022. We appreciate that these events may have personally affected you or your families and that this may be a sensitive topic for some students. Please don’t hesitate to contact either Lawrie Gordon or your child’s Homeroom teacher if you wish to discuss this further.

Year 6 - Learning Update

As we have entered Term 4, we would like to inform you about the important changes in our homework structure for your child in Year 6. This change will better prepare our students for the transition to middle school by fostering and developing independence and adaptability. From Week 2, we have moved away from the traditional weekly homework of Math Mental Columns and Grammar Convention unit work that has been consistent across the cohort. Instead, your child will receive individual homework set by their respective teachers that can vary in due dates. These tasks will vary not only between classes but also from week to week.

For more information and detail regarding these changes, please head to the ATC App.

Year 6 – Transition

It is difficult to believe that the year is coming to an end so quickly. The Year 6 students have been working hard in the classroom to prepare for their final assessments as Junior School students. The below outlines some transition activities your child will engage in to provide some preparation for Year 7 in 2024.

You would already be aware that the following changes and transition opportunities have been introduced up to this point:

  • Year 6 Maths exams taking place in Nudgee Junior Hall
  • Moving to a nightly homework structure for Term 4
  • Progressive use of OneNote for engaging in learning content
  • Formation presentation and workshop by Michael Jeh

Over the next few weeks, the students will be offered the following opportunities within their classroom:

  • Week 3 – Transition Presentation by Megan Ellis and Year 7 SRC representatives
  • Week 4 - Year 7 area class tour
  • Week 8 - Year 6 Transition Retreat

At Ambrose Treacy College, we appreciate that transitioning from Junior School to Middle School is an exciting, but also challenging time for our students. Therefore, we attempt to provide each and every student with the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions about what their next educational step may look like. If you have any questions or concerns about transition, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Emmalee Hoyer or your child’s Homeroom teacher.

Year 9 Religious Education

As part of the Year 9 Religious Education Curriculum, students will be watching the film “Father Stu” in Weeks 7 and 8 of Term 4 during their regular Religious Education class. This film has been carefully selected as a resource that offers valuable learning opportunities within the Term 4 unit on Vocational Education. Please refer to the College App for more information regarding the film.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Alicia Madigan or your child’s Religious Education teacher.


Signum Fidei Breakfast

Coming together as a community, this week we celebrated the Term 4 Signum Fidei award recipients with a breakfast by the river. Parents/Carers and staff proudly gathered to recognise and congratulate the amazing efforts of these humble students who continue to demonstrate a commitment to the three College Touchstones of Service, Learning and Leadership, walking in the footsteps of Patrick Ambrose Treacy.


Year 12 2024 Information Night

A reminder to Parents and Caregivers of Year 11 that you are invited to attend the Year 12 2024 Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 24 October from 6:00pm in Nudgee Junior Hall. All details are included in the letter from Matt Warr on the ATC App.

PLEASE NOTE: no students are to attend. If you have any queries, please contact Matt Warr through the Faith and Mission Office.

St Vincent de Formal

Year 10 students are invited to register for the St Vincent de Formal on Thursday 26 October from 3:45pm in the NJ Hall with Year 10 students from Brigidine College. This is a fun afternoon of trivia, speed meeting and pizza. The registration link has been emailed directly to all Year 10 students and they have been reminded that numbers are limited.

During the week of the event, students are asked to visit the Vinnies Pop Up Shop at first break on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 October to purchase clothing and accessories for $20 per person. Cash or Eftpos will be accepted. All funds from these purchases support the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society. Students will then wear these items to the event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Faith and Mission Office.


Last Minute Registration: Cure Brain Cancer Foundation

As a major Junior School Service initiative, we once again invite students, families and friends of the Ambrose Treacy College Junior School to join Cure Brain Cancer Foundation for an inspirational 5km morning walk through 7th Brigade Park, Chermside on Sunday 22 October from 9am. Students and families are asked to register by CLICKING HERE. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure registration with our team. As part of this service initiative, boys that register will also gain 3 Service hours in Term 4. Parents are asked to email their homeroom teacher so that students are recognised with these hours. Students are asked to wear their ATC Sports uniform for the walk. After you complete the walk, you can enjoy the entertainment and food stalls that will be set up in the park. Full details from Mr Stewart are on the ATC App. 

MS Moonlight Walk

Ambrose Treacy students and community members are invited to participate in the MS Moonlight Walk that will take place along the picturesque Brisbane River, starting at Davies Park on Saturday, 28 October to support those affected by Multiple Sclerosis. As they walk, participants are encouraged to fundraise either individually or with companions, with the aim of maximizing their impact on those living with MS. The event is family-friendly, catering to all ages and interests, with scrumptious food and live entertainment. Further details are on the ATC App. To register visit MS Moonlight Walk 2023 - Sign Up Today! Log service hours for this event.


From October 12-15, the ATC Junior Secondary Basketball Squad competed at the Champion Basketball School Queensland (CBSQ) Division 2 Tournament down at the Gold Coast. 

The Irish Warriors started the tournament in fine fashion, finishing the first day 2-0, including a nail biting come from behind win in overtime. The second competition day turned out to be a lot tougher with the side struggling to find consistency and falling to a 2-2 record to round out the pool games. Day three was the definition of 'mixed emotions'. A great win to start the day was followed by a 'everything that could go wrong, did go wrong game'. However, in the true Irish warrior spirit that echoes through the corridors of ATC, the Blue, Green, White stood tall on Day 4, with just six fit and available players. ATC played by far their best game of the tournament to beat Mabel Park by 4 points and finish the carnival with a winning record. Ambrose Treacy College finished 27th overall out of 80 schools which is a tremendous result for a young program that is very much on the rise. Special thanks to Head Coach, Tom Denny (OB 2021) and Ben Marriott (Team Manager) for their efforts with the team. 

This weekend ATC teams will be competing in the AIC Touch Tournament on Saturday 21 October and the Queensland Schools Volleyball Cup from 20-22 October. We wish all of the teams good luck.

Colour Cup Touch football commences this Friday 20 October. Junior and Middle School matches will be in second break and the Senior match straight after school on Jack Bowers Oval.


Thank you to everyone who performed, attended, and volunteered at last weekend’s Jazz By The River. It was a lovely evening, and all the support from families and friends was wonderful. Even if you couldn’t attend, we would appreciate your feedback around the event. Responses can be submitted via completing this quick online form.

The remainder of the term continues to be busy for our Co-curricular Students. Please note the following upcoming dates and continue to check the College App for all notices and updates.

Wednesday 25 October

Drama & Communication Scenes Evening 6.30pm, ER Chapel

Tuesday 7 November

Summer Music Concert 5.30pm, NJ Hall

2023 ATC Symphonic Winds, Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble B & C, Clarinet Ensemble B, Flute Ensemble, Junior Guitars, Guitar Ensemble, Junior Band & Concert Band

Monday 13 November

Celebration of Excellence Rehearsals 3pm-5pm

ATC Taiko Drummers, ATC Jazz Orchestra, ATC Gents

Tuesday 14 November

Celebration of Excellence, Riverlife Seventeen Mile Rocks

Thursday 23 November

Year 6 Graduation Mass 5.00pm, NJ Hall

Year 4 & 5 Junior Choir


ATC P&F Ladies Spring Lunch

There was nothing black about Friday the 13 as the whole College, including our mums, went PINK for the day! The ATC P&F Ladies Spring Lunch was the perfect warm Spring day for mums, grandmothers and carers to come together for a good cause.

There was an abundance of fun and laughter, friend raising and glass raising as everyone gathered at the Rose Room Cloudland for our annual event. Selena Gomersall, Founder of Outback Futures was this year’s guest speaker who inspired us all with her guidance on “People, Purpose and Passion” which was all about taking the courage to bring our unique passion projects to life and the courage to choose your legacy. Thank you to Prue Moloney for coordinating this event and to all our sponsors and attendees who helped raise valuable funds for research and awareness.

We acknowledge:

  • Stephanie’s Spa Retreat Value $280
  • Skin Care by Chantelle voucher Value $140
  • Gambaro’s voucher Value $200
  • ATC Hirst family thank Emporium Hotels voucher Value $250
  • Kenmore Village Florist donated flowers to the value of $200, as well as a gift for the guest speaker
  • The Craddock Family’s Sephora voucher Value $500
  • Rowena’s voucher Value $200
  • Baumann Family’s 2 nights’ accommodation at Yamba Views apartments Value $500
  • Indooroopilly Shopping Centre gift vouchers Value $100

A message from Prue Moloney: A special thank you to Ainsley and the staff at Cloud Land for their excellent service on the day. To Rhonnie Sparksman, Deb Carcary and Pam Mansfield for their incredible support in administrating the event and Jo Jelekainen, Kimberley Gordon, Trish Catell, Tara Baumann, Tanya Brady and Juanita Smith for their help and support on the day.

Year 8 Parent Night

Julie, the P&F Year 8 Parent Liaison invites year 8 parents and caregivers to the final social event for 2023! Come for drinks and chats at The Kenmore Tavern, 841 Moggill Road in the Courtyard from 6pm on Saturday 18 November. For any enquiries, and to RSVP by 16 November, please email Julie Korpelainen.

Annual Planning Meeting

Please join the P&F Executive Team in the Mt Sion Library on Tuesday 21 November at 6.30pm for the last P&F meeting of the year, to hear updates from the Principal and news regarding our community events at the College. All are welcome to come along. This meeting will be a Planning Meeting for 2024 – your opinions and suggestions are always welcomed and valued. Also take this opportunity to meet our new President, Mr George Patrikios.

Enjoy Week 4.

Mr David Gardiner , Deputy Principal