Coming Up Week 5

Year 7 was officially welcomed to the Middle School this morning at our annual Celtic Cross Ceremony. This rite of passage brings Years 7 – 9 together to further Form Middle School Men of Courage. Year 7 were greeted with standing applause from Years 8 and 9, after being presented their Celtic Cross.

In the Xavier Centre today, the coveted trophy (a gold running shoe) was held high by the winners of the Senior School House challenge, The Golden Boot! Connacht House hosted the event and also took 1st Place honours after a gruelling Beep Test for Years 10, 11 and 12.

Today, Year 4 boys were seen all over the campus as they engaged in activities to build a greater understanding of the story of ATC and what makes this school such a wonderful community. The raced against the clock to find answers to curly questions in The Amazing Race, and sought out icons, statues and buildings around the grounds. This tested their team building and communication skills as well as their orienteering skills, but they discovered lots of fun facts, ventured to new areas and rooms and met key staff who will be part of their journey over the next nine years! Well done Year 4s.

Monday 20 February | Year 9 Halogen conference

Wednesday 22 February Ash Wednesday Liturgies

Friday 24 February | Year 7 Mass


School Camp time only a week away and this is a perfect opportunity to get the Equipment List from the ATC App and check what items your child needs to camp. Being prepared the week before helps your son feel confident and organised, ready to face the challenges away from home. The following information provides basic details for the upcoming camps but please refer to the app and your emails for deeper details of what to pack, where to be and at what time the buses depart.

YEAR 4: Monday 27 February to Tuesday 28 February - Mt Tamborine QCCC 

YEAR 5: Monday 27 February to Wednesday 1 March - Sunshine Coast Rec Centre 

YEAR 6: Monday 27 February to Thursday 2 March (Year 6 Bodkin & Treacy) - Canberra 

Tuesday 28 February to Friday 3 March (Year 6 Lynch & Nolan) - Canberra 

YEAR 7: Monday 27 February to Wednesday 1 March (Year 7 Bodkin, Lynch, Nolan & Treacy) – Emu Gully 

Wednesday 1 March to Friday 3 March (Year 7 Campbell, Wynne & Conn) – Emu Gully 

YEAR 8: Wednesday 1 March to Friday 3 March – Camp Laurence 

YEAR 9: Tuesday 28 February to Friday 3 March – Luther Heights and Sunshine Coast 

YEAR 10: Various internal and external camps (Moreton Island, Stradbroke Island, Noosa Mountain Bike & Hike, Bestbrook Rural Farmstay, Science, Surfboard Making) 

Please ensure that all medical details, including medicare card, expiry date, reference number and student’s swimming level is recorded.  Update emergency contacts in your Parent Lounge account this weekend.

Survey - Feedback on Parent Information Evenings
Your opinion is important to us, and we appreciate the opportunity to review your feedback from the recent Parent Information Evenings held online and face-to-face. Please click here to complete the online survey. Your responses will be treated in the strictest confidence. Be advised, if you have multiple children at the College, you will need to complete the survey for each student. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email College Administration.   



The heat was intense in and out of the pool last Friday as students in the Junior school made a splash at the annual inter house swimming carnival. Year 6s are to be congratulated on their leadership and support demonstrated throughout the day as they set an example for the younger students. It all came down to the last race of the day, an All-Age Relay with the Connacht Saints winning and taking home the Gala win by a mere 4 points from Leinster House.

Year 12 Formal
The Year 12 Formal will be held on Friday 21 April at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Corner of Merivale and Glenelg Street from 6:30pm - 10:00pm.  Professional photographers will be on site from 6:00pm and will be taking photographs of individuals and their partners.   Parents and caregivers are welcome to join other parents and caregivers in the foyer for refreshments from 6.30pm prior to the student event commencing at 7.00pm.  


Year 7 Mass

On Friday 24 February, Year 7 will celebrate Mass in the Chapel of St Joseph, here at the College. Students are to wear their Day Uniform (Strip shirt, grey shorts and black shoes) and meet in the Chapel at 8:25am to mark rolls prior to the commencement of Mass. Should you have any queries about the Mass, please contact Matt Warr, Dean of Faith and Mission or Bernard Wong, Head of Year 7.

Service is an integral part of ATC College life, so much so, that it is one of the three Pillars alongside Learning and Leadership. We regularly share stories of students doing great things in Service to others on social media and the ATConnect Blog. Parents and students are encouraged to send their contributions to  The sharing of these good news stories will promote the wonderful organisations that our students work with, as well as bring to the fore the many causes and issues that our students are advocates for. So please send us through your stories, photos, and comments about all the amazing Service that the ATC students perform in their communities. 
Sacraments of Confirmation, Penance and Communion

Notice to Catholic Parents - If your child has received the sacrament of Baptism and is in Year 3 and above, you can register for the Sacrament of Confirmation. If your child has received Confirmation and is in Year 4 and above, your child can be registered for the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion.  Please Email the Parish office now on


NAPLAN Preparation

Mrs Megan Ellis, Assistant Dean of Learning- Middle School, shares her advice and some handy top tips to prepare your child for NAPLAN in Week 8 this term.

Drama and Communication

Does your child enjoy the theatrics of life? Mrs Shapcott can expand on those skills and improve their communication and articulation. Drama and Communication lessons are offered to students at ATC and there are a limited number of places available. If your son enjoys drama and if you want him to be a more confident public speaker, then please contact Megan Shapcott for more information:

Year 4 Excursion

On Thursday 2 March, all students from Year 4 will be going on an excursion to Ngutana-Lui, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Studies Centre at Inala. On this day, students will be immersed in the richness and diversity of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. They will also complete a number of activities including painting, dance and boomerang throwing. Please visit the College app for information letter from Mr Pickering.


  Mr Turner would love to see all players arrive at the ground/court at least 30 minutes before their game please in the correct ATC attire. This will help for a good warm up in preparation for some great fixtures. Thank you for your support here.  


As with all Extra Curricular activities, we ask you please commit or communicate to each Club session.  If your son is not available to attend, please email or the club coordinator to mark your son’s absence. 


Choral Program ATC Choirs are open to all students with no audition required. Junior Choir (years 4-6) rehearse on Thursday mornings from 7am and ATC Senior Singers (years 7-12) rehearse on Thursday afternoon from 3.10pm to 4.10pm. Both sessions are in Music Classroom K104. We look forward to seeing you there! Another important aspect of the success of our choral program is students undertaking vocal lessons. Vocal tutor Mrs Katie Ohtomo has availability in her timetable for any interested students – get in touch with for more information. 



Week 5 marks the start of Lent and on Tuesday 21 February - Shrove Tuesday - the tuckshops will be serving sweet pancakes at breakfast and first break ($4.50 per serve) and savoury pancakes at first and second break ($4.50 for a small serve and $8 for a large serve). The tuckshops will be serving a meat free menu on Ash Wednesday, 22 February. There will also be meat free menu options available each Friday of Lent.

Camp Week changes

There are changes to the tuckshops during Camp Week (27 February to 3 March), due to the small number of students who will be at school on some days. The Bakehouse will be open all week with a reduced menu. Paddy's Place will be closed from Monday to Thursday. Year 4 to 7 students at school on those days will be able to purchase morning tea and lunch from The Bakehouse. Paddy's Place will be open on Friday with a reduced menu. 


Kick off Cocktails

We hope the 400 parents and caregivers attending this weekends Welcome event hosted by the P&F have a wonderful time meeting and making new friends. It’s always a great night and a wonderful way for the ATC community to come together and celebrate the start of a new school year.

Meeting Dates 

All are invited to join the P&F President, Mr Ben Prain, and the Principal at our meetings on Tuesday evenings. Dates for the year are shared on the ATC App and college calendar. We meet in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm. Our upcoming meetings are on Tuesday 7 March; 18 April, 9 May, 11 July, 8 August, 5 September, 10 October and 21 November. For any queries, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine

See you in Week 5! 

Mr Conor Finn

Acting Deputy Principal