Coming Up Week 5

Literary Festival activities have dominated this week across the campus. I wish to thank Ms Taylor, Ms Burton and all the Library staff for the vast amount of work that have put into the planning and coordination of this week. Literacy is an area that ATC continues to focus on with the aim to increase the students’ joy and skills associated with all aspects of literacy. All students were entertained at College Assembly by the array of talent of Josh Donellan (writing), Angela Peita (slam poetry) and David Lovegrove (Manga art). Then across the week, parents were engaged by Tim Baker at the Books and Bubbles event, and students, in cohort groups, or smaller selected groups, were enlightened and encouraged by a range of skilled presenters. Of course, the highlight of the week was the story telling in the Junior school that involved some very famous readers. Across Years 4-7 (and planned for Years 4-9 in 2024), students are engaged in weekly literacy lessons and dedicated daily reading time. Please continue to encourage and support your child in regular reading. It will improve results across all subjects.

I wish all the Mothers in our community the absolute best for a wonderful day this Sunday. We continually encourage respect and love with our students, and I hope they display these in abundance this weekend. I look forward to net Wednesday when we will celebrate with the women in our community at the annual ‘Mothers in May’ event on Wednesday 17 May. ATC mums will gather from 5.00pm for a sunset soirée that will include champagne, canapes, music, a lucky door prize and a gift.

Mother’s Day also signals the commencement of the requirement for all students to wear their formal uniform to and from school. This includes the College tie and the College suitcoat. More details follow with the requirements the same for the upcoming formal school photo day.

Formal School Photo Day – Thursday 25 May

Our Annual School Photo Day is being held in week 6 on Thursday 25 May. After feedback from the process in 2022, our photographer shall be present on campus to take all individual and homeroom class group photography on this day. We are confident that this process will ensure the quality of the product received shall meet parents' expectations.

We ask all parents to please ensure that in support of the College’s Uniform, Hair and Appearance Policy, your son is dressed in formal day uniform (blazer, tie and badges required) and their hair and appearance is in line with the policy. College Badges should accompany the suit coat and will include:

  • The College Crest
  • The Formation Pillars
  • Learning - Open Book any new student commencing in Years 4-6
  • Service - Celtic Cross any new student commencing in Years 7-9
  • Leadership - Star any new student commencing in Years 10-12
  • The House Badge received in Year 10. 

Please refer to the video as a reference on where and how to wear the badges.   The College badges should only be worn on their suit coat. College Badges should not be worn on the College tie. Replacement badges are available from the ATC Shop at $5.00 per badge. Note. Students who do not comply with the ATC Uniform, Hair & Appearance Policy risk not being allowed in photos. Unfortunately, if students are absent from the photo session there will not be a ‘catch up’ photo day as the Homeroom groups can only be taken on this day.

Orders can be made online at Please refer to the attached flyer on how to place your photo order. To avoid paying extra, please finalise your order by Friday 16th June.
Note. Any orders after this date will incur an $18.00 admin processing and handling fee.

Photos are unavailable to view before purchase. If there are any concerns with your photos, please contact Studio Kirby within 10 days of receiving your pack to discuss alternative options.


We endeavour to have all photos delivered to the school and distributed to students approximately 8 weeks from photo day.


Download code & instructions are supplied in your photo pack upon delivery. (Downloads are available for 6 months)


Booklets are available in the A & E Packs. Booklets are 8-pages and include group photo, student portrait and photos from around the school grounds. Note: Booklets are NOT available to order after Friday 16 June. To avoid missing out on this product please finalise your order on-time!


Monday 15 -19 May | Empower Week

Monday 15 May | Parent Forum Neuro Diversity

Tuesday 16 May | Year 5 Excursion to St Helena Island

Tuesday 17 May | Year 9 Geography Excursion

Tuesday 17 May | Mothers in May evening 5pm

Thursday 18 May | GBC Cross Country

Thursday 18 May | College Tour

Friday 19 May | Qld Youth Music Awards

Friday 19 May | Year 9 Mass

Friday 19 May | P&F Rugby Night Out at Suncorp

Sunday 21 May I Dash for Crash event ATC 7.00am

Message from the Principal


Mothers in May Event

The much anticipated ‘Mothers in May’ event will be held on Wednesday 17 May. ATC mums are invited to a sunset soirée by the river at ATC from 5pm to 7pm. Tickets are $25 and include champagne, canapes, live music, a lucky door prize and a gift. This is a special time to gather with old friends and connect with new women in the ATC community. Jump onto your Parent Lounge account to buy your ticket as numbers are limited and only 50 tickets remain.

Dash for Crash Charity Run

The Dash for Crash will be held for its third consecutive year on Sunday, 21 May 2023 and is held in memory of Damien McMeniman, who died from exposure to asbestos and developed Mesothelioma. Damien attended Edmund Rice schools in Brisbane in the 70s and 80s and was a keen runner. He enjoyed the camaraderie of his fellow tri athletes. Damien valued access to quality inclusive education and his sons, currently in Year 12 at Ambrose Treacy College, proudly support this event in their father's memory with their sisters and mother. Join the ATC and surrounding community to run, jog or walk in support of the Ambrose Treacy College Foundation. The Foundation aims to uphold the premise of inclusive education for those of limited financial means. Your entry fee will support the Bursary Fund and enable a young boy access to an Ambrose Treacy College education. Any donations will be fully tax deductible and your nominated amount will contribute to a bursary for a young boy who may not be able to attend the College otherwise.

This is the third year of the Dash and we invite you to be part of this legacy event. You may choose to champion the event by attending as a supporter and take part in the BBQ breakfast that will take place at the finish line festivities at the conclusion of the run or simply buy a t-shirt. Donations will be gratefully received even if you are not able to attend on the day. Your contribution will bolster the assistance provided to a young man and his family through the Ambrose Treacy College Foundation.  Register NOW via the link below. Volunteers are also required to make this event a success. Please select how you can help on the day from the list of volunteer jobs here. If you have any queries, or can support this event by way of donating goods and services, please contact Marie McMeniman 0409 341 403 or or Helen Hicks hicksh@atc



Certificate I in Construction are booked in for an incursion to obtain the competency CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (white card). This is one of the core competencies for the students enrolling in the Certificate I in Construction and will be delivered by EDB training at ATC on Tuesday 18 July. More important details of this day are on the ATC App under the Year Levels tile.

Debating and Public Speaking Junior School

Details of Round 2 Year 5 Public Speaking and Year 6 Debating – May 16 are as follows: Please note the starting time of Round 2 will be 6.30pm at St Laurence’s College. Please be at SLC by 6.15pm and allow travel and parking time as the college is used by multiple groups after hours and the roads around the area are generally heavily congested.

Year 4 Showcase

On Tuesday 30 May, Year 4 students will be presenting a showcase of learning from Term One and Two. The aim of the showcase is to celebrate the learning across a number of their core subjects, allowing the boys to share their work with peers and parents. We warmly welcome parents and caregivers to join us in NJ Hall for this event from 8.30am. Light refreshments will be served at 8.45am. Note- Formal school uniform is to be worn on the day. For further information about the activity, please contact Paul Degenkamp, Year 4 Coordinator

Year 5 St Helena Island excursion

Year 5 travel to Moreton Bay on Tuesday, 16 May. The aim of the activity is for the boys to develop an appreciation of what life was like for the prisoners of St. Helena and understand the reasons for the establishment of St Helena in Moreton Bay. Bus leaves school at 8.30am. Boys are to wear their PE uniform. All boys must bring morning tea, lunch and water . See ATC App for full details.


ATConnect – The Power of Partnerships

Paddy’s blog


Year 5 blew the lid off some common misconceptions about fractions today! Comparing and finding equivalent fractions and justifying their findings was light work as Ms Gillespie shared concepts using balloons in one of her trademark interactive, hands-on, fun-filled lessons! See more photos on our Facebook and Instagram pages.




Leinster House Senior School students will celebrate their House Mass at 8:30am on Tuesday 23 May in the Chapel of St Joseph at 8:30am. This will be a student only event. Students are expected to wear their full formal uniform, including suitcoat and tie, and meet their homeroom teacher in the Chapel at 8:25am to mark the roll prior to the commencement of Mass. Please see further details on the ATC App.

The Connacht House Mass for Senior students will be celebrated on Friday 26 May in the Chapel of St Joseph at 8:30am. This will be a student only event. Years 10, 11 and 12 Connacht students are to wear their full formal uniform, including suitcoat and tie, and meet their homeroom teacher in the Chapel at 8:25am to mark the roll prior to the commencement of Mass. Further details on the ATC App.

Service Opportunity

Students looking for opportunities for Service Hours are invited to volunteer for the Moggill Marathon on Sunday 21 May 2023. The second instalment of the Moggill Marathon kicks off in May and needs a number of volunteers to ensure the successful and smooth running of this event. Please visit the link and sign yourself up to the register of volunteers. Organisers will be in touch to confirm tasks closer to the event. Don’t forget to log your service hours with your homeroom teacher! Volunteer Here. Click here for the Moggill Marathon website.

Donation Drive Partnering with Rosie's

Let's brighten the lives of others! The Rosie’s Donation Drive has started and Year 6 have partnered with Rosies - Friends On The Street to help those in need. Paving the way in the Junior School, just as Blessed Edmund Rice did in Ireland 200 years ago, Year 6 are reaching out to those living on margins. For their Service initiative, Year 6 ask for donations of men’s roll-on deodorant (no glass or aerosols) and new blankets (in their packaging.) Please drop these items in the box on the Year 6 veranda and we will work with Rosie's to deliver them to the vulnerable. Thank you for your generosity. Any queries, please email Mrs Hoyer, Year 6 Coordinator.


Hip Hop

The new venue for Hip Hop club is in the Drama Room next to Year 4/5 classroom block. The coodinator has asked that all dancers wear runners, track pants and a sweatshirt to be able to move more freely. They will be given time to change into their school uniform before the bell. There has been a piece of music shared on the ATC App for club members to listen to before Monday morning’s class. It is imperative that if your son has signed up for this club that he attend and commit to every lesson as the choreography is built on and added to each Monday.



It was smiles all round for another great round Football on Saturday. It was a return to Jack Bowers Oval for the first time since last year's floods and the occasion was celebrated with some impressive attacking football and positive results. Thanks to our families and players for a great Homegame day, and we look forward to the season ahead.

Vince F put on an outstanding display at the Australian Junior Track and Field Championships placing second in the 4 x 100m U14 Relay and third in the 4 x 200m Mixed U14. He also made the finals for the 100m and 200m and came 5th and 7th respectively. Vince is enjoying the special sporting opportunities and we look forward to celebrating his future successes! Well done Vince!

Vince T&F


Week 5 and Week 6 are very busy for our singers, musicians and drama students with the following upcoming performances.

Tuesday 16 May

Brisbane Youth Jazz Festival | BEMAC Kangaroo Point

ATC Jazz Orchestra & ATC Guitars

Friday 19 May

Qld Youth Music Awards (QYMA) | St Peters Lutheran College

ATC Symphonic Winds

Wednesday 24 May

St Aidan’s/ATC Combined Workshop & Concert

ATC Symphonic Winds & ATC Senior Singers

Wednesday 24 May

Qld Youth Music Awards (QYMA) | St Laurence’s College

Junior Choir

Thursday 25 May

Co-curricular Drama Evening | ER Chapel

Drama students in Years 4-8

Please ensure you are subscribed to the relevant Tags on the College App for all reminders and updates.


Last Thursday evening we held our annual Vocal, Piano, Drum Kit and Guitar Concert in NJ Hall. This event as absolutely become a highlight of the ATC Cultural Calendar and this year’s instalment did not disappoint. With nearly four hours of performances over three sessions it was a packed program that showcased soloists from beginning students to seasoned veterans. The highlight of the evening was in hearing our senior students combine to perform numbers with support of “the band” and the standard of musicianship was nothing short of extraordinary. An evening that will be remembered for a very long time – congratulations to all involved!

The Autumn music concert video has been released and you can CLICK HERE to view.

Piano, Vocal, Guitar and Drums recital videos are here:

Please use the password to access these performances.


Please support upcoming P&F events including the Rugby Night Out at Suncorp on Friday 19 May. Tickets are available via Parent Lounge. Thank you to Mr Andrew Taylor for coordinating this event. We thank the P&F dads for volunteering at the Mothers in May event on Wednesday 17 May.

Save the Date:

Trivia Night Saturday 29 July
Spring Lunch Friday 13 October

P&F Rugby Family Night Out

The ATC P&F invite you to the annual Rugby Family Night Out at Suncorp Stadium on Friday 19 May, to see the Queensland Reds take on The Auckland Blues in their final home game of the 2023 season. Start the afternoon with other ATC families by the river at ATC, for pizza and drinks at 5:30pm, and then head off to Suncorp Stadium on the train from Indooroopilly at 6:20pm. Game kick off is 7.35pm. Tickets are available via Parent Lounge until 8:00pm Friday 12 May 2023. Strictly no late ticket sales are possible. The Reds are holding our seat allocation only until that time.

Ticket Options are:

Option 1: Adult - Pizza and drinks in Silver Zone, $50

Option 2: Junior - Pizza and drinks in Silver Zone, $25

Option 3: Pizza and soft drink only for existing game ticketholders $10.00

Go to Parent Lounge to secure your tickets. All family and friends are welcome to attend.  Please contact Mr Andrew Taylor, P&F Rugby Family Night Out Coordinator, if you have any queries or special food requirements. For event and ticket queries, please contact Andrew: Students are asked to wear the ATC PE Uniform or Rugby Jersey. Our Taiko Drummers will be performing on field at the game!

For any P&F queries, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine 

See you in Week 5!

Mr David Gardiner 

Deputy Principal