Coming Up Week 5

College assembly this week celebrated the students who represented our College in Open and First teams during Term Two and our Senior Music members. These students have modelled the desire, commitment, and discipline to be selected in our top teams. With a heavy academic program in the senior years, it is the discipline that enables them to be successful across the different fields. Our Jazz Ensemble also performed and wowed the crowd with their talent. They are just one of the over twenty bands, ensembles and choirs that bring so much to our community. It is another massive term for our musicians as they prepare for the QCMF on 17-20 August and our Formal Music Evening 1 September as well as preparing for fine performances at annual Jazz by the River on Saturday 14 October.

I thank all the students who continue to participate in our co-curricular program that brings so much to our community in terms of skill development, friendship, spirit and belonging. I share my gratitude to Mr Bolt and Mr Turner for their leadership in providing with their teams such a rich and diverse program for the students. Part way through Term Three and with Term Four still to come, it is important that level of participation and commitment continues right to the end of the year.

Interhouse Chess Tournament

Our Interhouse competition continued this week with the Chess Competition. Held over three days for each of the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools, the Senior school students were out in force leading the activity. Congratulations to Ulster House on taking top honours and Munster in second place. The tally board looked like this after Thursday's battle:


The Senior A Debating team's run ended on Wednesday night in a hard-fought knockout final against Marist Ashgrove. Once again, the team debated in front of a fantastic crowd of supporters, both students and staff and I congratulate Matthew, Killian, Pat, and Jack, who represented ATC throughout its inaugural Senior A season!

2024 Subject Selections

Thank you to families in Years 7-9 who have submitted their subject selections on time. This has allowed us to process this data for 2024 and allocate subjects and organised timetable lines. Every student currently in Years 7 to 9 has been allocated their preferences. The good news is that no reserve subjects have had to be used. Confirmation emails will be sent to the students next week. The system only allows emails to be sent to the students’ accounts so caregivers will need to check with their child. Changes will be considered later in the semester, but we cannot guarantee changes will be successful as the timetable lines have now been set. Current Year 10 students are completing their SET plan meetings and this data will be processed next week for Year 11 2024.

A lot of events are happening next week, and the upcoming weeks. Please read on for all the details to ensure you are up-to-date.


Friday 4 August – Sunday 6 August | Year 11-1 QLD Volleyball Schools Cup

Tuesday 8 August | Feast Day of St Mary Mackillop

Tuesday 8 August | Year 8 (C, N, X) Geography excursion

Tuesday 8 August | Year 11 RYDA Program

Tuesday 8 August | P&F Meeting

Wednesday 9 August | Year 5 Mass & Retreat

Wednesday 9 August | Year 10 Economics/Accounting excursion

Wednesday 9 August | Year 7-9 Clontarf AFL Carnival

Wednesday 9 August | Year 8 & 9 Drama incursion

Wednesday 9 August | Senior Music Presentation evening

Thursday 10 August | Years 7-9 Clontarf Regional Camp

Thursday 10 August | College Tour

Friday 11 August | Year 4 Mass

Friday 11 August | Senior School Lip Sync Battle (2nd Break)

Friday 11 August | Years 4-12 Chess Age Championships

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Parents and Friends Trivia Night on Saturday. There were some fantastic costumes, and the trivia competition was fierce. The Richie Benaud team took out top points in the Trivia with the Retired Folks just one point behind. Congratulations to The Butchers (and their ham) who won the Best Dressed Table. Prizes were also awarded for the best individual male and female costumes and the judges had a difficult decision with so many wonderful outfits! I would like to acknowledge Mrs Suzanne Rosolen who has coordinated this P&F event for a number of years. Her organisation has ensured its success this year she steps aside from this role. Thank you Suzanne, for all you have contributed to the friendraising at ATC.


Chris Ryan shared an update on NAPLAN results with our community in today’s blog. He also offered his best wishes to our Volleyballers and Debaters for their upcoming clashes and reflected on the CLT’s performance at the P&F Trivia Night. CLICK HERE TO READ the Week 4 Principal’s Message.


Autism Workshop for Parents and Carers

Positive Partnerships work together with parents, carers and educators of school-aged children on the autism spectrum to provide current, relevant and evidence informed information through workshops and online resources. We have had two staff members recently attend a 2-day workshop for educators and the feedback was incredibly positive. Parent and Carer workshops are supported by experienced facilitators and provide practical tools and resources to take home. These tools and resources may assist with school meetings and NDIS planning. There is a workshop coming up on the 23 and 24 August, please see the flyer for more details.

Year 4 Hearing Screen Program

The Year 4 Hearing Screening Program is scheduled for Friday 25 August. Consent forms will need to be returned to the College by 2 August. Please refer to the ATC App for more information.

Senior Music Presentation

On Wednesday, 9 August, we warmly invite family members and fellow classmates to join us in the Chapel of St Joseph from 6pm to 7.30pm to experience the high-quality work that has recently been completed as a part of Year 11 and 12 Music student’s FA3 and IA3 Music assessment. As so much of their curriculum work occurs within the confines of the classroom, we wish to provide opportunity for students to share their compositions and performances with their community. This event has been previously flagged in classes with students but below are all the details. If there is a clash with a prior commitment that prevents a student’s involvement in this event, please contact Mr Liam Thomas to find a solution that sees every student able to present their work. Students are to wear smart casual clothing appropriate for their presentation. Presentations will be audio-visually recorded for school records. Parents are also invited to record presentations. Full details are on the ATC App.

Hospitality Students Excursion to Ekka

As part of the Certificate II in Hospitality students are required to complete 12 shifts in the Hospitality industry. During the excursion students will be participating in Work Experience and/or Vocational Placement with The Royal National Agricultural & Industrial Association of Queensland Tuesday 15 August 2023. Whilst on the excursion, students participate and learn about how different departments and within the hospitality industry and gain knowledge on how they operate. This will involve the opportunity to work in a range of different environments ranging from kitchens preparing food to the front of house greeting guests and using registers. During the excursion, students will complete different tasks as part of a service shift. This can be used as one of the 12 shifts required as part of the requirements to obtain their Certificate II in Hospitality. Students will need to be at the Middle Pick up/drop off Area by no later than 8.20am for roll marking. Buses will depart from this location at 8.45am and return to the College by 3.15pm. Students MUST wear black tshirt/ATC PE Shirt with long black trousers with black closed shoes. They should bring their own water bottle with water, morning tea, lunch and a pen. If you have any queries regarding the day please don’t hesitate to contact Simon Martin Head of Vocational Education


Year 11 Visual Arts in Practice students were throwing on the wheel and making slip casts at The Ceramic Studio this week. It is no easy task to create clay vessels on a wheel, with many skills, techniques and perseverance required, but our students were masters in the making. Students have been learning a range of hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques as part of their unit of work focussing on functional forms and are steadily building their own impressive collections of saleable wares.

Year 5 are learning about Mother Mary in their Religion unit this term and investigating how she is perceived in the bible. They will explore her importance in the life of Jesus with particular focus on the wedding at Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle. This week Year 5 completed an activity designing a newspaper article on this biblical event.



On Tuesday 8 August, Year 11 students will participate in an engaging workshop, front loading students’ understanding of road safety. The workshops sessions are led by a team of Police, driving instructor and community sector experts. We thank the support of the Rotarians who enable ATC to support this valuable program. RYDA is more than a program, it is partnership that has become part of the College culture, providing our students with the tools and understanding to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens; motivating them to create good habits and stay safe on the roads.


Year Level Mass Celebrations

An important expression of a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition is the celebration of Mass to bring the community together, listen to scripture, give thanks, and be united in Holy Communion as the heart of Catholic faith and life. The Year 4 Mass is being held on Friday 11 August and the Year 8 Mass on Tuesday 15 August. These Masses will be held in the Chapel of St Joseph at 8:30am. Students are expected to wear their full Formal Uniform, including suitcoat and tie. These will be student only events. Students will meet in their homeroom at first bell to mark rolls prior to the commencement of Mass in the Chapel.

Year 5 Mass & Retreat Day

Parents and Caregivers of Year 5 are advised that the Year 5 Mass and Retreat Day has been rescheduled to Wednesday 9 August. Further information will be released on the College App this Sunday, with letter from Mr Matt Warr outlining the requirements and activities for the day. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Lawrie Gordon, Year 5 Coordinator if you have any queries.


Service Program

Students and families are reminded that recording of service hours for the ATC Service Program and Awards close on the last day of this term, Friday 15 September. After the completion of the Service Hours, students are to approach the Homeroom teacher (or the Supervising Teacher) to have their Service Hours logged via Teacher Kiosk. It is also possible for parents to act on behalf of students and email Homeroom teachers to request hours be logged. This will be particularly relevant for students in the Junior school.

View Service Hours Recorded

Parents can view their child’s service hour entries through Parent Lounge. After logging into Parent Lounge, Service Hour Entry can be accessed through Student Details > Pastoral Care. This will give an overview of the Pastoral Care entry. Click the magnify button to view specific details.  We regularly share the stories of service on social media and the ATConnect Blog. Parents and students are encouraged to send their contributions to  Through this we can show the wider community how the ATC student is a Signum Fidei, Sign of Faith. The publication and sharing of these good news stories, also promote many of the wonderful organisations that our students work with, as well as bring to the fore the many causes and issues that our students are advocates for.  If you have any queries about the ATC Service Program, please contact Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs.

Year 7 RE Service Learning Project

This term, the Year 7 cohort are exploring what it means to live a Good Life as a part of the RE Curriculum. A significant focus for this unit is that students are asked to plan, implement and reflect on a Service-Learning Project. This project is a chance for students to engage with external organisations and begin to understand the benefits of service and volunteers in our community. We invite parents and families to engage with this opportunity and to be involved with your child’s decision for the project. You may be able to facilitate a connection with a local sports or community group, a local aged care home, person in need or charitable organisation. Even an idea may be enough to motivate your child and their group members to make a difference. Please talk with your child about this assessment and talk about the prospects that are available to them. We encourage you to walk alongside your child in service and envisage a more meaningful connection as they demonstrate Catholic virtues in action. Should you have any queries about this project please contact your child’s RE teacher or Alicia Madigan, RE Coordinator, Middle School.


Track and Field training has started and will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in preparation for the GBC and AIC Championships. It is not too late to register - please come into the Sport Office or email us at to do so. Our first meet is coming up quickly which is the AIC Pre-Meet on Thursday 24 August at QSAC. We will share registration and more details closer to the meet and we encourage all Year 4-12 students to register – it is a great practice event to build some confidence before the championship events. Please be advised that Track and Field training will be split across two venues. Year 4 to 6 will be on site at Jack Bowers Oval from 3.15-4.30pm, whilst Year 7 to 12 will be at Jack Cook Park at Toowong from 3.30-5pm. Buses will transport the Year 7 to 12 boys to Jack Cook Park, however, a reminder that families will have to collect their child from Jack Cook Park after the conclusion of training. We look forward to a great season ahead.


The ATC Chess Age Championships will be held on Friday 11 August from 3:15pm – 6:00pm in NJ Hall.  Information regarding the championships can be found on the app, under both the Chess tag and year levels. Registrations are open through Parent Lounge, Extra Curricular.

Age Champion Classification: Junior School Champion – Years 4, 5, and 6; - Middle School Champion – Year 7, 8, and 9; - Senior School Champion – Year 10, 11, and 12. The 2023 Chess Age Champion for each section will be presented at ATC Celebration of Excellence.

Eligibility: All ATC students with Chess experience, irrespective of whether they are part of “ATC Chess Club”, are welcome to register for these Championships. We look forward to seeing plenty of ATC Chess enthusiasts vying to become the ATC Chess Champion for 2023.


Term 3 is one of the most exciting terms we have at ATC Music with both QCMF and the Formal Music Concert.  For students involved in Co-curricular Music, QCMF is our Grand Final – it’s the most important musical competition ATC participates in! Our 2023 Music Captains shared the following thoughts with students at assembly this week and they show the significance and importance of this huge event.

'As ensembles, we don’t always get the opportunity to see like-minded musicians perform outside of school. So, attending QCMF allows us to experience the musical variety of other school ensembles and is key to learning and developing as a musician. It’s a really significant opportunity for our musicians and we wish them all the best. '– Tristan S

'Without doing events like QCMF, I truly believe it would not have formed me into the musician and person I am today. These music events are so much more that just showcasing music; the knowledge and inspiration you gain are key to developing you as a person and as a musician.' – Ryan T.

'If it wasn’t for opportunities like these, I would have never truly discovered my passion for music and how it expands beyond yourself, but into the wider community' – Alex P.

Please continue to check the College App for details of performance times and contact if you have any questions or concerns.


Ticket sales are open and there are some remaining seats available! Please visit for all details about the anticipated return of the ATC Long Lunch on Sunday 10 September. Come along and enjoy live entertainment, drinks at the Long Lunch Bar and catching up with friends. You can BYO food or order from Rosalie Gourmet Market for delivery to the event on the day, easy! We look forward to a wonderful community occasion and advise that this is an 18+ only event.

Sponsorship Opportunities – Do you have a business or have contacts that can help support this event by way of donation or sponsorship? We seek your involvement to make this event a success and ask that you register your interest to assist via this form. Should you have any questions, please contact Helen Hicks, Administration Officer, Ambrose Treacy College Foundation.


Meeting Dates 

Please join the P&F President Ben Prain in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm to hear updates from the Principal and news regarding our community events at the College. All are welcome to come along. 

Further dates for 2023:

  • Tuesday 5 September 6.30pm AGM
  • Tuesday 10 October 6.30pm
  • Tuesday 21 November 6.30pm Planning Meeting for 2024

Enjoy Week 5,

David Gardiner 

Deputy Principal 

College Tour

Registration for the August College Tour is now at capacity but if you and your son would like to join us for the final tour of the year on Thursday 2 November please register via the link below. Taking a small group tour is the best way to see our amazing riverside campus and to meet staff and students who can answer your questions and show you the ATC difference. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER or SHARE THIS LINK WITH A FRIEND.