Coming Up Week 5

This week Ash Wednesday liturgies were held in cohort groups across the College to mark the beginning of Lent. I attended the Year 9 Liturgy at our amphitheatre by the river known as Warril Place. The solemnity of the occasion was enhanced by the connection we felt to the land and waterways of the Turrbal and Jagera peoples. Students were asked to reflect on their spiritual and developmental journeys, considering how they could work in small ways to realise their calling at ATC to be Signs of Faith.

‘Lent, the solemn 40-day period before Easter, holds profound significance in the Catholic Church and other Christian traditions. On Ash Wednesday, Catholics and some other Christian denominations receive ashes in the shape of a cross on their forehead or sprinkled on top of their head. These ashes are created from the palms used during the previous year’s Palm Sunday Mass. They symbolize penance, which is appropriate as Lent is a season of penance and remind us of our own mortality. During the Mass, as the priest or lay minister applies the ashes, he says “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

Throughout Lent Catholics engage in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These practices serve to deepen our connection with God, our awareness of Jesus’ sacrificial love, and to prepare our hearts and minds for the Paschal Mystery—the journey of Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection. Lent is an invitation to reflect, repent, and renew one's commitment to living a life of faith, ultimately leading to the joyful celebration of Easter.’

Source: A Complete Guide to Catholic Lent 2024 | Dynamic Catholic (Accessed 16/2/24)

Set Down and Pick Up Advice for Parents and Caregivers

Morning set down and afternoon pick up is complex and busy at ATC. Car movement at the Duhig Drive and Bridge Street set down/pick up areas, combined with buses, childcare centre traffic and 1300+ student pedestrians pose a significant risk. The safety of students is our priority. I ask all drivers to continue working in partnership with us to keep our students safe. I thank you for your ongoing understanding and support. Please note the following advice.

  • Remain in your vehicle.
  • Stay off your phone.
  • Pick up your son from the marked bays.
  • Move to the farthest forward bay to alleviate traffic behind you.
  • Ask your son to get into the car directly with his bag.
  • Avoid opening boots and allowing your son to stand at the rear of car.
  • Be mindful of pedestrian crossings.
  • Follow the directions of staff on duty.
  • Understand that traffic on surrounding public roads contribute to issues on campus.
  • Be patient.drop off


Next week final staff and student briefings will take place for what will be an exciting week of camp activities. Note that bus and venue bookings are finalised so changes cannot be accommodated.

A final reminder to head to ‘Parent Lounge’ and use the parent and student details tabs to check your information and edit your records. In the ‘Medical Details’ area please ensure we have a Medicare number, private healthcare number (if relevant), swimming ability, and allergy, diet, or other medical information. Thank you to most families who have attended to this already.

The College will operate throughout camp week with timetabled classes for year groups who are on campus. There will be some teacher changes due to the large number of staff on camp. Classwork has been set for relief teachers.


Year 4: Departing Monday 26 February, going to Mt Tamborine, and returning Tuesday 27 February.

Year 5: Departing Monday 26 February, going to Sunshine Coast Rec Centre, and returning on Wednesday28 February.

Year 6 Group A (Year 6 Nolan & Treacy): Departing Monday 26 February and returning on Thursday 29 February.

Year 6 Group B (Year 6 Lynch & Bodkin): Departing Tuesday 27 February and returning on Friday 1 March.

Year 7 Group A (Year 7 Bodkin, Lynch, Wynn & Treacy (last names A-K)): Departing Monday 26 February, going to Emu Gully, and returning on Wednesday 28 February.

Year 7 Group B (Year 7 Campbell, Nolan, Conn & Treacy (last names L-Z)): Departing Wednesday 28 February, going to Emu Gully, and returning on Friday 1 March.

Year 8: Departing Wednesday 28 February, going to Camp Laurence, and returning on Friday 1 March.

Year 9: Departing Tuesday 27 February, to 5 different Sunshine Coast Hinterland camps, and returning on Friday 1 March. 

Year 10: Tuesday 27 February until Friday 1 March. Various camp selections including Mountain Bike, Stradbroke Island, Rural Farmstay, Science and Hospitality.

Year 12: Claddagh Retreat. All Students Wednesday 28 February to Friday 1 March


Monday 19 February | NAPLAN Practice Testing

Tuesday 20 February | NAPLAN Practice Testing

Wednesday 21 February | NAPLAN Practice Testing

Thursday 22 February | College Tour

Friday 23 February | Year 7 Mass


In Chris Ryan's Week 4 Blog, Celebrating the ATC Story - Chris spoke about the heartwarming stories we find of friendship, mateship, hardship and triumph in our classrooms, on the sporting fields, the music rooms and around the playground. CLICK HERE to read the full story.


All Camp Information is available to view on Parent Lounge. Please read the Camp details which include dates, bus departure and return times, and be sure to update your medical details which must include all Medicare Information and swimming ability.

**Some camps require specific waiver forms to be completed by parents/caregivers. It is imperative these are viewed in Parent Lounge, downloaded, completed and saved with a file name: [Your child's full name and year level] then emailed to or printed and handed to your child's Homeroom teacher, by MONDAY 19 FEBRUARY. If the waivers are not signed and returned, your child will be unable to participate fully in the activities.

Thank you to those who have already completed all requirements.

Year 12 Significant Dates for 2024

A letter has been emailed to all Year 12 parents this week outlining significant events and dates for our Seniors and their families this year. Please check your inbox and the ATC App to mark your calendars and set aside time to be part of these milestone events and rituals.

Pay it Forward

The Seniors this year are determined to Be The Change in everything they do across: relationships and connectedness; academia and co-curricular; camaraderie and friendships. At College Assembly this week, they re-launched the collaborative initiative developed between themselves and the 2023 Seniors: The Random Acts of Kindness - Pay it Forward Bands. If you are the lucky recipient of this band, it means someone has done something kind for you and it is now your turn to Pay it Forward to someone, transferring the band to a new person. Kindness and service come in many forms - it is easy and brings feelings of joy to our community. We call everyone to Choose Kind in 2024 and feel the ripple effect of RAoKs.

Pay it Forward




Exploring the world of physics in style! Our Year 11 Physics students are diving into the fascinating realm of thermal energy, working in dynamic groups to craft the most innovative insulated beaker designs to prevent heat transfer. From brainstorming sessions to hands-on experimentation, they're infusing creativity into science! Check out their ingenious creations.


Year 5 warm-ups, research and skill building! In preparations for adding boats to our ink-blown artworks inspired by Minam Apang’s folk tales of fishermen, boys discussed and practiced drawing boats they love from dinghy’s to super maxi yachts. This enabled them to build on their drawing skills and gain confidence using simple drawing techniques.


Ash Wednesday

Lent. a time to #BeThechange. To give your time, to do service, to donate money to charity and to do things differently. With only 40 days left until Easter Sunday, what will you sacrifice?

ash wednesday

Year 4 Retreat

Activities included Zones of Regulation, Team Games, a tour of Edmund Rice building followed by a sausage sizzle lunch and cooling zooper dooper were part of the Year 4 Retreat Day. Our Dean of Faith and Mission Matt Warr and Paul Degenkamp, Year 4 Coordinator both admired the maturity, energy and engagement from our youngest students.

Shrove Tuesday

What better way to learn about Shrove Tuesday in Year 4 than with pancakes! Shrove Tuesday is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday and is seen as the last chance to enjoy rich foods before Lent. The Year 4 students enjoyed this sweet treat in Religion today as they learned about the significance of this day leading into Lent.


Brothers are banding together for those in need! Ethan (Year 8) and Brody (Year 5), have been cooking up a storm to provide support to families in need. The boys are not only serving their community but also improving their culinary skills! We thank Ethan and Brody for being signs of faith. If your son has a Service story to share with photos, please email us at so we can share your good news stories on our social media.




ATC offers a great Co-curricular Drama & Communication program to all students in Years 4-12. Drama & Communication lessons increase a student’s confidence with orals and public speaking, improve their articulation and communication skills and offers numerous other benefits to set them up for life! It’s also heaps of fun with costumes and props and is a fantastic way for students to further develop their social skills.

Co-curricular Music also offers Vocal, Guitar (Year 5 onwards) and Drama & Communication lessons.

If you are interested in lessons, please contact . Please go to the below link for the Co-curricular Fees Schedule.



For all new students interested in joining a choir, rehearsals are open to all students with no audition required. Junior Choir (years 4-6) rehearse on Thursday mornings from 7am and ATC Senior Singers (years 7-12) rehearse on Thursday afternoons from 3.10 pm to 4.10 pm. Both sessions are in Music Classroom K104. We look forward to seeing you there!


Percussion lessons are booming in the Music Department and Amaris is already getting into the funky grooves for 2024! He and other students enjoy their lessons and rehearsals, but the real thrill is performing on stage with their peers. Do you know how many school ensembles they are involved in? Everything from Junior Band and Symphonic Winds through to Jazz groups and the three Percussion Ensembles! If your son is keen to try the drums (even if your ears aren't so keen!) please reach out to Mr Bannon via email:


After a successful first 2 rounds of the 2024 ATC Sporting year, we look forward to all of our AFL, Cricket and Volleyball fixtures this weekend. We will be versing 4 different schools across 3 different competitions which provides our boys with the opportunity to experience various opponents on the field and court.

Special shout-out to our 1st XI Cricketers and 1st VI Volleyballers who remain undefeated through these first 2 weeks. A reminder that all results will be posted on the App each Monday after fixtures.

Please remember, if your son is not available to attend his training session or fixture, please email or the sport’s co-ordinator to mark our son’s absence.


Year 9 athletes Nick and Seb had success at the recent State Triathlon meet finishing 9th and 10th respectively. Their top performances have earned them a place in the Queensland team to compete at Nationals in March. We wish both students all the best and look forward to hearing more good news!


Last Friday afternoon our AFL Firsts played their second game for the season at Yeronga. We wish the best of luck to all our boys playing in our AFL teams this week, from Plainlands to Yeronga and Zillmere.


Last weekend, our Irish Warriors faced stiff competition with games against Iona College. Despite the weather gods' best attempt, all games managed to be played thanks to some great pivoting by our coaches and staff. It was a successful day across the board for the ATC Cricket Program with the College finishing with a winning percentage. Good luck to our cricketers today, as we take on Padua College. C'mon the Blue, Green, White!


Last weekend’s round of Volleyball saw all of our Volleyball teams face-off against Toowoomba Grammar School and Sheldon College. Our 7A, 9A, 10A, 2nd VI and 1st VI teams recorded victories over the weekend which is an excellent result and is certainly an indication of the strength our Volleyball program.

Our boys will be travelling to St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace, and Faith Lutheran College this weekend. Please make sure our boys check the ATC app for Venue details and game times. Good luck this weekend everyone!


As we are underway for Week 2 of our 2024 Term 1 Clubs program, we ask all students and families to make sure they are subscribed to their relevant tag on the App for all notices. We ask students to please arrive on time for their relevant club session and notify and your co-ordinator. We welcome in our popular Mountain Biking Club for their first session this Sunday. Hope all club participants have great sessions in the upcoming week.

Robotics Club

It's another year and another start for Robotics Club! This year the students are working towards creating some robots to compete in RoboRave Australia which will be held later this year. Students will get the opportunity to work with Microbits, Micromelons, Lego EV3 and spike primes and Arduinos. It's looking like a great group of students.

Gardening Club

The ATC Garden club are excited to start the new year of growing beautiful plants and delicious vegetables. But before we can plant anything, we needed to do some weeding. So, the Year 4 members grabbed their gloves, tools and enthusiasm and got to work! We can't wait to share our progress throughout the year.


We look forward to welcoming 300 guests to our Kick off Cocktails tomorrow night from 6.30 pm to 10.30 pm at Figs on Sylvan | Wests Rugby Club Toowong.


Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you in Week 6!

Jason Sepetauc, Deputy Principal