Coming Up Week 6

A number of students displayed initiative in organising the opportunity to speak at College Assembly this week. Billy Corbett (Year 7) shared his story and by having muscular dystrophy which causes his muscles to get weaker over time, he must use a scooter around the campus and sought the students’ support in being aware and being patient around him. “It not only makes my body feel tired, but it can also make my brain feel tired too. This can make me feel overwhelmed, especially in crowded places.” Billy also talked about changing perceptions of disability and how inclusion is a big part of ATC.

Archie Cramer (Year 11) then stepped forward to share his journey in the Australian Navy Cadets. After being talked into trying the cadets by his mother, Archie spoke about what he has learned, and the opportunities provided from being in the cadets. As the assembly also discussed some negative behaviour around the toilets across the College, and the need for us all to outwardly demonstrate pride in our College, it was warming to see young people show initiative and have the courage to share their story to the student body. It speaks a lot about the acceptance and understanding our community shares.

Lip Sync House Challenge

The senior Homerooms have been actively rehearsing for weeks for today’s Lip Sync Senior House battle. Congratulations to Ulster House on their performance and taking out the Lip Sync crown for 2023.

2024 House leaders

The Year 11 cohort have been involved in a series of retreats, workshops, and meetings to develop their leadership for 2024. As part of this, staff and students have been involved in a process to select Senior Leaders for 2024. I congratulate the following students have been successful candidates as Senior Leaders working alongside our College Captains, Declan Lever, Jock Noonan and Michael Neumann are:






Aboriginal & Torres

Strait Islander

Aidan Crouch

Elliot Andrew

Finn Mahoney

Zak Olsen

Zac Shipard

Seb Lever

Joshua Kelly

James Kent

Julian Massi

Jacob Edwards

Noah Cowley

Lachlan Roberts

Nick Childs

Dash Solomon

Toby Smith

Trent Wylie

2024 Subject Selections

All current Year 7 to 10 student subject selections have now been processed for 2024. Each student in these year levels have been sent an email to confirm their subject selections, and that no reserve subjects have needed to be used. Please ask your child to share the email with you to confirm the 2024 subjects.

2024 Camp Week

Planning is well underway for the 2024 camp program. Even though months in advance, planning for service providers, equipment, buses, food etc must occur now. All current Year 8 and 9 students have been provided with information regarding choices they have for Camp week 2024. The respective powerpoints have also been provided to families in these year levels, with an online form to be completed with the student preference. This data will then be collated to assist our planning with external providers.

Public Holiday

With Show holiday this Wednesday, the split week may unsettle some routines, but hopefully it will provide a chance to have a breather but also to catch up with assignment and revision work as we approach the latter part of the term. For our musicians it will also mark the commencement of Queensland Catholic Music Festival over the following four days. I wish all the groups the absolute best for this huge event.

Please read on for all the upcoming events to ensure you are up to date.


Monday 14 August – Friday 18 August | Book Week

Tuesday 15 August | Year 8 Mass

Tuesday 15 August | Junior School Interhouse Track & Field Carnival

Tuesday 15 August | Year 12 Hospitality excursion to Ekka

Tuesday 15 August | Year 11 SociABLE

Wednesday 16 August | Ekka Public Holiday

Thursday 17 August – Sunday 20 August | QCMF

Thursday 17 August | Year 5 Let’s Chat

Thursday 17 August | Year 10 Immunisations


Year 12 Mock Exam Schedule is now available on Student Cafe and Parent Lounge. Students will attend classes in Week 8 unless they have a scheduled exam. In Week 9, students will be on an exam block where they are only required to attend school for their exams.

Autism Workshop for Parents and Carers

Positive Partnerships work together with parents, carers and educators of school-aged children on the autism spectrum to provide current, relevant and evidence informed information through workshops and online resources. We have had two staff members recently attend a 2-day workshop for educators and the feedback was incredibly positive. Parent and Carer workshops are supported by experienced facilitators and provide practical tools and resources to take home. These tools and resources may assist with school meetings and NDIS planning. There is a workshop coming up on 23 and 24 August, please see the flyer for more details.

Hospitality Students Excursion to Ekka

As part of the Certificate II in Hospitality, students are required to complete 12 shifts in the Hospitality industry. During the excursion, students will be participating in Work Experience and/or Vocational Placement with The Royal National Agricultural & Industrial Association of Queensland on Tuesday 15 August 2023. Whilst on the excursion, students participate and learn about how different departments and within the hospitality industry and gain knowledge on how they operate. This will involve the opportunity to work in a range of different environments ranging from kitchens preparing food, to the front of house greeting guests, and using registers. During the excursion, students will complete different tasks as part of a service shift. This can be used as one of the 12 shifts required as part of the requirements to obtain their Certificate II in Hospitality. Students will need to be at the Middle Pick Up/Drop Off area by no later than 8.30am for roll marking. Buses will depart from this location at 8.45am and return to the College by 3.15pm. Students MUST wear their white long-sleeve ATC shirt and long black trousers with black closed-in shoes and bring their own bag with a water bottle, morning tea, lunch, and a pen. If you have any queries regarding the day, please don’t hesitate to contact Simon Martin, Head of Vocational Education:

Book Week – Monday 14 August to Friday 18 August

During Book Week, ATC will be celebrating books and Australian children’s authors and illustrators by running activities and presenting guest authors to our Junior School cohort. Authors Michael Gerard Bauer (The Running Man, Don’t Call Me Ishmael) and Phil Kettle (Too Cool series) will visit with our Junior School students, and the College will be putting on a QBD Book Fair in Mt Sion Library. Other activities will include the Design a Bookmark Competition, and Mt Sion Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt. Selected teams will also take part in the WABIAD (Write a Book in a Day) Competition, encompassing all aspects to publishing point in the Westcourt Library.

Book Week Parade

On Friday 18 August the Junior School Library will host the annual BOOK WEEK DRESS UP PARADE at 9.20am on assembly. Come dressed as your favourite book character and join in the fun! Also running throughout Book Week in the Junior school is the 'Design a Book Mark' competition and the 'Mt Sion Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt'. Along with the parade and competitions, we have fabulous authors visiting to share their love of reading with the boys. We look forward to seeing all of the fantastic READ GROW INSPIRE costumes.


RYDA is more than a program, it is partnership that has become part of the College culture, providing our students with the tools and understanding to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens; motivating them to create good habits and stay safe on the roads. This engaging workshop, led by a team of Police, driving instructors and community sector experts aimed to build an understanding of road safety. We thank the support of the Rotarians who enable ATC to support this valuable program.

Male reading role models are more important than you think! A critical aspect of literacy is reading and one of the best ways to inspire the next generation of male readers is seeing men read! Research shows that boys need to see their positive male role models as 'readers', so that they too, might become 'readers'. This term, Ms Taylor put a call out to our dedicated male staff members to volunteer as 'reading role-models' in an exciting new book club, Real Men Read. The club is aimed at our Middle School and Senior School boys with the shared vision of building our reading culture at ATC. Every day at 2nd break, a growing group of boys and a different male teacher meet up to simply connect with each other about books and reading. Discussions revolve around what boys are currently reading and books our staff enjoyed reading when they were their age. There's read-alouds, book puzzles and recommendations aplenty- no day is ever the same! Library staff provide delicious snacks to entice boys - Real Men Read is steadily growing! It is wonderful to see so many boys regularly attending to share their love of books and reading as well as building on the positive connections they are forming with peers and teachers, in a relaxed, informal setting.

Year 4 Maths has been all about addition and subtraction with decimals this week, in the lead up to them completing a financial assignment where they will need to budget for a trip to movies, right down to the last cent.

During the recent holidays, Year 12 student Fearghus Keogh was offered the opportunity to attend the Winter School at the University of Queensland. The immersion involved discussing the literary and metaphysical relevance of Frankenstein and debating topics such as the role of AI in society and religion. In addition, students explored the moral and ethical issues surrounding eugenics and the political history of the West. To compliment the Frankenstein theme, there was an evening of ghost stories (in imitation of Lord Byron’s famous ghost story competition which led to the conception of Frankenstein), and a Frankenstein-themed movie night. The group also toured UQ’s Integrated Pathology Learning Centre which incorporates objects from Marks-Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History collection.


Year 5 Let’s Chat

As part of our Formation program for 2023, students in Years 5 will explore the topic Sexual Self in Term 3 (August 17 & 21). To assist in the delivery of this topic, the College is extremely fortunate to acquire the services of Let's Chat Education, which will deliver the majority of the content. It is important that children are given accurate, reliable, and appropriate information and skills in a supportive environment, and the home is one of the best places for this education to occur. However, support from the school environment also is important. Our school’s Formation program covers a wide range of education matter, including self-awareness, social self, safe living, and sexual self. The topic for this term aims to encourage students to make informed decisions about their lifestyle and will be implemented in a manner that supports the role of parents and reflects the Catholic values and ethos of the College. For more detailed information about Let’s Chat Education, please contact Mr Michael Stewart.

Junior School Interhouse Athletics

On Tuesday 15 August, the Junior School will participate in the annual Interhouse Athletics at the College. The carnival allows us to align with the track and field program and to promote and identify talent prior to the upcoming AIC Championships later in the term. The day will provide a good blend of activities that cater for all athletes and students as they strive for House glory and become champions at the conclusion of the day. Parents are most welcome to attend the day.  All students are asked to wear their House shirt on the day to show their support to their House, and also, they are encouraged to display their House spirit through colour, wigs and House related costumes which they can put on AFTER they arrive at school. The carnival will take place during periods 3-6 with students having their normal lessons at the start of the day and usual break times throughout the day. The tuckshop will be available as per a normal Tuesday. Students are also asked to pack a hat, sunscreen and water bottle.  Following the Interhouse Athletics, students will move back to class for a normal finish time at 3pm. Should you have any questions in relation to this event, please feel free to contact Michael Stewart

Interhouse Chess Challenge

The annual Interhouse Chess Competition brought together students from Connacht, Ulster, Leinster, and Munster Houses in a friendly yet intense battle of strategy and intellect last week. The event was divided into three categories: Junior School, Middle School, and Senior School, providing a platform for students of all ages to showcase their chess prowess. The event highlighted the importance of critical thinking, strategy, concentration, and fair play. The dedication and passion displayed by the participants contributed to the competition's success. Congratulations to Ulster House for their outstanding performance and victory in this year's competition. Good luck to our chess enthusiasts who also compete this afternoon at the College Chess Championships.

Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY Immunisation

A reminder that Year 10 students with prior consent will receive the Meningococcal Vaccine on Thursday 17 August at 8.40am.

Year 11 SociABLE

The Year 11 SociABLE will be held on Tuesday 15 August at The Greek Club, with doors opening at 6:30pm. Professional photographers will be on site from 6:00pm to take photos of students and their partners, and student groups. The evening will conclude at 10:00pm. Students are reminded that the Year 11 SociABLE is a College function and all College behaviour expectations apply.


Year 8 Mass Celebrations

An important expression of a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition is the celebration of Mass to bring the community together, listen to scripture, give thanks, and be united in Holy Communion as the heart of Catholic faith and life. The Year 8 Mass will be held on Tuesday 15 August in the Chapel of St Joseph at 8:30am. Students are expected to wear their full Formal Uniform, including suitcoat and tie. These will be student only events. Students will meet in their homeroom at first bell to mark rolls prior to the commencement of Mass in the Chapel.


Service Program Log Hours

Students and families are reminded that recording of service hours for the ATC Service Program and Awards close on the last day of this term, Friday 15 September. After the completion of the Service Hours, students are to approach the Homeroom teacher (or the Supervising Teacher) to have their Service Hours logged via Teacher Kiosk. It is also possible for parents to act on behalf of students and email Homeroom teachers to request hours be logged. This will be particularly relevant for students in the Junior school.

Service Stories

We regularly share the stories of service on social media and the ATConnect Blog like the one below. Parents and students are encouraged to send their contributions to  Through this we can show the wider community how the ATC student is a Signum Fidei, Sign of Faith. The publication and sharing of these good news stories, also promote many of the wonderful organisations that our students work with, as well as bring to the fore the many causes and issues that our students are advocates for.  

Brisbane Botanic Gardens and the Friends of Sherwood Arboretum welcomed the students of Ambrose Treacy College for the recent nation-wide celebration of National Tree Day at Sherwood Arboretum. The students helped plant some 20 new trees and scrubs, including the rare Coolamon tree, a sub-tropical rainforest tree which has suffered from widespread clearing of its natural habitat in the Queensland - New South Wales border region. Students from Sherwood, Graceville and Indooroopilly State Schools and St Aidan’s also joined in the planting. Established in 1996, National Tree Day has grown into Australia’s largest community planting event. On the last Friday in July, more than 3000 schools around Australia celebrate National Tree Day with tree plantings and other environmental activities.

If you have any queries about the ATC Service Program, please contact Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs


In the lead up to this year's drama production of Lord of the Flies, our Actors Studio members are rehearsing under the tutelage of Ms Knauseder and Ms Holmes-Blissner for their performances in October. We can't wait to welcome you to NJ Hall for the 2023 festival. More information on Arts Week events will be shared next month.


Track and Field training has started and takes place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in preparation for the GBC and AIC Championships. It is not too late to register - please come into the Sport Office or email us at to do so.   Our first meet is coming up quickly, which is the AIC Pre-Meet on Thursday 24 August at QSAC. We will share registration and more details closer to the meet and we encourage all Year 4-12 students to register – it is a great practice event to build some confidence before the championship events.   Please be advised that Track and Field training will be split across two venues. Year 4 to 6 will be on site at Jack Bowers Oval from 3.15-4.30pm, whilst Year 7 to 12 will be at Jack Cook Park at Toowong from 3.30-5pm.   Buses will transport the Year 7 to 12 students to Jack Cook Park, however, a reminder that families will have to collect their child from Jack Cook Park after the conclusion of training. We look forward to a great season ahead.


Our Year 5 and 6 AIC Tennis players had a fantastic hit out against Padua over the weekend. The young athletes have been putting in the hard work over the first half of the term, and it is wonderful to see them enjoying their time on court! Have a look at more awesome action shots on our Facebook page.


The Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival is just over a week away and all instrumental and choral ensembles at ATC are making their final preparations. The ATC Jazz Orchestra ran their set in rehearsal yesterday afternoon as they prepare to perform in the Jazz Band 1A section next Saturday evening. We wish all our fantastic musicians all the very best for this very significant event and particularly our Year 12 musicians for their final QCMF!


Ticket sales moving fast so please visit secure your seat at a table for the ATC Long Lunch on Sunday 10 September. Enjoy live entertainment, drinks at the Long Lunch Bar and catching up with friends. You can BYO food or order from Rosalie Gourmet Market for onsite delivery to the event -easy! We look forward to a wonderful community occasion and advise that this is an 18+ only event.

Sponsorship Opportunities – Do you have a business or have contacts that can help support this event by way of donation or sponsorship? We seek your involvement to make this event a success and ask that you register your interest to assist via this form. If you have any questions, please contact Helen Hicks, Administration Officer, Ambrose Treacy College Foundation.


The Spring Lunch

Come and celebrate with friends at this year's ATC P&F Spring Lunch on Friday 13 October from 11.30am to 2.30pm at The Rose Room, Cloudland, Ann St, Fortitude Valley. Our guest speaker is Selena Gomersall, Founder of Outback Futures and former CEO. Tickets are $79 which includes a 2-course meal, a glass of sparkling on arrival and a lucky door ticket. Raffle tickets are on sale via Parent Lounge and on the day, with the funds raised going to Breast Cancer Research. Raffle tickets are 1 for $5; 3 for $10; 8 for $20. Seats are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. N.B Seating will be by the Year Level of your child/ren. Wear a splash of PINK as we combine fundraising power with the students' Pink Day. See your Parent Lounge account for tickets and terms & conditions.

Meeting Dates 

Please join the P&F President Ben Prain in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm to hear updates from the Principal and news regarding our community events at the College. All are welcome to come along. 

Further dates for 2023:

  • Tuesday 5 September 6.30pm AGM
  • Tuesday 10 October 6.30pm
  • Tuesday 21 November 6.30pm Planning Meeting for 2024

Enjoy Week 6 and don’t forget the Ekka Public Holiday on Wednesday.

Mr David Gardiner 

Deputy Principal