Coming Up Week 7

Our Camp Week once again was an enormous success. As I visited various camps and saw the enormous variety of opportunities throughout on offer, I was pleased to hear feedback from students, staff and parents that has been overwhelmingly positive. It is always refreshing to experience the maturity and compassion of our students across that number of challenging situations. A particular thanks goes to our exceptional staff for their selfless service in taking time away from their own family and friends in support of our students.

Week 7 promises to provide an additional range of opportunities for celebration and formation including our AIC Swimming Championships, International Women’s Day celebrations and Parent Strategies for Academic Success Information Night. As we transition back to onsite learning it will be important that we settle back into routines and normal scheduling. Many boys will be tired after six weeks of term and camp week but I ask you for your continued support of your child to ensure they are well rested and on target with schoolwork, study and regular activities.


With it being Week 7 of Term, some students who were well prepared for the start of the year are now in need of a tidy up haircut coming into the last month of the term. Formation Leaders have been asked to work with boys on this and I thank you for your proactive support from home in having haircuts done please.


Sunday 5 March | Clean Up Australia Day

Monday 6 March | Year 12 Geography Overnight excursion

Tuesday 7 March | Year 5-12 AIC Swimming Championships

Tuesday 7 March | P&F Meeting

Wednesday 8 March | International Women’s Day

Thursday 9 March | Year 10 & 11 Clontarf Regional Carnival

Thursday 9 March| Year 12 Study Skills for Success (Periods 1 & 2)

Thursday 9 March | Year 11 Study Skills for Success (Periods 3 & 4)

Thursday 9 March | Parent Strategies for Academic Success Workshop 6.00pm

Friday 10 March | Middle School House Challenge


Year 12 Formal 

The Year 12 Formal will be held on Friday 21 April at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Corner of Merivale and Glenelg Street from 6:30pm - 10:00pm. Tickets are now available for purchase through the Parent Lounge.  Please refer to the email communication sent today from Mr. Walker, Acting Dean of Formation regarding details of the event and important ticketing links. Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Year 11 P.A.R.T.Y Program

Year 11 Students will participate in a compulsory on-site event - P.A.R.T.Y Program, on Tuesday 14 March. What is P.A.R.T.Y.?... it is an acronym for Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth. What is the purpose of the Program? The purpose of the program is to give students a real-life experience of possible consequences of risk related behaviour, and hopefully reduce the number of young people involved in trauma. Alcohol is a large contributing factor to trauma in this vulnerable age group and the program aims to reduce the incidence of alcohol related injuries in teenagers and youth. The program was originally developed in Ontario, Canada in 1986. It now runs in over 100 sites worldwide. The program is an initiative of Qld Health and we are excited that our Year 11 Students will be participating in the program throughout the morning.



All students are invited to take part in the The Lenten Project as a way to practically live out the ritual of Lent. In order to complete the project and receive 2 Service Hours, students are asked to:

bring package-free, plastic-free, recyclable school lunches. This sacrifice of convenience is also a charitable donation to the environment that ATC so proudly advocates for. In addition, students are also asked to perform a daily prayer/reflection/meditation for the duration of Lent. This daily prayer can be in the form of traditional prayer such as meal-time prayer or leading their class in a morning prayer. However, it may also come in the form of a moment before bedtime to reflect on their day and give thanks. It may also include a few minutes of meditation and/or mindfulness activities.

These daily practices reflect the traditional elements of Lent; Fasting, Almsgiving and Prayer. By committing to this project students Fast from convenience, Give to our environment and engage with meaningful prayer and reflection that promotes personal growth and an awareness of others. Students are welcome to commence immediately however in order to prepare adequately, they may commence on Monday 27 February, and the project will conclude Thursday 6 April. As always, we love sharing what our students get up to in the area of Service! So please send through any photos or stories of your sons participating in this very practical Lenten Project to


Parenting Strategies for Teenage Success

In recognition of the importance and necessary study skills required in senior schooling, the College invites you to attend a Parenting Strategies for Teenage Success workshop on Thursday 9 March 2023, 6pm to 7:15pm in NJ Hall. We are pleased to welcome parenting and study skills expert, Darren Pereira to speak to parents about how to support their child in becoming well organised, develop positive study habits and communicate effectively. The student – teacher – parent partnership is critical to enhancing resilience and wellbeing, to raise academic achievement. When teachers and parents use the same common language and reinforce the same key messages, students are better able to develop critical study and organisational skills. More information about the Success Integrated program can be found in this short 2-minute video HERE. The evening will take place on Thursday 9 March 2023, 6pm to 7:15pm in NJ Hall. Please note this evening is strictly for parents and has been designed to complement the student presentation which will occur earlier in the day. Parents are required to bring a pen to the evening. Please CLICK HERE to register your attendance. Registrations will close on Tuesday 7 March at 12pm.


Year 11 ATC Economists and Accountants have been collaborating in teams with the wonderful Business Studies students from Brigidine College to engage in the ECOMAN Program, hosted for the first time at ATC this year. Students operate competing companies with each student taking a position such as Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Production Manager, Human Resources Manager and Marketing Manager. Under the guidance of experienced, QPEC-accredited facilitators, the students have run their respective companies for a notional four years within the computer-based simulation. On Friday afternoon, the program culminates in Company presentations. A big congratulations to the students for their engaged and collaborative approach to enhance their learning through this fabulous opportunity.


We hope the boys have had a great time on Camp Week and am sure that they will be tired at the completion of it. However, we please ask for all boys named on the squad list to attend their scheduled match.

Term 2 Sport registrations are open until the end of week 7 (Friday 10 March). Please make sure your son has been registered by this date to avoid disappointment – this can be done via Parent Lounge. Pre-season and season information can be seen on the relevant sport pages on the ATC app.


Our AFL First team played in a topsy-turvy clash against Villanova and despite getting ahead early, we fell away in the 2nd half to eventually lose a thriller by 1 point. With students ranging from Years 10-12, it is great to witness the sportsmanship and camaraderie between the year levels on and off the field. Well done to all players and thanks to our supporters. We look forward to you 'Filling the Hill' on Wednesday 8 March after school, when we take on St Edmund's College in a mid-week clash!

Rep Sport

Congratulations to Xavier H, Year 8, who is a National Champion with his QLD U13 Indoor Hockey Team. Xavier has also recently embarked on his U15 debut at the U15 Qld Hockey Trials. QLD Hockey invited 60 boys across the state to trial, and Xavier has been selected in the Maroon Team which will see him participate in the U15 Hockey Nationals in Darwin this April. Well done, Xavier, a tremendous achievement and good luck at Nationals!


After a busy camp week, where no doubt all students have had a wonderful time, the ATC Clubs program will resume from Monday 6 March, with the exception of Mountain Biking.  The 2nd MTB session will be held on Sunday 5 March as per communications earlier this week.


All band, ensemble and choir rehearsals resume from 7am Monday as well as Instrumental and Drama & Communication lessons. Please ensure you check the College App on Sunday evening for updated lesson timetables.

Junior Band Day

Congratulations to out newest ATC Music Community members who took part in a wonderful Junior Band Day on Friday. We look forward to seeing you for your first rehearsal, 7am Wednesday in the NJ Hall.


Meeting Dates 

All are invited to join the P&F President, Mr Ben Prain, and the Principal at our meetings on Tuesday evenings. Dates for the year are shared on the ATC App and college calendar. We meet in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm. Our upcoming meetings are on Tuesday 7 March; 18 April, 9 May, 11 July, 8 August, 5 September, 10 October and 21 November. For any queries, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine

Save the Date

The 8th annual Rugby Family Night Out will be a special night at Suncorp stadium for our community as we cheer on the Qld Reds play and get to see the ATC Taiko drummers perform in front of a large and appreciative crowd. We look forward to you joining us on Friday the 19 May when the Reds take on the Auckland Blues. Ticketing and further information will be released at Easter. Keep an eye on the App. Thank you to Mr Andrew Taylor for once again coordinating this event on behalf of the ATC P&F.


Local State Member, Michael Berkman is holding a community bike ride to show local support for a completed Indooroopilly bikeway. Join them at 8:20am, Saturday 1 April for a relaxed ride from outside ATC to Robertson Park in Taringa. At the park, hear from a few speakers and have a coffee on Michael. People of all ages and confidence levels riding bicycles, scooters, and other micromobility options are welcome. You can ride on the road if you are comfortable, or the footpath if the road doesn't suit you. You can find out more and RSVP HERE.

See you in Week 7! 

Mr Conor Finn 

Acting Deputy Principal