Coming Up Week 7

Year 4 Showcase

We look forward to welcoming Year 4 parents and carers to the NJ Hall from 8.15am on Tuesday 28 May for the annual Year 4 Showcase. Students will be displaying their academic work across a range of subject areas. It is a great opportunity to appreciate the learning of students, mingle with Year 4 families and admire all Year 4 have achieved in their first semester at ATC. More details can be found on the app.

AIC Cross Country

After resounding success in GBC Cross Country Championship our team takes on tougher competition in the AIC Cross County Championships this Wednesday. We will wish the team well at assembly on Tuesday. Their commitment is something I’ve witnessed as a would-be at early morning training. Most impressive is their willingness to work as a team on the course. We wish them well.

Years 10-12 House Masses

Mass is an essential part of Catholic Faith. It is a time to connect our contemporary context to the Good News of Jesus and then take the Gospel values we hear into our community. House Masses through this term have provided an opportunity for students to gather, listen to the word of God and deepen their understanding of our college motto Signum Fidei (Sign of Faith) Ulster and Munster Houses Masses will be held in Week 7.

Cocurricular Photo Day

Music, Sport and Debating Photos will be taken on the Co-Curricular Photo day, on Thursday 30 May. Students who do not comply with the ATC Uniform, Hair & Grooming Policy or are not in correct uniform risk not being allowed in photos. A schedule for Music groups and Sporting teams will roll throughout the day.

Uniform Update

Music & Choirs:

Performance Uniform is to be worn for all Ensembles and Choirs. This includes long pants for students in Years 7-12. Permission is given to allow you to wear the uniform to/at school. See the College App for further details.

Sport & Taiko Drummers:

  • First & Open Teams - (AFL, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country and Volleyball) - Full First/Open Uniform (This includes socks and hats where relevant)
  • AIC & Open Swimmers - should wear PE shorts, socks, sport shoes and their long sleeved Swimming shirt.
  • AIC Cross Country Runners - should wear PE shorts, socks, sport shoes and their long sleeved Cross Country Shirt.
  • All other teams - (AFL, Basketball, Cricket and Volleyball) - Sports Uniform
  • Taiko Drummers - Sports Uniform

All students in required to wear their Sports uniform in photos may wear their Sports uniform all day.


Monday 27 May National Reconciliation Week

Tuesday 28 May Years 10 to 12 Ulster House Mass

Tuesday 28 May Year 4 Showcase

Wednesday 29 May AIC Cross Country

Thursday 30 May Cocurricular Photo Day

Friday 31 May Years 10 to 12 Munster House Mass

Friday 31 May Years 9 to 10 Qld Volleyball Schools Cup


The Waterford project has been unveiled recently as all of the scaffolding has come down and the work is now entirely internal and due to be completed by the end of June. CLICK HERE to read the full article.


Dean of Formation Blog

Inspiring , Reaffirming, Courageous, - Empower Week at ATC: CLICK HERE to read.

Year 8 Social Night

What a fantastic Trivia Afternoon we had for Year 8 students from ATC and Brigidine as part of #EmpowerWeek! It was wonderful to see boys and girls from both schools coming together, engaging in friendly competition, and building positive connections. The importance of wellbeing and strategies to improve individual wellbeing was shared by Counselling staff as well as Senior students from both colleges. A focus point of our #StrategicPlan is embedding productive partnerships and we believe that connecting with young women is crucial in fostering mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation. These experiences not only enhance social skills but also prepare our students for the diverse world beyond school.Students had a great time dancing before showing off their quick thinking through multiple trivia categories and minute-to-win-it games. It was an afternoon filled with laughter, teamwork, and new friendships and we look forward to building upon this connection with Brigidine College Indooroopilly next semester. #ATCourDifference #EmbeddingProductivePartnerships


da Vinci Decathlon

On Tuesday and Wednesday Meg Ellis, Nick Linder, Janine McGrath and Thomas Schaab took our Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students to Nudgee College to compete in the da Vinci Decathlon with some great results for our students. Thank you to all those involved with preparing the groups and giving up your time to this project the results are a testament to your efforts and those of our students.

Year 8      2nd Creative Producing

Year 9      2nd Science

Year 9      2nd Code Breaking

Year 9     3rd Creative Producing

Year 10     3rd Creative Producing

Year 7 to 11 Term 2 Exam Schedule

Year 7 to 11 Term 2 Exam Schedule is now available on Student Cafe and Parent Lounge. Year 11 students will be on an exam block Monday-Wednesday of Week 9, where they are only required to attend school for their exams. Normal classes resume for Year 11 on Thursday 13 June. Should you have any enquiries please contact Dallas Moffat, Director of Administrative Operations; Further details have been shared on the College App.

Year 4 Showcase is on Tuesday, 28 May from 8.45 am to 9.30 am, Year 4 students will be presenting some of the work they have completed over the term in the NJ Hall. The displays will include work covered in a number of their subjects and we would like to invite parents and caregivers to join us on the morning. Further details are available on the College App. Students should wear school uniform. For further information about the activity, please contact Paul Degenkamp on (07) 3878 0500 or

Humanities - St Helena Year 5

The Year 5 cohort made great ‘prisoners for a day’ as they bore the elements and learnt about the harsh life of a prisoner and much about the history of settlement in Moreton Bay: Year 5 boarded a vessel at Manly enroute to the heritage listed ruins of St Helena Island Prison. Like clockwork, the weather turned a little nasty. It is said of this timeless school excursion, “Be glad you went and grateful you weren’t sent”. This sentiment truly resonated with the boys.Sentenced to a day on St Helena, these "hardened criminals" (students) with a few reoffenders among them, had much to explore and they accepted their sentence gladly. So, they braved a rocky sea and faced cold, wet, and windy conditions. In their minds, they were transported to another era, embracing the role of 'Prisoners for a day' as they journeyed through time and terrain. They endured lashings of historical facts, unyielding storytelling and reenactments, and their capture’s inescapable thematic humour.The boys returned to the mainland as good citizens, weary but full of new learning and stories to tell, and grateful for their mates, their freedom, and their liberating education.

Big Bang Education

The Big Bang Education science show was a big hit for our Year 4 students. They were introduced to contact forces (push/pull and friction) and non-contact forces (gravity and magnetism). The hands-on workshop had the students investigating how the size of a force affects an object’s movement; the effects of friction on different surfaces; and the forces of attraction and repulsion on magnets. A brilliant way to engage their curiosity.


Monday 27 May National Reconciliation Week

Tuesday 28 May Years 10 to 12 Ulster House Mass

Friday 31 May Years 10 to 12 Munster House Mass

Leinster House Mass

Leinster House Year 10-12 gathered this week for their annual Mass. Joyous singing and meaningful prayer resonated throughout the Chapel. Fr John inspired us to continue to ‘Be the Change’ and challenge stereotypes to ensure our world is a place of justice. Jesus didn’t turn a blind eye to anyone and we pray that ATC is a school where everyone feels welcomed and accepted.#SignumFidei#BeTheChange#ATCourdifference#EREA


Co-curricular Photos | Thursday 30 May

A reminder that photos of all choirs and instrument ensembles will be taken next Thursday 30 May. Each student needs to check the timetable on the College App and ensure they arrive on time for their photo. Only students who are currently on the roll need to attend.
Students without correct uniform will not be photographed. Further details have been shared on the College App.

Co-curricular Ensembles Evening | Thursday 30 May 5.30pm

Our Co-curricular Ensembles Evening is a wonderful evening of music from our specialist ensembles. Please come along from 5.30pm to enjoy a sausage sizzle, bar and performances from our Guitar, Flute, Clarinet and Percussion Ensembles, the Hot Brass Squad and to finish the evening, our talented ATC Taiko Drummers. All details for performers are on the College App.

AIMF Sydney Tour Farewell Concert | Saturday 1st June 3-5pm

The ATC Community is warmly welcome to attend our AIMF Sydney Music Tour Farewell Concert on Saturday 1st June. Tickets are only $10, via ParentLounge and students/children are free.


Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

The ATC Hospitality students will be baking up a storm when the College hosts Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at first break on Wednesday 29 May outside the Hospitality Rooms. There will be a selection of Brownies, Sausage Rolls – assorted gourmet, Rocky Road, Cookies, Cupcakes, and Slab Pizza for students to purchase. The price for all items will be $4 each, payment by Eftpos or Student ID Card. Funds raised from this morning tea go towards research and prevention campaigns supported by the Cancer Council. Any donations to the ATC Biggest Morning Tea fundraising page are also gratefully accepted. CLICK HERE to donate directly.

Year 4 and 5 Service Challenge | Be The Change

The youngest members of Ambrose Treacy College are challenged to ‘Be The Change’. The Be The Change challenge is a 4-week program that introduces students to the concept of Service. Students who wish to take part in this challenge will gain experience in helping others through a variety of small, achievable tasks that include:

  • taking the neighbours bins out weekly
  • preparing food for friends and family members
  • taking care of a local parkland/bike-path, and even organising their own family trivia night!

These tasks give the Year 4 and 5 students a taste of what it means to Serve others through support, love and kindness. The completion of the 4-week challenge will qualify students to log 10 Service Hours with their classroom teacher. Should your son wish to participate in this challenge we recommend printing the program of activities and displaying this on the fridge at home. You can then track each activity and look ahead at what he is required to prepare for (keep an eye out for the family trivia night!). We would love to share any pictures and stories of your son ‘Being The Change’, so please drop us a line at It is our hope that students finish the challenge with more of an understanding of how they can be a positive influence for others within their immediate community.

Should you have any questions about the Year 4 and 5 Service Challenge, please contact Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs.

Hospitality Students

What a wonderful night we had supporting a College event celebrating motherhood! Behind the scenes, our Hospitality students were busy helping set up the serving area, making delicious food for guests and practicing their award winning smiles and greetings. Nervous anticipation filled the air until 5 pm chimed, and the carefully arranged platters of food were taken to the waiting crowd. Each time the boys came back to collect more food their smiles widened as their confidence grew. This was a great opportunity for students to develop their service skills and continue to sign off their Certificate II competencies.


Registration information for the Term 3 Clubs Program will be released next week with sin-ups opening Monday 3 June at 6:00pm. Please be sure to subscribe to the relevant club tags on the ATC College App to receive the most up to date information.

As with all Extra Curricular activities, we ask you please commit or communicate to each Club session.  If your son is not available to attend, please email or the club coordinator to mark your son’s absence. 

Chess Club

Chess Club has our beginners making all the right moves as they continue on the exhilarating journey into the world of strategic thinking and board game camaraderie. As our novices learn the intricacies of the game, laughter fills the room, and bonds swiftly form which is why the #ATClubs Program is a favourite!


Cross Country AIC Championships - Wednesday 29 May

This event is crucial for ATC Sport and our bid to becoming a full AIC member therefore, we strongly encourage every runner named in the squad to 'Be the Change', accept the invitation on Parent Lounge and proudly represent the college next Wednesday. Please Accept the invitation on Parent Lounge ASAP and no later than Sunday 26 May so we can confirm the final team by Monday 27 May.

We will supply every runner with an ATC singlet to wear on the day. However, please wear your ATC Sports uniform for arrival.

The boys should bring sunscreen, an ATC hat, water bottle and healthy snacks for the day please. Further details are available on the College App.

Representative Sport - Kayaking

After success at the Australian Kayak Champs earlier this year, Tom M was chosen to represent #Australia in the U16 age group at the Asia Pacific Kayak Champs held in Canberra last week. There was plenty of tough competition from Singapore, Japan, and New Zealand. The premier event was the single K1 200m sprint, and after Tom's average time in the heat, he gave it all for the Final. The result ... Gold! To top it off, he won three more gold medals while paddling with other Australians in the boat events. That's four events and four Gold. Tom faces the next big challenge ... catching up on his school work, then aiming to represent Australia at the 2025 #Kayak World Cup in Europe. Well done Tom!

Representative Sport - Volleyball

Our champion Volleyballers Cameron and Sebastian won a silver medal at Metropolitan West in the 19 years State Championships at Caloundra. And wait, there's more! Both were selected in the QLD Schoolboys Honorary team. Sebastian also received an invitation to the Volleyball Australia Development Camp to trial for the U19 National Team in July! What amazing achievements from these two young sportsmen. Congratulations.


The ATC Community has been touched by many incidences of Brain Cancer, focusing on this cause during our annual Beanies for Brain Cancer day in May. One of our ATC families has created a charitable foundation and is motivated to provide support and hope to brain cancer sufferers and their families, particularly addressing the mental health side of treatment. All in the Mind – A Craig Hannam Foundation invites you to support them at their Annual Fundraising Gala – A Night of Hope on Saturday 25 May @ Royal on the Park 152 Alice Street. To purchase your tickets CLICK HERE. Should you have any queries please contact Kylie Hannam or 0419 670 483.


All parents and caregivers are invited to the regular meetings of the P&F Executive where upcoming friendraising opportunities are discussed and the Principal or Deputy Principal give updates on College matters. Please join us in Mt Sion Library, Junior School Precinct at 6.30pm:

Tuesday 9 July
Tuesday 27 August - Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 8 October
Tuesday 19 November - Planning Meeting for 2025

A message from the P&F Year 9 Parent Liaison

Please join us for drinks and laughs with friends. We are looking forward to a fun night with live music and pay as you go food and drinks in an area sectioned off just for us at the Normanby Hotel 1 Musgrave Rd, Red Hill.

Please RSVP to Kim Brown ( or Julie Korpelainen ( by Wednesday 29 May.

Secondhand Uniform Donations Needed

Keen to clean out your ATC wardrobe and don't have time to list them on the Secondhand Facebook Page? We can help! We are organising a Secondhand Uniform Stall to be held on Friday 30 August, 2024 and we can take any uniforms you no longer need. Please deliver all donations to the Main Reception. All proceeds will go to the P&F and will be put back into the school. Contact: Melissa Kuflik (0426881203) or Sasha Tucker (0411460351) A few key things to note:
• These are donations and you will not receive any money for them
• Please ensure only CLEAN and wearable uniform items are donated
• Please deliver all donations to Main Reception

Save the Date Spring Lunch

The ATC P&F invite mothers to celebrate with friends at the ATC P&F Spring Lunch on Friday 25 October and enjoy a two course meal plus a glass of bubbles on on arrival. The event runs from 11.30am to 2.30pm at The Rose Room, Cloud Land, 641 Ann St, Fortitude Valley. Ticket includes a main meal, dessert plus one glass of bubbles and a wonderful guest speaker. Raffle tickets will be on sale and funds raised will go to Breast Cancer support charities. Seats are limited to 250 attendees, so book early when ticket sales open to avoid disappointment. We sold out last year! N.B Seating will be by the Year Level of your son/s at ATC (but apart from that there will be no set seating arrangement). Dress: Wear a splash of PINK in conjunction with the October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you have any queries or want to donate to the raffle, please EMAIL Prue Moloney.

We wish all of our families attending the P&F Rugby Family Night Saturday night a wonderful evening and thank parent Matt Butcher for organising this event.

Jason Sepetauc, Deputy Principal