Coming Up Week 8

We proudly welcomed two of our parents to the Empower Week assembly this week to share their powerful insights regarding racism and how it can impact people and communities. Chelsea Bond and Cass Tonga outlined some practical strategies about how we can Pave the Way and upstand against racism. Empower week is a time we focus on educating particular areas to all students through assembly presentations and Formation classes. In matters such as prejudice and racism, education is the key to changing behaviours.

Congratulations to Year 12 student Brock, who won Ampol's 2023 Indigenous Art competition. Brock’s art and story ‘Spirit of the Driver’ became the livery design for the @Red Bull Ampol Racing team and was showcased during the Darwin Triple Crown V8 Supercars Indigenous Round. Brock, along with mates from Year 11 and 12 made the trip to Darwin for a once in a life time experience. As part Empower Week, Jenny O’Regan, Chief Brand Officer, Ampol Australia spoke to students on assembly and the Red Bull Ampol team presented the College with a framed racing suit.

Yesterday our Year 12 cohort gathered at the main roundabout to acknowledge they have 50 school days left. This is the site where they will end their school days at ATC after walking through the farewell tunnel on 16 November. Rituals and symbols are significant in our lives, and these are important aspects of the Year 12 final rite of passage. Our College Captain, David Childs, spoke about how many of them have been together since year 4 at ATC, about finishing well, supporting each other, celebrating, and to enjoy these last fifty days. This cohort have been exemplary in paving the way in 2024 and we wish them all the best for their final stage of schooling.

Ministerial Pupil Free day – Friday 1 September

A reminder next Friday is a pupil free day. The College will take the opportunity to welcome all our new 2024 students for important testing that will support our processes for the commencement of the 2024 school year.

Last Day of Formal Uniform

With Father’s Day on Sunday 3 September, the need for the compulsory wearing of College ties and suitcoats will cease on Thursday 31 August. While this may bring smiles to some students, the key message is that the wearing of our uniform is a sign of our pride. Shirts, socks will continue to be a focus to remind students of such.

Formal Music Concert

We eagerly are looking forward to next Friday’s Formal Music evening. This event will be held at Riverlife at Seventeen Miles Rocks. An dis open to everyone. It is a wonderful evening of entertainment and a showcase of the outstanding talent our students have developed in the music field.

Please read on for more upcoming events to ensure you are up to date.


Monday 28 August to Friday 1 September | Teacher Aide Appreciation Week

Monday 28 August | Year 6 Let’s Chat

Tuesday 29 August | VET Recognition College Assembly

Wednesday 30 August to Friday 8 September | Year 12 Mock Exams

Thursday 31 August | Last Day of Formal Uniform

Thursday 31 August | Year 7 Service & Advocacy Workshop

Thursday 31 August | Year 7 Father’s Celebration

Friday 1 September | Ministerial Pupil Free Day

Friday 1 September | New 2024 Students Testing Day

Friday 1 September | Formal Music Concert

Principal's Message Week 7

With significant milestones and signposts making Term Three a special and busy time for everyone, Chris Ryan celebrates our musicians' wonderful results at QCMF and shares important Year 12 news and staff updates in today's blog. CLICK HERE to read his message.


MOCK Exams

Year 12 students will sit their Mock Exams over an Examination Block commencing on Wednesday 30 August 2023 and finishing on Friday 8 September 2023 inclusively.  These Mock Exams will simulate the conditions of the External Exams that students will face in Term 4.

Students and parents have been sent information outlining the protocols set by QCAA.

We wish our Year 12 students all the very best.

Laptops for Pupil Free Day

Friday 1 September is a designated Pupil Free Day and students do not attend school. On this day, our 2024 new students come to ATC for testing and activities. To ensure the day runs smoothly, we require the use of the Year4 & 6 laptops. Therefore, to minimise disruptions to learning, students will need to keep their laptops at school on Thursday 31 August. Chargers can remain at home. Students will be given their laptops back on Monday 4 September and continue to take them to and from school each day.

Year 5 Gold Rush Game

Recently, the Year 5 students began playing an interactive “Gold Rush Game” in their classes.  The aim of the game is for students to know what life was like as an 1850’s goldseeker and to experience the highs and lows of prospecting.

Each student has been provided with a license and will be given different amounts of gold and then have to decide whether they wish to convert that gold into pounds.  The game will run for a few more weeks. 

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact your son’s Homeroom teacher or Mr Gordon directly via email



This term, all Year 7 student participate in a Service Project as part of their Religion classes. Sam, Ashton and Harrison have chosen to support the Remote Op Shop Project, a group who collect unwanted clothing and household items and send it to remote indigenous communities around Australia. The boys are supporting this charity because it not only reduces landfill by recycling unwanted clothing, but it also makes affordable clothes accessible to people in remote areas. The inspiration for the boys' activity came from watching the ABC's 'War on Waste' and hearing of corporate groups getting involved with the charity. Ashton said, “ I feel better knowing I have helped others.” Harrison believes that by donating his clothes he is reducing waste and at the same time helping people in need. Sam was inspired by his mother's commitment to community work and he believes by giving back we create a better world. Great initiative and a wonderful project for Year 7 Religion students.

Year 4 Classrooms

Life moves pretty fast in Year 4 and our students are keeping up with the pace of Term 3. Mr Degenkamp offers an insight into the busyness of the classrooms and the engaging way our teachers nurture curious minds. CLICK HERE to read his blog.


Formal Uniform

From Monday 4 September, Students will no longer be required to wear the College tie and suit coat to school.  Of course, there may be several important events at the College where our students may be required to wear the formal uniform; however, you will be notified as required. The College uniform is a unifying influence for the school community and is a valuable part of a young person’s education to learn to present themselves in a neat and appropriate manner. As we transition away from our formal uniform, it is important to ensure that our students continue to wear their day uniform with pride and have all necessary items available.  Our uniform shop, the School Locker, is fully stocked for any families wishing to purchase any uniform items.  

Year 11 SociABLE

At this time of year, there is a real feeling of Year 11s transitioning into next year’s Senior class. One event that celebrates this ‘coming of age’ is the annual Year 11 SociABLE. Recently our Year 11s celebrated this significant milestone at The Greek Club in South Brisbane. A feature of the event was how well the Ambrose Treacy students looked after their partners, taking the time to introduce them to our staff and to their fellow students. Everyone looked great - all grown up! The College was very proud of how well the students conducted themselves and enjoyed the night, dancing and singing. It was wonderful to be part of this successful night.



Service Program Log Hours

Students and families are reminded that recording of service hours for the ATC Service Program and Awards close on the last day of this term, Friday 15 September. After the completion of the Service Hours, students are to approach the Homeroom teacher (or the Supervising Teacher) to have their Service Hours logged via Teacher Kiosk. It is also possible for parents to act on behalf of students and email Homeroom teachers to request hours be logged. This will be particularly relevant for students in the Junior school.

Service Stories

We regularly share the stories of service on social media and the ATConnect Blog. Parents and students are encouraged to send their contributions to

Through this we can show the wider community how the ATC student is a Signum Fidei, Sign of Faith. The publication and sharing of these good news stories, also promote many of the wonderful organisations that our students work with, as well as bring to the fore the many causes and issues that our students are advocates for.  If you have any queries about the ATC Service Program, please contact Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs.

Year 8 Retreat

The Year 8 COURAGE Retreat was held on Friday and students took part in activities that helped them understand the virtues of compassion, respect, empowerment, and accountability in their lives. Through the power of storytelling and physical activities boys learnt about building relationships and how this supports their learning, leadership and service. We congratulate our Year 11 students for leading some of the activities at the Retreat, strengthening the bonds between Middle and Senior School boys and underpinning our House culture.


The Track and Field season is well underway. Our next event is the GBC Championships which will take place during the school day on Thursday 31 August. All information, including selection of the team, will be shared on the ATC app - Track and Field tag. Trainings take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and it is not too late to register. Please come into the Sport Office or email us at to do so.  

Please be advised that Track and Field training will be split across two venues. Year 4 to 6 will be on site at Jack Bowers Oval from 3.15-4.30pm, whilst Year 7 to 12 will be at Jack Cook Park at Toowong from 3.30-5pm. Buses will transport the Year 7 to 12 students to Jack Cook Park, however, a reminder that families will have to collect their child from Jack Cook Park after the conclusion of training. We look forward to a great season ahead.

Colours Cup Basketball

Colours Cup Basketball always adds to the feel good vibes on a Friday at ATC! Junior School players hit the courts at morning tea for some friendly (but fierce) games umpired by our Seniors. This was the last Colours Cup games for the term. Thanks to all the boys who got involved and got active.

Met West Footballers

Young ATC athletes and Year 7 students Kallum C, Jai R and Ravi R, recently competed for Met West in the Under 10-12 Queensland Football State Carnival, up in Cairns. In a difficult pool of 12 teams representing regional Queensland, Met West placed fourth, after a narrow loss to Sunshine Coast in the third-place playoff 0-1. Well done to Kallum, Jai and Ravi, what a trip to remember!


Formal Music Concert 2023


Several of our Term 3 Clubs are coming to an end this week, with the following clubs concluding for the term - Esports, Dungeons & Dragons, Environmental, Gardening, Golf and Film & Media.

Please check the Term 3 Clubs timetable on the college app for the concluding weeks for Term 3.

Registrations for the following clubs for Term 4 – Canoe Polo Years 8,9,10; Junior School Homework Club; Golf; Gardening Club; Environmental Club; will open on Monday 4 September at 6:00pm through Parent Lounge. Please check the app for information letters regarding these clubs, available from next week.

Chess Age Championships

The 2023 ATC Chess Championships were fought out amongst enthusiastic young men from years 4 to 12 last Friday afternoon, keen to take out the title of ATC Junior, Middle and Senior Chess Age Champion. Great sportsmanship was shown by the competitors, where there were some very close games played. Many thanks to Chessmates in facilitating the tournament and guiding the boys through the afternoon. Well done to all students who participated and congratulations to the following ATC Chess Age Champions for 2023 –

Junior School Age Champion – Patrick Black Year 6

Middle School Age Champion – Eijah Kenny Year 9

Senior School Age Champion – Matthew Heers Year 11

Mountain Biking | Rocky Trail Event

Well done to the keen ATC Mountain Bikers who attended the Rocky Trail Academy Schools competition out at Castle Hill Reserve Blackstone last week. Fifteen of our Mountain Bikers attacked three very technical, dry and rocky tracks throughout the day and were very competitive in amongst 280 students from 37 schools around SE Queensland. Well done to Year 7 student Zane Reading for taking out the podium finish in first place in the Junior Division – Years 7 and 8 out of 136 riders. Many thanks to Mark from Brisbane Mountain Bike Coaching Brisbane for guiding the boys throughout the day with tactics and techniques to gain their competitive times. We look forward to more competitions in 2024.


Last tickets on sale now for the ATC Long Lunch, Sunday 10 September. We are looking forward to a wonderful community event on Brothers oval in just over two weeks.

Come along and enjoy live entertainment, drinks at the Long Lunch Bar and catching up with friends. You can BYO food or order from Rosalie Gourmet Market for delivery to the event on the day - easy! We look forward to a wonderful community occasion and advise that this is an 18+ only event. Tickets are available through TryBooking

Should you have any questions, please contact Helen Hicks, Administration Officer, Ambrose Treacy College Foundation.


Second Hand Uniform Stall

Keen to clean out your ATC wardrobe and don't have time to list them on the Second-hand Facebook Page? We can help! We are organising a Secondhand Uniform Stall to be held later this term (Friday 8 September 2023) and we can take any uniforms you no longer need.

Please deliver all donations to the Main Reception before Wednesday 6 September. All proceeds will go to the P&F and will be put back into the school. 

A few key things to note:

  • These are donations and you will not receive any money for them
  • Please ensure only CLEAN and wearable uniform items are donated
  • Please deliver all donations to Main Reception before Wednesday 6 September (no donations after this date please)
  • All items at the stall will be individually priced.

Contact:  Melissa Kuflik (0426881203) or Sasha Tucker (0411460351)

Year 4 Gratitude Gift for Year 12s

Year 4 Families are asked to please donate funky socks! Please send the socks to school with your son to hand to his Homeroom teacher, by Monday 2 October.

Year 7 Moral Support Gift for Year 12s

In recent years, the ATC P&F has organised 'moral support gifts' for the Year 12s in the lead up to their final exams. Year 7 are being asked to donate chocolates this year. Please bring all donations to the Year 7 Office (boxes have been provided for the boys to drop them into) by the last day of Term 3, Friday 15 September. 

Year 10 Gratitude Gift for Year 12s

Year 10 parents are asked to provide a donation of $5 as a gift to ATC's Year 12 students. The donation will be used to provide a Pre-Exam Breakfast for the Year 12 Cohort, on Monday 23 October. This is replacing the Muffin Morning Tea that has been held in previous years.

The cut-off date for donations is Monday 2 October. If you have any questions, please message either: Jane Rowan on 0408 780 292 or Claire Jarvis on 0422 720 092.

P & F Spring Lunch

YOU'RE INVITED! Come and celebrate with friends at this year's ATC P&F Spring Lunch on Friday 13 October from 11.30am to 2.30pm at The Rose Room, Cloudland, Ann St, Fortitude Valley. Our guest speaker is Selena Gomersall, Founder of Outback Futures and former CEO. Tickets are $79 which includes a 2-course meal, a glass of sparkling on arrival and a lucky door ticket. Raffle tickets are on sale via Parent Lounge and on the day, with the funds raised going to Breast Cancer Research. Raffle tickets are 1 for $5; 3 for $10; 8 for $20. Seats are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. N.B Seating will be by the Year Level of your child/ren. Wear a splash of PINK as we combine fundraising power with the students' Pink Day. See your Parent Lounge account for tickets and terms & conditions.

Meeting Dates 

Please join the P&F President Ben Prain in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm to hear updates from the Principal and news regarding our community events at the College. All are welcome to come along. 

Further dates for 2023:

  • Tuesday 5 September 6.30pm AGM
  • Tuesday 10 October 6.30pm
  • Tuesday 21 November 6.30pm Planning Meeting for 2024


Junior Engineers Holiday Program

Marriage Encounter

For more than 50 years, World Wide Marriage Encounter has helped over 3.5 million couples in almost 100 countries unlock the power of their relationships with new ways to do the “I Do“. The Marriage Encounter experience helps a couple listen, share and connect more deeply. There’s no group discussion. It’s just about two people learning to be the best, most loving and thriving couple possible. We have a live-in weekend at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston Starting Friday evening 13 October at 7.00pm and concluding at approx. 4.00pm with Mass on Sunday 15 October 2023. The weekend is for all married couples who value their relationship. It doesn’t matter if you have been married for 5 years or 55 years - there is always something more. Please contact Liesha and Joseph on 0481 307 821 or For more information go to the website:

Enjoy Week 8.

Mr David Gardiner 

Deputy Principal