Coming Up Week 9

The final weeks of term are always busy with assessment and I encourage all boys to be focused on their revision and completion of tasks. Please support your son to stick to routines and to focus on his schoolwork until the end of term. It is a time when some boys begin to feel very tired and it can be a period where mistakes are made. NAPLAN continues for our Years 5, 7 and 9 students and Ms Morgan has a reminder below of the items that need to be brought to school for these tests. It is important that we work together to finish the term positively and proactively and then enjoy a break.

Our positive and proactive support of the students was reflected in a range of initiatives this week that included the College Assembly focus on Leadership and Anti-Bullying, the Year 11 P.A.R.T.Y Program focus on reducing death and injury in alcohol, drug and risk-related crashes and incidents, and of course the NAPLAN focus on attaining data to inform our strategic approach to improving student outcomes. Thank you for your ongoing support of your son at this important time of the term.

No Way to Bullying


Our Year 5, 7 and 9 students have two remaining NAPLAN tests. On Monday 20 March our students will complete the Conventions of Language NAPLAN test. Numeracy will be completed on Tuesday 21 March. Please remind students to bring cabled headphones, a pencil, and a fully charged laptop.

Term One Exam Schedules

Term One Exam Schedules for Years 7-12 are now available on the ATC App, as well as in Student Cafe and Parent Lounge. All students will be on campus for the exam period. We encourage students and their parents to access these schedules to prepare for the upcoming exam block. Reach out to your child’s teachers or the Learning office if you have queries or concerns.


Monday 20 March | NAPLAN Window

Friday 24 March to Thursday 30 March | Exam Period

Friday 24 March | Monday Bell Times


Mr Gardiner’s blog celebrated diversity and equity as part of International Women’s Day and courage on display as our swimmers bravely competed at the AIC Championships. CLICK HERE TO READ HIS ARTICLE.

Lost Property

If your child is missing any uniform items or items from our recent camp, please go to Student Reception in the Edmund Rice Building prior to the End of Term to look for items, as after this time all lost property items will be disposed of.

Lost Property


P.A.R.T.Y – Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth joined Year 11 on Tuesday to share their experience of split-second decision making and the possible resulting consequences. Discussion from sexual health, hospital trauma units and Accident and Emergency to substance abuse and parties filled the agenda in the hope of challenging youth mindset on critical decision making. Nurses, families of quadriplegic, paraplegics and trauma informed mental disability, shared personal stories with Year 11. There was much to gain from the opportunity and we hope that the messages did not fall on deaf ears. One choice can alter your and your loved ones’ lives in an instant.

Leadership Assembly

This week we acknowledged the nominated Student Representative Council (SRC) and Senior School House Council at a special assembly. These student leaders call us to show strength of character, empathy and kindness to others. We know these students will Pave the Way for a fantastic year ahead.

Feel Good Funky Friday

Today the Formation Office brings you this important message: WE WILL ALWAYS GET THROUGH IT! Mr Flanagan reminds us that, "We often feed our negative energy and emotions into thoughts that are simply that ... thoughts. Try to remember that thoughts are only reality if we have facts to support them. Neuropath Gill Stannard, said, ‘In the absence of data, you’ll make up a story’ and that sings to us as humans. The measured decision-making part of the brain (Prefrontal Cortex) is far bigger than our emotional part (Amygdala), but for some reason, the smaller part gets hijacked way too easily!" So, here are two tips to help:

**5 minutes each day of mindfulness can help use the prefrontal Cortex far more than the Amygdala.

**When a thought pops up, open an imaginary cupboard and place it on the shelf. Acknowledge it is there and close the door. Revisit it later when the emotions have settled, see if it is a reality based on facts, then workshop a solution, because …. we will always get through it!

FGFF Week 8

Free Webinar – Vaping National Drug Awareness

All Catholic School Parents/Carers are welcome to join an upcoming FREE WEBINAR by CLICKING HERE on Thursday 23 March – 7:00pm – 8:15pm on Vaping. Tony Parsons, keynote speaker, works to deliver a down-to-earth approach on the harm associated with vaping.

Year 12 Formal 

The Year 12 Formal will be held on Friday 21 April at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Corner of Merivale and Glenelg Street from 6:30pm - 10:00pm. Tickets close today Friday 10 March and are available through Parent Lounge.  Please see the ATC App to refer to details of the event and important ticketing links. 


It's a fancy definition, the 'non-Newtonian fluid' but Year 5 scientists soon found out it's more commonly known as SLIME! The mixture is something between a solid and a liquid and fits perfectly into this term's States of Matter science unit. Students formed an investigation around how different water measurements can affect the viscosity of their mixture and discovered it can be quite runny or quite goopy! They wrote a prediction, identified the variables, and formed an investigation question before conducting the experiment on Monday. There were loads of laughs during the lesson and this hands-on, self-determined experiment had Years 5s totally focused on the process and outcome.

Year 5 Science


In Year 10 Science students learn about the structure of the atom, developing a deeper understanding of how this structure relates to the properties of elements and compounds. They develop the skills to analyse and communicate information about the atom using scientific writing conventions such as chemical formulas, electron configurations and chemical equations. Students are getting ready for their upcoming exam by practically learning about factors that can affect the rate of a reaction, such as agitation, concentration, and surface area. They explore collision theory, which explains how particles need to collide for a reaction to occur.

Year 10 Science

Building and Construction

Year 10 Building and Construction students are enjoying their first term in the senior workshops and their simple project making a stool, allows them to develop skills and access a range of tools. They are beginning to appreciate the importance of accurate marking and measuring as they build on their base of transferable skills. Although the project is relatively straight forward, there's a sense of satisfaction completing the project and the bonus of taking the stool home to use!

Term Two Excursions

Year 11 Geography Excursion

Year 11 Geography students will be participating in an excursion to Fortitude Valley, Friday 12 May to investigate urban consolidation and the impacts of high density living, traffic congestion and human wellbeing in built up parts of the city landscape. Please see the letter below from Ms Connolly for full details of departure (7am) and what to bring. Students will need meet at 7:00am at Kate Street Drop Off zone, where they will then depart by bus at 7.15am to take them to the excursion destination in Fortitude Valley. Students will return to school by 3.30pm. Please wear Sports uniform – with closed shoes and wide brimmed school hat and bring in a backpack a raincoat or umbrella, money for three meals or bring a lunchbox, a water Bottle filled with 2 litres of water for the day and a lead pencil, clipboard and exercise book for note taking. ASSESSMENT - Please note – Students who do either Religion & Ethics (FA2 Draft) or Drama (FA3 Part A Draft) will have a draft due on the date of the Excursion – Friday 12 May. As students will be out on excursion all day and will not return until 3.30pm – students should submit their draft(s) prior to attending the excursion to ensure that it is handed in on time. If you have any queries regarding the day, please don’t hesitate to contact Ms Connelly.

Greatest Shave

Today two students participated in the World’s Greatest Shave, raising funds and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation. Josh Martin Year 12, and Carter Pallent Year 6 both had their locks lopped, sending a powerful message of hope to the 135,000 Aussies facing blood cancer - If you would like to make a donation to support the fundraising efforts, please use these links for each boy here:

Worlds Greatest Shave

The Lenten Project

All students are invited to take part in The Lenten Project as a way to practically live out the ritual of Lent. In order to complete the project and receive 2 Service Hours, students are asked to complete daily practices that reflect the traditional elements of Lent; Fasting, Almsgiving and Prayer. By committing to this project students fast from convenience, give to our environment and engage with meaningful prayer and reflection that promotes personal growth and an awareness of others. Students are welcome to commence immediately and the project will conclude Thursday 6 April. We love sharing what our students get up to in the area of Service! Please send through any photos or stories of your sons participating in this very practical Lenten Project to

Mini Year 6 Lenten Fayre

Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be involved in the annual fundraising initiatives during Lent. During break time on Thursday 30 March, Year 6 students have an opportunity to organise and run a stall or activity with other students in their year level to raise money as part of our Lenten Appeal. Students in Years 4 and 5 are encouraged to bring some silver and gold coins on this day to participate in the many fun and engaging activities that will be offered. Years 4 and 5 students will have a day set aside in Term Two and Term Three respectively, where they will showcase their stalls and activities with an opportunity to raise funds. These small creative initiatives provide wonderful opportunities for our students to serve and lead. I look forward to witnessing our young men in action on Thursday 30 March. If you have any questions about this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact your son’s Class teacher or Year Level Coordinator. Thank you for your ongoing support.


We look forward to a great finish to Term 1 sport as well as completing our trials and pre-season for Term 2 sports over the coming weeks. It has been a very busy time and we thank all boys and families for their commitment to the relevant sport programs.

This Saturday evening, the 1st XI Cricket side will play against an Old Boys side from 5.30-8pm at Chelmer Sports Ground (Queenscroft St, Chelmer). There will be some food and drink for sale and we encourage all members of the ATC community to get down and the support the boys to cap off a wonderful season in style.

We are coming up to the end of Term 1 sport and look forward to a few highlights:


  • Last round of GBC fixtures with the potential for all 6 teams to make finals next week


  • Last round of AIC fixtures with a number of teams playing for an undefeated season
  • The 1st XI will play against the Old Boys at Chelmer Sports Ground on Saturday from 5.30pm – all support is welcome


  • Playing their last game of the season this Friday/Saturday
  • The 1sts play at Iona on Friday (1st away game of the season)

Good luck to the squad:

  • Jack Boyce
  • Aidan Brennan
  • Joseph Drane
  • Brady Hipkins
  • Declan Lever
  • Sam Russell
  • Reagan Andriske
  • William Brady
  • Tyson Juillerat
  • Matthew Ryan
  • Toby Rutch
  • Spencer Glover
  • Jarvis Warr
  • Elliot Smart
  • Sam Nuss
  • Sam Kearney
  • Trent Semiao
  • Kaden Ford
  • Finn Mahoney
  • William Parkinson
  • Finn Eldred
  • Elijah Harris-Loft

Met West Cricket

Year 11 students Michael N and Will P, were recently selected in the 16-19 Years Met West Cricket Team. Competing in an action packed four day carnival at Maroochydore Cricket Club on the Sunshine Coast. Congratulations to both students on this tremendous feat!

Met West Cricketers

A big night of AFL in the ATC Community tonight, with Michael R (Year 11) playing in the 2022/23 TIO NTFL U18 Grand Final tonight in Darwin. We’ll be cheering on Michael, and we know he’ll be cheering on our AFL 1sts who are playing their last game of the season against Iona on Friday as well. Michael’s game will take place at 7:45pm or for those interested, they can watch the game here:


A reminder Term 2 Clubs registrations will open Monday 20 March at 6:00pm through Parent Lounge, closing Friday 24 March 3:00pm.  Please subscribe to your relevant club on the app under the Cocurricular, Clubs and Activities tag for any updates that may be posted.

Information for Term 2 Clubs is on the app under the relevant tags for the following clubs –

  • Year 4 and 7 Cooking Club (please note if you participated in Term 1, please do not register for another term to allow other students the opportunity)
  • Chess Club – Emerging Players
  • Canoe Polo – Year 6
  • Art Club – Year 4 and 5
  • Gardening Club – Year 5
  • Hip Hop Dance
  • eSports
  • Golf – Term 2
  • Homework Club – Junior School

eSport – Years 7 - 12 Under our new coaches from Endgame eSports will offer Minecraft – Through this platform it will teach students to communicate clearly, work effectively as a team, implement strategies and tactics to achieve a shared outcome.

There is the possibility for scrimmage matches against other schools so students can hone their skills.  Information will be provided later in the term.

Endgame eSports is our external provider who have a well-established facility in the western suburbs of Brisbane, offering a safe and supportive eSport environment. Term 2 will focus on skill development through Minecraft with the possibility of advancing to other platforms and games in Term 3. Endgame eSports

Hip Hop Dance – Years 4 – 12  With a focus on movement and rhythm, this program will offer an outlet for students to express themselves through an art form that honors individuality, aesthetics, and creativity. The curriculum of the program can include various elements of hip hop culture, including but not limited to rap lyrics, dance techniques, coordination, and many more attributes. They will also get exposure to the history and evolution of hip hop culture, thereby helping them to understand the social and cultural context in which it emerged. Finally, it fosters a sense of community and belonging, giving students a space where they can connect with others who share their passion for hip hop culture. 

We welcome back Zayden Stevens, past ATC student, who will bring his experience and passion and enthusiasm in leading our Hip Hop Dance program.

Registrations will open Monday 20 March at 6:00pm, Please note that capped numbers are in place for some clubs due to staffing and facilities.  We apologise for any disappointment this may cause.

Please remember to click on the green Submit to School button at the end to finalise the registration.  Failure to do this results in your son not being registered and the risk of missing out.

Autumn Music Concert

It’s time again for the annual Autumn Co-curricular Music Concert. Come and join us at the Riverside stage from 5.15pm for a sausage and drink and enjoy a night of music from our new and continuing musicians and choirs. More information will be available to families via the College App next week. If you can assist with serving at the bar or BBQ please email Carla In the lead up to the concert, please ensure attendance at rehearsals is prioritised by students.


Meeting Dates 

All are invited to join the P&F President, Mr Ben Prain, and the Principal at our meetings on Tuesday evenings once each month. We meet in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm. Our upcoming meetings are on Tuesday 18 April, 9 May, 11 July, 8 August, 5 September, 10 October and 21 November. For any queries, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine 

Save the Date

The 8th annual Rugby Family Night Out will be a special night at Suncorp stadium for our community as we cheer on the Qld Reds play and get to see the ATC Taiko drummers perform in front of a large and appreciative crowd. We look forward to you joining us on Friday 19 May when the Reds take on the Auckland Blues. Ticketing and further information will be released at Easter. Keep an eye on the App. Thank you to Mr Andrew Taylor for once again coordinating this event on behalf of the ATC P&F.

Year 12 Formal Parent Event

The Year 12 Parent Coordinators cordially invite Year 12 parents and caregivers to attend the Year 12 Parent's Function on Friday 21 April from 7:00 PM - 10 PM during the Senior’s Formal. Make your way to The Charming Squire, just a short walking distance from the Brisbane Convention Centre. Tickets can be purchased via Trybooking and are $43 per person for a 3-hour canapes package (please advise of dietary requirements) Beverages are available to be purchased at the bar at own cost. The Charming Squire - located in the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre - 3/133 Grey Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101 Any queries please contact your Parent Representatives Andi Yeo, Megan Williamson, Nicole Mudgway and Annalinda Robinson.

See you in Week 9

Mr Conor Finn 

Acting Deputy Principal