Coming Up Week 9

Week 9 approaches with the end of the semester in sight. All attention is towards exams and hopefully that little bit extra work over the next week will pay dividends when reports are compiled. Semester One reports will be released through Parent Lounge on Wednesday 21 June. More details will be posted on the App.

Winter brings cooler weather but the impact of this is most severe on the poor and homeless of our city. At ATC, Service is a major component of our holistic education. Mr Andrew McCrohon spoke at College assembly this week of how we all can turn our attention to helping others over this colder period of the year. Details of ‘Sleepout for Service’ are included below and a wonderful example of how we might be able to walk in the shoes of others who are doing it rougher than us. Other Service opportunities are also included. I thank the staff and students who tonight are involved in the Luminous Lantern Parade at South Bank. Along with students from many other schools, our community members are Matt Warr, Andrew McCrohon, Maryanne Gillespie, and Harry McKenzie.

Wednesday 14 June is designated as School Officer Day. At ATC we refer to all staff as teachers as everyone plays such a significant role in the formation of our young people. Our School Officers are vital to the running and the culture of our school. They make a real difference. ATC simply would not function without our school officers. From our reception staff, design and lab technicians, classroom school officers, PAs, grounds and maintenance staff and administrative staff to catering team members, library staff and IT specialists, our support staff are dedicated professionals. I express my sincere gratitude to all our school officers for what they bring to our community. Hopefully Wednesday next week is a day we can show our gratitude in small ways.

The final day of the term is Friday 16 June. I appreciate that some students like to take the last day off. But with three weeks break for the students I see no need for this in any way. The final day includes a number of activities across the year levels that are designed for celebration, involvement, fun and spirit, I expect all year levels to be present and engaged.


I include this information again as it is a significant change for how many families communicate with the College regarding absences

Further to the letter from Chris Ryan dated 9 May, the scheduled updates to the ATC App are now complete and have been released to the Apple and Google Play Stores.

Once your device has received the update, you will be prompted to login using your Parent Lounge login. For students and Staff, it will be your ATC login. Guests users will not be password protected but will only have access to limited features in the ATC App. 

Student Absentees

As mentioned, this update will have a particular impact on the way student absence Is logged.  The Absentee tile will only be available in the Parent view of the APP. 

It is critical that you do not share your Parent Lounge username and password with your son. As a duty of care, we do not want students to be able to complete an absentee report. The absentee tile will now take you directly into a TASS Attendance where can communicate your child’s absence and related details to the College. As a result of this evolution, the College will move to having two communication channels for reporting a student absence - via the App and via the absentee phone number.  The email address will no longer be operable for logging a student absence. 

We ask that parents and caregivers please migrate to the preferred channel of the App Absentee tile. 

The absentee phone line 07 3878 0521 will continue to operate for extended members of the family or carers to report an absence and for parents if they are unable to use the APP in a given situation. Please inform other carers of your sons about this change and the new options for lodging an absence. 

The practice of forwarding SMS messages to parents and caregivers regarding unexplained absences will continue.  

Please find attached a procedural document and helpful video here:

School Locker – Oxley Store Notice

Any Ambrose Treacy student who purchased a suit coat from The School Locker Oxley store from April 1, 2023 (only 20 suit coats have been sold in this period and they can be identified with green embroidered text under the Logo), would you kindly contact the store on 07 3725 2500 to arrange an exchange. A receipt will be required for proof of purchase to effect the swap to the new suit coat.

Tuckshop News

The Bakehouse and Paddy's Place tuckshops will be open on the last day of term, Friday 16 June. The tuckshops will be open from the first day of term 3, Monday 10 July, with new menu items and old favourites.


Monday 12 June – Thursday 15 June | Exam Period

Wednesday 14 June | School Officer Day

Friday 16 June | Last Day of Term 2 (students finish at 3:00pm)

Friday 16 June | Term 2 Celebration Liturgy

Friday 16 June |Year 5 Charity Fayre

Friday 16 June | Munster House Challenge

Friday 16 June | Middle & Senior School Interhouse Track & Field Carnival


QCAA have released the Year 12 External Exam Timetable for 2023. The 2023 ATC External Assessment Timetable has been developed from, and includes a link to, the QCAA Timetable.

Please check the College App for more information.


Year 11 Leadership Retreat

As essential part of the leadership journey for our 2024 College Seniors is the Leadership Retreat from Wednesday 12 July to Friday 14 July.

The retreat is a compulsory 3-day, 2-night event to be held at Camp Laurence at Moogerah Dam. The students will cook a Brothers Breakfast from 7:00am on Wednesday 12 July, with all students expected to arrive at school by this time. Following this, students will be transported to the venue via bus. Students are expected to return by 4:00pm on Friday 14 July.

Parents and carers will be required to log in to the Parent Portal to access and complete the required forms before Friday 16 June. Forms can be returned to students’ Head of House or Senior School Reception.

More information can be found on the College App, or please contact Mr Finn by email at


Year 12 student Adrian was recently commended for his generosity and kindness. Although Adrian does not study Drama, he volunteered his time to film a scene for one of the students and Mrs Holmes-Blissner said, "I have never taught Adrian but I think this demonstrates leadership and compassion, making him a wonderful example of an ATC gentleman. Great work!"

Feel Good Friday

The Paul Raven Perpetual Feel-Good Funky Friday Award this week goes to Elizabeth Madsen! Lizzy has been nominated for “consistently brightening up the daily lives of staff and students in the Junior School”. She wears theme-related earrings and necklaces to lighten the mood and gives permission to others to relax and be calm. Lizzy brings a positive energy to the room or wherever she is and a matching smile that is contagious. One staff member noted that “we would be pretty quiet down here without Lizzy” and another stating that “she is absolute gold”. When I arrived at the Junior School Staffroom, I was immediately welcomed by this wonderful person, with a huge smile and a cup of fresh home-made soup. What wonderful kindness and generosity – thank you, Lizzy. In addition to this, Lizzy’s students had so many shout-outs to Ms Madsen in the Friday Knock-Off last week, that they had to be cut down during editing!​​​​​​​ Thank you, Lizzy – we wish you the best FGFF and thank you for being you! Happy FGFF!

Save the Date – Year 11 SociABLE

The Year 11 SociABLE will be held on Tuesday 15 August at The Greek Club from 7:00pm – 10:00pm. Professional photographers will be on site from 6:00pm and will be taking photographs of individuals and their partners upon their arrival. More information will follow in the coming weeks with ticketing opening on Monday 17 July.


Sacraments of 1st Communion and Penance for Catholic Children

Enrolments for the Sacraments of 1st Communion and Penance for Catholic Children are now open for Aug – Sept 2023.

Please contact the Parish Office of Kenmore - Moggill Catholic parish on Email: to enrol your child before the 30th June 2023.


Sleepout for Service

This winter, sleep out in the name of Service. ATC students are encouraged to take part in this solo Service initiative that promotes the great work that Rosie’s do in the city of Brisbane. “Rosie’s reaches out to those most in need, people who are homeless or at risk, lonely, and socially isolated within our communities.”

In solidarity with the patrons of Rosie’s, students are tasked with sleeping rough for a night, experiencing the harshness of a sleep without the comfort of a warm bed. In addition, students are encouraged to make this a solo challenge, as a way of experiencing the loneliness that many of Brisbane’s homeless community feel.

What is sleeping rough?

  • No mattress (use your garage floor/backyard/pergola/deck as your bed for the night)
  • Minimal Bedding ie Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Cold dinner

The Sleepout for Outreach will provide students with a moment to reflect on their own experiences with that of a person who sleeps rough every evening. It is through this lived experience where students will develop compassion and empathy for those living on the margins. This act of solidarity may well be the catalyst for offering support and assistance to those in need now and into the future.

To complete this service challenge, students are asked to bring a donation of 2-minute noodles to the Faith and Mission office, log 5 service hours and a picture of their experience with their homeroom teacher and It is hoped that along with creating awareness of those most vulnerable, we can also bolster the Rosies pantry, supporting their outreach program providing connection to those on the streets.

Please see the App for more information.

Shoes for Planet Earth | Donate Now

We often have ATC students drive their own service initiatives, bringing the real meaning of Signum Fidei to life. Lachlan W in Year 7 started his shoe drive back in 2021 and continues this practice again this year.

Lachlan works with Shoes for Planet Earth, an Australian based non-for-profit organisation, to provide recycled running shoes to those in need. We ask the ATC community to clean out their cupboards and bring any used sports or running shoes into the Faith and Mission Office. You have up until the end of this term (Friday 16 June) to bring in any used sports or running shoes in good condition. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs. Please assist Lachlan getting shoes to some of the most vulnerable in our society.

Shoes for Service

Service Program for Year 4

At the completion of this term, students will receive an end of semester report card. Such is the Colleges’ commitment to Service, at the top of that report card, your son’s recorded Service hours will be displayed. You can find more information on Service Program including the Service Hours table


At the end of each year the College will gather for its Service Awards assembly and students who have received a Gold Service award will be recognised. This recognition is an important part of the process in developing students who strive to Serve and support others. This affirmation is a key component of developing intrinsically motivated students.

One of the highest honours a student can receive at the College is a Service Diamond award. You can find more information about these awards at the link previously mentioned, however a student wanting to achieve this award must receive a Gold service award for nine consecutive years. In other words, a student must achieve a Gold Service award in Year 4 to be eligible.

Students will have until the end of Term Three to continue Serve and log their hours. Two Service activities that Year 4 students can engage with are:

  1.  Pave the way (up to 10 Service hours)
  1. My Grand Story (up to 5 Service hours)

We encourage all of Year 4 to see where they can get involved in Service over the upcoming holidays. As always, we love to share good news stories of students doing wonderful things in and around their communities. Send us a picture of your son performing acts of Service to so we can congratulate him!

For any queries on the Service Program at the College, please contact Mr Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs.

Year 5 Mini-Charity Fayre | Friday 16 June

This is a follow up to the recent communication regarding the mini-Lenten Fayre activities that the Year 5 cohort will be running on Friday, 16 June (last day). Depending on the activity they choose to help run, your child may be required to bring in small donations such as chocolates (no nut products), chips and other snacks to act as incentives and prizes for their group's activity on the day. The students are in the process of selecting their own groups and activities for the day.    Each student who participates in Year 5 will receive two Service Hours for their planning and running of their activity. The Year 5 teaching team thank you in advance for your support. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Mr Gordon via email

Munster Service | Kings Karwash

Munster ran the first Kings Karwash, a FUNraising service initiative which allowed students to spread and share an act of kindness with staff. Led by Cooper B, last Friday the Kings soaped, scrubbed and polished a number of cars before Filling the Hill and supporting the Football team. Stay tuned for Term 3 when the Kings Karwash will be open for business again.


Term 2 Clubs have now concluded.  Thank you to all students who have participated in our ATC Clubs program throughout this term.

Registrations for the following Term 3 Clubs will open on Monday 12 June at 6:00pm through Parent Lounge, Extra Curricular only -

  • Art Club - Year 6
  • Canoe Polo - Year 7
  • Cooking Club - Years 4 & 7
  • Environmental Club - Years 4 - 12
  • Gardening Club - Year 6
  • Golf Club - Years 4 - 12
  • Homework Club - Years 4 - 6
  • Mountain Biking - Years 4 - 12

Registrations OPEN - 6:00pm Monday 12 June

Registrations CLOSE - 3:00pm Friday 16 June

Timetable and information letters for each of the 2023 Clubs are available on the relevant tags on the ATC College App Co-curricular tag. Information includes cost, location and commitment which will assist you in determining which club may suit your child/ren. Please be mindful that there are limited places available for some clubs.

PLEASE NOTE - No refunds will be given in the event students can no longer attend the registered club.  Please ensure your son’s availability and commitment for the duration of the term, with no clashes with Sport or Music.  Thank you for your understanding.

You must subscribe to each Club tag on the College App to receive all information about each club. Some clubs require payment of a fee, paid via Parent Lounge at the time of registration. Please make sure when registering and paying you click on the GREEN SUBMIT TO SCHOOL button. Failure to do so will result in no registration.

Please read all information letters carefully to ensure that you and your son understands all that is involved and the commitment that needs to be made. Please be mindful of potential clashes with Term 3 Sport and Music before registering in any club.


While Term 2 sport coming into its final week of the season, we are putting on the final touches for the Term 3 sporting seasons. Sign-ups, trials and season information has started to be shared. These sports include Year 4-12 Basketball, Year 4 Touch Football, Year 7-12 GBC Football, Year 5-12 Tennis and Year 4-12 Track and Field. Please make sure you are following the appropriate tag/s on the app so you don’t miss any information.


Well done all students on a successful and extremely busy Term 2! There have been many highlights for our ensembles, and we are looking forward to more excellent performances next Semester. Please check the list below and ensure dates are in your family calendars.

Thursday 27 July

Co-curricular Drama Afternoon


Junior Drama & Communication and invited students

Co-curricular Music Recital Evening

5.30pm & 7pm

Invited students

17-20 August



All choirs and instrumental ensembles

Friday 1 September

Formal Music Concert


ATC Symphonic Winds, Wind Ensemble, ATC Jazz Orchestra, Big Band, ATC Guitars, Percussion Ensemble A, Clarinet Ensemble A, Flute Ensemble, Concert Band, Junior Band, Jazz Ensemble Green, Jazz Ensemble Blue, Hot Brass Squad & all choirs

Lessons and rehearsals continue in Week 9 (with the exception of Wind Ensemble) and will resume from 7am, Monday of Term 3. Timetables will be released on the College App over the mid-semester break.


Invitation to attend Mass for 120 Years of St Ignatius Primary School, Toowong

St Ignatius Primary School, Toowong invite you to celebrate 120 Years of Catholic Education in the Toowong Parish. Celebrations will be held on Sunday 30 July, commencing at 3.00pm in the school undercover area. For further information and to rsvp, please email or telephone 3371 1094.


P&F Meetings

All are invited to join the P&F President, Mr Ben Prain, and the Principal at our meetings on Tuesday evenings once each month. We meet in Mt Sion Library Junior School at 6.30pm. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 11 July, at 6.30pm. In Semester Two we will meet also on Tuesday 8 August, 5 September, 10 October and 21 November. For any queries, please email the P&F Secretary Catherine 

Save the Date for these P&F Events

Trivia Night

The ATC P&F invites you to Trivia Night an exciting, themed event on Saturday 29 July from 5.30pm – 9.45pm in NJ Hall. This year's theme is “Jobs & Occupations” which should allow for some simple dress-up options - think chefs, health workers, high-vis workers or even teachers!

Tables have been released for sale on Parent Lounge. Cost per table (maximum of 10 persons is $200.) Table Captains must login to their Parent Lounge account and make a $200 payment on behalf of their group.

Sales will close when seating capacity is reached. Once you’ve chosen your table theme, please email the coordinator Suzanne Rosolen ( to check that your preferred theme has not already been claimed by another table.

Raffle tickets will be sold separately to table sales. Parents attending the Trivia Night are asked to buy their own raffle tickets and not for the entire table, so that organisers can be certain of who the winner is. The raffle is open to the entire College community, so even if you aren’t attending the Trivia Night event, you can be in the running to win one of our amazing prizes. You don’t need to be in attendance on the night to win! Prices: $10 for 2 tickets; $20 for 5; $30 for 8; $50 for 14; $70 for 20.

Any queries please contact the P&F coordinator.

Spring Lunch

Come and celebrate with friends and meet new ones at the ATC P&F Spring Lunch on Friday 14 October.

Enjoy a two-course meal plus a glass of bubbles on arrival at the The Rose Room, Cloud Land, 641 Ann St, Fortitude Valley from 11.30am to 2.30pm. Guest speaker is Selena Gomersall, Founder of Outback Futures and former CEO. A very inspiring lady who runs her own business now in private consulting for mental health/wellbeing and community growth space. Tickets are $78 which includes a two- course meal, one glass of sparkling on arrival and a lucky door prize ticket.

Raffle tickets will be on sale via Parent Lounge and the funds raised go to Breast Cancer Research - stay tuned for what's up to win! Raffle tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10. Tickets go on sale Tuesday 18 July via Parent Lounge.

Be Quick! Seats are limited to 250 only so book early to avoid disappointment. N.B Seating will be by the Year Level of your child/ren at ATC but apart from that there will be no set seating arrangement. Arrive early to sit with friends in your year level. 

All the best to everyone for the last week of Semester One.

David Gardiner

Deputy Principal