Coming Up Week 9

Spring has sprung! The 1st of September marks the official start of spring and we welcome the warmer sunny weather, but it also marks two weeks to go of Term Three. Every student needs to be organised with the assessment tasks required, make an extra commitment to assignment work and and prepare for the exam dates ahead. Exam schedules for Years 7-10 are available on the ATC App, Parent Lounge and Student Cafe. Our Year 12 students have been immersed in their Mock Exams this week as their preparations for External Exams ramp up.

Across the country this week has been marked by Australian Teacher Aide appreciation week. At ATC we call our non-teaching staff, School Officers. They cover so many vital areas not only in the Classrooms, but in Administration, Co-curricular, College Reception, Communications, Enrolments, Facilities/Grounds maintenance, Finance, and Food Services. ATC is certainly enhanced by the presence of all our School Officers, their wonderful skills and their valuable contributions. I express my sincere gratitude to all our School Officers for their outstanding contributions to our community.

At College assembly this week we celebrated the achievements of our Year 12 students who have completed a VET qualification. At ATC we are proud of the numerous pathways that we have developed to support the interests and skills of students. Each pathway, whether it is VET, ATAR or a combination, is equally valued, promoted and supported. The array of certificates and diplomas we offer as part of our normal timetable, coupled with school-based traineeships, apprenticeships, and the TAFE at Schools program provide such a rich and beneficial options for our students. Thank you to Ms Kath and Mr Martin for their leadership across these programs.

Another outstanding aspect of our community is the rich Music Program. I look forward to tonight’s Formal Music Concert during which our extremely talented musicians will entertain the big crowd. After the huge Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival last month, our musicians have continued their diligent rehearsal and practice routine to prepare for tonight. We also are looking ahead to Jazz by the River on Saturday 14 October, our signature community music event each year. The musicians certainly have been disciplined with such a big program of performances!

ATConnect | Principal's Message Week 8

Providing a steadying influence, calm guidance and loving protection, a father or father figure fills an important role in a student's life. In today's blog, Chris Ryan celebrates fatherhood, and all the men who are role models and caregivers. We hope all our dads have a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday. CLICK HERE TO READ the blog which also includes important staffing updates.

All the best to everyone for Father’s Day on Sunday. I lost my dad thirty years ago and like so many others, Sunday will be a day of reflecting and reminiscing on all the special times we shared together. I hope it is a special day of love, family and sharing.

Please read on for more upcoming events to ensure you are ready for the final weeks of term:


Sunday 3 September | Father’s Day

Monday 4 September to Friday 8 September | National Child Protection Week

Monday 4 September to Friday 8 September | Year 12 Mock Exams

Monday 4 September | Year 6 Let’s Chat

Tuesday 5 September | P&F Annual General Meeting

Wed 6 to Thurs 7 September | Years 7-10 Clontarf Regional Camp


The ATC Long Lunch is nearly here! On Sunday 10 September, friends of the College will gather on Brothers Oval for an afternoon of live music and community. We look forward to supporting the Ambrose Treacy College Foundation assist those on the margins access an Edmund Rice Education here at our College. Volunteers are required for a few small tasks in the coming week as we gear up for the big event. If you can spare an hour or two to assist Helen Hicks on Friday, Saturday or Sunday next week prior to the eve, please click this link to register your assistance. There are options available for Middle and Senior School students and parents to help with tasks. It is much appreciated. For any queries, please email Helen Hicks Foundation Administration Officer or call College Reception.


Mock Exams

Year 12 students commenced their Mock Exams on Wednesday. The Mock Exam Block will run from Wednesday 30 August 2023 and finish on Friday 8 September 2023 inclusively.  For Year 12 students who require a quiet space to study, the Westcourt Library is available in the middle session. Additionally, food is always accessible from the ATC Bakehouse Tuckshop, including outside of normal break times.

Year 12 Job Ready Employment Advice

Whilst the ATAR pathway students are sitting their mock external exams, we are offering the students enrolled in the College Vocational Education programme the opportunity to receive Job ready employment advice including mock interviews and Curriculum Viète support in a small group workshop on  Friday 8 September. Students are required to register using the link in Parent Lounge. This session will be facilitated by an external provider, Marc Oak from Job adder industries. The session will involve a brief presentation to the students and then individual tutoring and assistance to help each student prepare and tailor their CV’s for prospective jobs opportunities. The session will be capped at 20 students.  If there is an overwhelming interest in the event, we will look at adding additional sessions.  The session will be conducted onsite from 8:30 – 10:30am. If you have any questions or queries, please contact your trainer or contact Mr Simon Martin directly.



This term, all Year 7 student participate in a Service Project as part of their Religion classes. Sam, Ashton and Harrison have chosen to support the Remote Op Shop Project, a group who collect unwanted clothing and household items and send it to remote indigenous communities around Australia. The boys are supporting this charity because it not only reduces landfill by recycling unwanted clothing, but it also makes affordable clothes accessible to people in remote areas. The inspiration for the boys' activity came from watching the ABC's 'War on Waste' and hearing of corporate groups getting involved with the charity. Ashton said, “ I feel better knowing I have helped others.” Harrison believes that by donating his clothes he is reducing waste and at the same time helping people in need. He said, "The clothes are flown into remote areas so they need to be packed into smaller bags. We are very grateful to Dr Christian Rowan MP, for donating these postpacks." Sam was inspired by his mother's commitment to community work and he believes by giving back we create a better world. His uncle has also generously donated postpacks for clothes. Great initiative and a wonderful project for Year 7 Religion students.

Vocational Education & Training

The College hosted a meeting of EREA VET managers recently with visitors coming from local schools but also from as far away as Townsville. Year 12 Hospitality students catered for both the morning tea and lunch for our 18 guests, producing luscious cakes and slices as well as healthy salads. Meals were served by our capable students as guests enjoyed the picturesque deck with river views.

We are excited to maintain our partnership with @The University of Queensland, and continue offering an annual Hearing Screening program to Year 4 students. Research suggests that hearing challenges can significantly impact a child's learning capabilities. Kids dealing with hearing impairment might encounter setbacks in speech, language development, academics, and behaviour, often requiring extra educational assistance. As a child's hearing might evolve over time, it's crucial to keep track of their hearing, even if they've previously passed a hearing test. This presented a fantastic opportunity, and with the support of staff, the Learning office, and the boys' exemplary behaviour, the morning proved to be a remarkable success. You hear what we're saying?! Well done Year 4!


In this captivating classroom activity, students in Year 7 participated in an investigation to understand that the mass of an object affects its force of gravity. Through this interactive task, students were asked to add different amounts of paperclips to their paper “Robocopters” and determine the amount of time they took to land. By carefully observing and recording the descent times of the Robocopter, students are gaining firsthand insights into how altering the mass of an object directly influences the strength of its gravitational pull. Through this interactive exploration, students are not only grasping the principles that underpin gravitational physics but are also witnessing firsthand how even minor adjustments in mass can tangibly impact the force of gravity acting upon an object.


Formal Photo Orders

During homeroom on Tuesday 29 August, all formal photo orders were distributed to students from our photographer, Studio Kirby.   If any students were absent during homeroom today, please note that Homeroom Teachers will hold the photo packs for collection during the remainder of the week.  If you have any concerns, please contact the Formation Office on OR, contact Studio Kirby directly. 

Formal Uniform

From Monday 4 September, Students will no longer be required to wear the College tie and suit coat to school.  Of course, there may be several important events at the College where our students may be required to wear the formal uniform; however, you will be notified as required. The College uniform is a unifying influence for the school community and is a valuable part of a young person’s education to learn to present themselves in a neat and appropriate manner. As we transition away from our formal uniform, it is important to ensure that our students continue to wear their day uniform with pride and have all necessary items available.  Our uniform shop, the School Locker, is fully stocked for any families wishing to purchase any uniform items.  


ATConnect | Retreat and Reflect

This week, Mr Matt Warr shed light on our Retreat Program, the WHY and HOW of it. He explained why we invite students to reflect on their journeys and how we help them to face the world with courage, compassion and connection. CLICK HERE to read Matt's blog and watch some delightful videos from Junior School boys as they reminisce on their own retreats.

The Year 8 COURAGE Retreat was held on Friday and students took part in activities that helped them understand the virtues of compassion, respect, empowerment, and accountability in their lives. Through the power of storytelling and physical activities boys learnt about building relationships and how this supports their learning, leadership and service. We congratulate our Year 11 students for leading some of the activities at the Retreat, strengthening the bonds between Middle and Senior School boys and underpinning our House culture.



ATC students across all ages are invited to take part in STEPtember, an initiative that raises funds to “make life-changing impacts for those living with cerebral palsy”. STEPtember is a challenge that requires participants to accrue 10,000 steps every day of September. This is a fantastic way of supporting others and getting your daily dose of physical activity. Students who successfully complete STEPtember will be able to log 8 service hours. Please note that you will need to complete all registration steps outlined in the attachment by the last day of Term 3 to have your service hours eligible for the 2023 Service Awards. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs. More helpful information can be found on the ATC App.

Log Service Hours

We remind students and families that the deadline to log services hours is fast approaching. In Term Four we will acknowledge the wonderful work that students do in the area of Service at our annual Service Awards assembly. The cut-off date for Service Hours to be logged and considered for award purposes is the final day of this term, Friday 15 September. Information on how to view the service hours recorded in Parent Lounge for your son are included in the Parent Lounge and Student Café FAQs document attached. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher if there are any discrepancies in the hours recorded. For further reference, the Service Hours Table is also included in the links below. Should you have any questions about logging service hours, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. Andrew McCrohon, Head of Service and Clubs.


It has been a huge week for the Track and Field program, with record numbers attending our joint training session with Brigidine on Tuesday for the seniors, as well as our GBC Championships at QSAC on Thursday - results will be shared once we receive them. It is not too late to join in this season. Trainings take place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please come into the Sport Office or email us at to do so.

 Please be advised that Track and Field training will be split across two venues. Years 4 to 6 will be on site at Jack Bowers Oval from 3.15-4.30pm, whilst Years 7 to 12 will be at Jack Cook Park at Toowong from 3.30-5pm. Buses will transport the Year 7 to 12 students to Jack Cook Park; however, a reminder that families will have to collect their child from Jack Cook Park after the conclusion of training. We look forward to a great season ahead.

During the June/July holidays Max R (Year 8) and Sam K (Year 6) competed in the QLD state championships for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu held at the Gold Coast. Max won Silver and Sam won Bronze, in their respective age groups and belt levels. Both students are part of the Garra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club, have put a lot of time and effort into their training. Congratulations to both students on their tremendous achievements!


ATC’s Got Talent is back and LIVE for 2023! Nominations are open to students from Years 4 to 12 and any performance type is welcomed. Please nominate via the official form on the QR code by Monday 2 October. The finals are being held on Wednesday 11 October as part of Arts Week, so rehearse your piece and get on stage this year. If you have any questions, please visit the Co-curricular Music Office or email

ATC’s Got Talent is back and LIVE for 2023! Nominations are open to students from Years 4 to 12 and any performance type is welcomed. Please nominate via the official form on the QR code by Monday 2 October. The finals are being held on Wednesday 11 October as part of Arts Week so rehearse your piece and get on stage this year. If you have any questions, please visit the Co-curricular Music Office or email


Actors Studio Production of Lord of the Flies

When a group of schoolboys are stranded on a desert island, what could go wrong? Left to defend for themselves they must take on the responsibilities of adults even if they are not ready to do so. This exciting and contemporary production explores survival and the difference between civilization and savagery. Running for two nights only on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 October at 6:30pm in Nudgee Junior Hall. Sausage Sizzle and drinks available from 5:30pm onwards. Reserve your FREE tickets via Parent Lounge from 8 September. [Gold coin donation at the door] Please be advised this production contains mature themes and is recommended for students Year 7 and above.

Please check the Term 3 Clubs timetable on the College App for the concluding weeks for Term Three. Registrations for the these clubs for Term Four – Canoe Polo Years 8,9,10; Junior School Homework Club; Golf; Gardening Club and Environmental Club will open on Monday 4 September at 6:00pm through Parent Lounge. Please check the ATC App for information letters regarding these Clubs, which will be available from next week, Week 9.

As several of our clubs conclude for the year at the end of Term Three, please make sure you have checked the Term Four Clubs timetable for the few clubs that will run through Term 4. We thank the numerous staff who give up their time throughout the year to facilitate the clubs program for our students to enjoy.  As we have a very wide and varied program, our ATC Clubs would be lost without such energy and enthusiasm of these staff members.


P&F Annual General Meeting

Please join us for the P&F Annual General Meeting being held on Tuesday 5 September in Mt Sion Library (Junior School Precinct) at 6.30pm.  The current Executive team will confirm their positions on the night and will call for any nominations for vacant roles of President and Treasurer. This is your chance to have your say and to contribute to our great 'friend-raising' initiatives for 2024. Year Level Co-ordinators will also confirm their positions on the night, and we will call for any nominations for any of the vacant roles in the Year Coordinator roles also. If you are attending, please RSVP via email to the P&F Secretary, Catherine Jackson by Monday 5pm.

Second Hand Uniform Stall

Come along to the P&F Second-hand Uniform Stall on Friday 8 September from 3:00pm to 6:00pm in the Nudgee Junior Hall to grab some spare uniform items for 2024. All proceeds from the stall go to the P&F and will support initiatives at the school. Payment is via Eftpos only. No Cash Sales. Contact:  Melissa Kuflik (0426881203)

Year 7 Moral Support Gift for Year 12s

In recent years, the ATC P&F has organised 'moral support gifts' for the Year 12s in the lead up to their final exams. Year 7 are being asked to donate chocolates this year. Please bring all donations to the Year 7 Office (boxes have been provided for the boys to drop them into) by the last day of Term 3, Friday 15 September. 

P & F Spring Lunch

YOU'RE INVITED! Come and celebrate with friends at this year's ATC P&F Spring Lunch on Friday 13 October from 11.30am to 2.30pm at The Rose Room, Cloudland, Ann St, Fortitude Valley. Our guest speaker is Selena Gomersall, Founder of Outback Futures and former CEO. Tickets are $79 which includes a 2-course meal, a glass of sparkling on arrival and a lucky door ticket. Raffle tickets are on sale via Parent Lounge and on the day, with the funds raised going to Breast Cancer Research. Raffle tickets are 1 for $5; 3 for $10; 8 for $20. Seats are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. N.B Seating will be by the Year Level of your child/ren. Wear a splash of PINK as we combine fundraising power with the students' Pink Day. See your Parent Lounge account for tickets and terms & conditions.

Meeting Dates 

Please join the P&F President Ben Prain in Mt Sion Library at 6.30pm to hear updates from the Principal and news regarding our community events at the College. All are welcome to come along. 

Further dates for 2023:

  • Tuesday 5 September 6.30pm AGM
  • Tuesday 10 October 6.30pm
  • Tuesday 21 November 6.30pm Planning Meeting for 2024

Year 7 Father Son Evening

Our Year 7 boys and their dads had a fantastic night of games, competitions, and a BBQ dinner on Thursday and listened to insightful reflections from Mr John Tucker. Thank you to everyone who attended and celebrated and strengthened the father/son relationship.

2024 new students came for a testing day today and to explore more of the campus and make new friends. After some games and activities, boys settled into two sessions of testing in the classroom and after all the hard work was done, they had morning tea together and played some serious handball!

See you in Week 9.

Mr David Gardiner 

Deputy Principal