NAPLAN On Wednesday students in Year Five, Year Seven and Year Nine commenced NAPLAN testing. Testing concludes next Wednesday, 20 March. There will be catch up sessions organized for students who ar…
International Women’s Day (IWD) Today our community celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD). Our special assembly connected this year’s theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ to our Forming Men of Courage valu…
Camp Week Camp finally arrived. Over 800 students across 7 cohorts enjoyed a range of wonderful camp experiences from the Scenic Rim to the Sunny Coast, and all the way to Canberra. As a former outd…
There is great excitement around the campus as students prepare for camps and retreats next week. During the week students attended a final briefing with their camp coordinators to finalise arrangeme…
This week Ash Wednesday liturgies were held in cohort groups across the College to mark the beginning of Lent. I attended the Year 9 Liturgy at our amphitheatre by the river known as Warril Place. Th…
Father John Gillen celebrated our Opening Mass for Year 7 to 12 students on Tuesday, followed by a Mass for the Junior School in Nudgee Junior Hall this morning. It marks the official beginning of th…
Learning has begun in earnest this week with students engaging well in their first full week of lessons. Regular attendance and participation in class are the simplest ways for students to build mind…
What a fulfilling first week as Deputy Principal of the College. I’ve met lots of smiling students who showed a sense of curiosity about who I am. Thankfully, I was able to address all students at ou…
What a massive week of celebrations it has been. On Tuesday evening the Celebration of Excellence was a fantastic occasion when we could reflect on the year and acknowledge all the wonderful events t…