Communities of Faith, Hope and Love

Catholic Education Week

This week, it is our pleasure to join 312 other Catholic schools in Queensland in celebrating Catholic Education Week under the theme of “Communities of Faith, Hope and Love”.

Our staff nominee for the Spirit of Catholic Education awards in 2023 was Ms Kate Watts, our Assistant Dean of Inclusive Education for her boundless energy, compassion, and optimism. Kate and her team of educators play a significant role in partnering positively with our students, parents and caregivers and extended staff in the important domain of inclusion. I congratulate and thank Kate and indeed all staff, students, parents and caregivers as we continue to strive to create and animate our community.

College Leaders 2024

I am delighted to formally announce the following College Student Leader roles for 2024:  

Declan Lever: College Captain

Michael Neumann: College Vice - Captain

Jock Noonan: College Vice - Captain

I warmly congratulate these students and wish them well for this responsibility. I also congratulate all of the students who were short listed in this process and acquitted themselves so well. We are indeed blessed by the calibre of young people within our community, and I look forward to the announcement of House Leaders for 2024 and the leadership of the entire cohort. In the meantime, we remain in the capable hands of our 2023 Seniors who are doing a most commendable job across all domains of College life.

Academic Assemblies

It is most appropriate that we celebrate our 3 Academic Assemblies during Catholic Education Week. An aspiration to excellence is a principle of Catholic social teaching and an important aspect of our culture at ATC where our students are challenged and supported to strive for their personal best.  

One way in which we acknowledge these efforts is through our biannual academic awards. I congratulate the students who will receive these on our assemblies this week and acknowledge the partnership between them, their parents and caregivers and teachers which supports their efforts.  

Equally, I celebrate and acknowledge the efforts and achievements of all students, home and school partnerships of students who may not walk across the stage this week but very much are doing their best and achieving great things. This is also a key domain of the culture of our school and is indicative of our commitment to inclusivity.  

Whole School Signum Fidei Breakfast

The Term 3 Signum Fidei Breakfast will be held on Thursday 27 July. This event is held to congratulate the nominated students and their families on their achievement and contribution to the three College Pillars– Service, Learning and Leadership in being Signum Fidei; a Sign of Faith in our community.

Dash for Crash

The second Dash for Crash event to be held in partnership with the McMeniman family and friends at the College was held in May and was a terrific success with greater numbers and student participation and assistance. The McMeniman family have generously gifted $11700 to the ATC College Foundation for the purpose of building a fund to assist a student who may not otherwise be able to afford to attend ATC, to be able to in honour of Mr Damien McMeniman’s love of his time as a student at Nudgee Junior College. We graciously thank Mrs Marie McMeniman, her family and friends and look forward to next year’s event.

Staffing News

EREA Colleges Ltd close applications for the position of Deputy Principal for 2024 today. We anticipate an announcement will be made in week 5 or 6 of this term and look forward to the identification of this vital appointment.

The College is presently recruiting for the position of Head of Sport which is also a key appointment. This process will be concluded in the second half of this term with a view to the new appointee commencing later this term or early next term. Mr Jarrod Turner concludes his time with us at the end of Week 9 this term.

We look forward to welcoming Ms Julie Bradley to the position of Junior School Inclusive Practices Co-ordinator at the commencement of week 4.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) for students with disability. The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability. Additionally, it informs best practices within the school environment and develops shared practices in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability. Please follow below link to a letter with further information on NCCD.

ATC Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability NCCD 2023

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek too always be compassionate to those around us.

Mr Chris Ryan

College Principal