Easter Holidays are Nearly Here

This week brings us a week closer to the special celebration of Easter. For all Christians, Easter is a joy-filled conclusion to the Lenten season. At school, we have approached Lent as a time to reflect on what we say and do and then strive to be better versions of ourselves. What things can we do that will develop our talents, relationships and our sense of service? The word God can easily be replaced by the word Love.

During these remaining two weeks of Lent, what things can we do that will make us more loving? Easter is one of our most important celebrations in our Christian calendar, when we give thanks for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. One of our Christian values is that of forgiveness. During this time, we are reminded we can ask our God for forgiveness and the strength to be better people of love. We also can share that love by demonstrating forgiveness to others. May this Lenten season continue to be a time of renewal for all of us.

Term One Sport

Our first term of 2023 sport is now concluded. Congratulations to our almost 1000 boys who have participated in Cricket, Swimming, Volleyball and AFL. We have enjoyed a strong program of participation and competition and I thank the Co-curricular department, all coaches and volunteers who have facilitated the season. Last week we acknowledged the 1st team players of these four sports.

The players presented were not only skilled sportsman in their particular area, but are also role models for all of the younger players. I thank the 1st players for all they have done during every week of term in setting the example of good sportsmanship, respect for the opposition, and discipline at training and games.

Holiday Activities


Our U13, U15 and U18 Teams will play in the Ballymore Cup from Saturday 1 to Monday 3 April. The Matches will be played at South Pine Sports Complex.


From Wednesday 12 to Friday 14 April the EREA Tournament will be played at Nudgee College with teams from Year 5-12 competing.

Athletic Development

ATC Gym Program will run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in both weeks of the holidays there will be Sessions for Year 7-12 students.

Staff Update

The end of term often brings staff changes and this term is no different. Mr Richard Bradford who has worked as the Tech Aid in the Design Tech rooms, and provided great support to the staff and students in this area will finish his time here on Friday. Richard has also been a parent at ATC and given freely of his time and expertise at many functions. We wish Richard all the best as he moves to a part time role at another school. Mr Paul Raven also has decided to move to a part time role, and will be replaced by Bryan Shephard. Mr Steve McGiffin has been granted leave to pursue his cricket career in England and will be replaced by Andrew Canard. As previously announced, Mr Cameron Pickering has been appointed as the Director of the Clontarf Foundation, and his replacement in the Junior School will be decided next week. Mr Nathan King has decided to pursue a career outside of teaching and will be replaced by the returning Ms Sophie Butler. Finally, Ms Katrina Mansfield and Mr Brett Tompson will be on Long Service Leave for the first three weeks of Term two.

Student Reports

Term One Interim reports will be released this week, with Wednesday afternoon the target. Progressive feedback through Student Café is the most effective form for improved learning. The Interim report will provide information about your child’s application in each subject, plus a homeroom comment summarising their first term of 2023.

Parent Teacher Interviews

The Parent, Student and Teacher Feedback Meetings are scheduled for Monday 24 April 2023 9am to 7.30pm (Pupil Free Day). The meetings are an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s Semester One Teachers and may be more introductory in their nature. We strongly encourage your child to be present at the on-line Teams discussions.

Appointment bookings can be made via Parent Lounge link and we recommend you do this on a desktop computer. You can access Parent Lounge from the link at the top of the College website.

Bookings will open at 6pm on Thursday 30 March 2023 and close at 6pm on Tuesday 11 April 2023.

2022 Yearbook

A copy of the 2022 Yearbook will be given to the youngest students in each family at the end of the week.

Tuckshop news

To celebrate Easter, this week, the tuckshops will be selling hot cross buns (gluten free buns will be available) and sweet Easter treats. The tuckshops will be open on the last day of term 1, Friday 31 March. As well as the range of delicious hot and cold food items, they will be well stocked with cold drinks and ice blocks for students after they have run the cross country. The tuckshops will be open from the first day of term 2, Monday 17 April with new daily specials available.

Term Two

All classes begin on Monday 17 April for all year levels. It is also the day we will welcome back Mr Ryan from his study leave.


I ask that the community please keep Nathaniel Angwin (Year 6) and his family in your thoughts and prayers following the recent passing of his aunty. We hope that the passage of time will help heal the pain of her passing. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, may perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace. Amen.

Best wishes for a happy and Holy Easter.

David Gardiner