Gone Bush

Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit. — Edward Abbey

This week over 1000 ATC students head off to a camp or retreat, to explore nature, to understand self and wonder at the world around us. Our outdoor education program is a significant aspect of our holistic education at ATC. One learning from COVID restrictions over the last few years has been the importance of connection with nature. I believe that this type of activity and process is important for the health of our young people. Personally, I enjoy and benefit greatly from my experiences and time in nature and I certainly hope every student this week benefits from the experiences and challenges that camp week will offer. There is the chance to encounter self, encounter other, encounter nature and encounter something new, challenging, different or just plain old fashioned fun. I thank our generous staff for their dedication in providing these wonderful experiences for our young people. May the week provide memories that our students will keep talking about and reflecting on in the years to come.

College Tour

It was fantastic last week to see over 400 people attend our first College Tour of the year. Enrolments are getting very tight at ATC, which is a reflection of so many wonderful things happening across the College. I continue to be full of gratitude to our families for the positive words being spread across the wider community about ATC. Most of our visitors are here on the back of the positive messages they are hearing. A reminder we are conducting interviews for Year 7 2026 on 8 and 9 March, and then for Year 4 2024 on 26 and 27 April.

If you know a family who is interested in joining the ATC community, please mention they join us on Thursday 18 May at 4pm for our next tour and see what makes ATC so unique. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

Please note that siblings receive high priority for enrolment, but places are not guaranteed. If you have a sibling that you intend to come to ATC, I encourage you to contact our Enrolments Officer, Ms Robyn Donaldson on 38780505 or by email if you are interested in future enrolment. Waiting lists are forming across many year levels, so it is important that families complete an enrolment package if they are intending to enrol at ATC.

Celtic Cross Ceremony

Year 7 was officially welcomed to the Middle School at our annual Celtic Cross Ceremony. This rite of passage brings Years 7 – 9 together as a community to further Form Middle School Men of Courage. The Year 7s were greeted with standing applause from Years 8 and 9, after being presented their Celtic Cross. Mr David Mapleston and College Vice-Captain, Byron Butcher shared stories of the past and how these have helped shape our present. The core message was that they are proud of OUR school, and that everyone at Ambrose Treacy has the potential to enact positive change within our culture.

It is our hope that all students in the Middle School can feel connected to the College and they may be empowered to be a Signum Fidei in our community. The Year Nine students have a significant role to play as the older members of the Middle School and the model they demonstrate. A massive ‘thank you’ must go to Mr Mapleston for his leadership, organisation and execution of this ceremony. We also thank Mr Ribeiro, Mr Bolt, Mr Bannon, Middle School Formation Leaders and Home Room Teachers for their engagement and commitment to Forming Middle School Men of Courage.

Ash Wednesday

As a Catholic community we gathered last week to celebrate and reflect on the liturgical season of Lent. In our faith, Ash Wednesday commemorates Jesus retreating to the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to reflect on his life and mission. Each cohort was involved in their own ceremony where each staff member and student received ashes marked on their head. I spoke to the students last week about Lent being a time for us to reflect on how we do things. I appreciate each student is at a different point in their spiritual journey, but a common message at ATC, is for each to be the best version of themselves. Under this theme, Lent provides us with a time to reflect and decide on words and actions that will help us but also help others. During Lent we are called to be people who continue to engage in prayer, generosity, and sacrifice. Our service program is a great opportunity for those actions to be put into place during the rest of this term.

Co-curricular Update

It has been very pleasing to see continued high numbers of students engaged in our instrumental music program. The new facilities are very impressive, and the music students are expressing their delight, having extremely high attendance plus producing good development already.

Our Term One Sport program has been extremely busy and already plans for Term Two sport are well underway with training and trials commencing in some areas now and soon to be across the board by Week 8.

As a coach of one of the Junior cricket teams I have observed firsthand our excellent program in Term One. I have also appreciated the feedback from parents about our teams and coaches. With a mix of teachers, current and past students, and external coaching involvement, we have excelled with the standards, values and sportsmanship on display every week.

In our ATC Working Respectfully in Partnership, one section is ‘Participating in College Co-curricular Events and Training’. During this term our teams are involved in GBC and AIC competitions, in addition to games on the GPS bye round and other ‘friendlies’. I am pleased to hear from across the various sports we are participating in during Term One, that our coaches have acknowledged for instilling and upholding the highest standards of sportsmanship of our players. Along with this standard from coaches, our parents have been seen to be very respectful of all players, staff, match officials, fellow spectators, and the grounds, and have been encouraging and praising fair play. Thank you to everyone involved in our sport program for the values and standards that align with our ATC ethos.


I ask that the community please keep Patrick Horan (Year 9) and his family in your thoughts and prayers following the recent passing of his grandfather. We hope that the passage of time will help heal the pain of his passing. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, may perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. Amen.

God bless,

David Gardiner

Acting Principal