Hitting the Lanes to Make a Difference

Everyday another young Australian loses their life to suicide. Raising awareness for young people who are dealing with mental health and depression is a focus for Year 6 student and keen swimmer Josh, who is supporting Laps for Life to provide valuable resources for young Australians dealing with depression. Did you know that one in four people in Australia are suffering from mental health and only seventy percent of them receive the help that is needed? You can DONATE HERE.

In the last campaign over 10,000 swimmers like Josh raised crucial funds to support better mental health and wellbeing for young people all around Australia. Here is a story that motivated Josh to get involved:

Kira grew up in Parkes, a town about 300 kilometres West of Sydney. Now if you haven’t been there, you need to go, I’ve heard that the sunsets are just phenomenal. Well, she grew up in a beautiful environment Kira felt and never-ending pain inside her. “For far too long I refused to seek better help or even open to anyone about how I was feeling. I refused to think that there was something wrong with me.” Eventually Kira found the courage to seek someone at school but with limited mental health resources her teachers couldn't help in an effective way. She shared with me” I love my family to bits, but we just didn't have any money to see anyone that wasn't bulk billed or free.”

Laps for life can support so many people who are suffering. Josh is taking part in the fundraiser but needs your help. He wants to keep swimming 133 laps a day, but he wants you to donate so he keeps motivated. On assembly, Mr Warr said that for every hand that goes up when asked, the College would donate $1 from the charity budget. At the end of term, following Josh's speech, every single student and teacher raised their arm in support and then Mr Warr asked everyone to put up both hands in the air! So the College donated over $1000 to the cause. If you think this is a worthy cause then put your hand up and donate today! The fundraising page stays open til end of April. Dive in there now...!