Hitting the Mid Point of 2022

With Exam Block in full swing, we enter the final week of Term Two which marks the mid point of the 2022 Academic year. I reflect on some outstanding achievements and the resilience of our community as the planning and preparations for Semester Two move to the fore. With many exciting annual events happening next term, including retreats, the Year 11 SociABLE, Gate to Gate Race, Book Week and Ambrose Treacy Day, it will be busy 10 weeks!

Da Vinci Decathlon

Recently, ATC entered six teams in the QLD da Vinci Decathlon competition run by Nudgee College, one team each from Years 5 to 10. This is only the second year that the College has entered any teams into the competition. Students competed in teams of 8, working on 10 different categories of competition across three sessions throughout the day, with teams completing up to five different categories concurrently. This competition is oversubscribed every year and is one of the most rigorous academic competitions in Queensland, with over 37 schools competing in 2022. This year, our teams achieved some outstanding results:

Year 6 Team – 1st in Science, 1st in Engineering
Year 8 Team – 3rd in Legacy
Year 10 Team – 1st in Science, 2nd in Ideation

Congratulations to all teams across the year levels who competed and a special congratulations to the Year 6, 8 and 10 teams on their excellent results.

Term 2 Sport

Congratulations to our Football and Rugby players who have just completed our first season as guests of the AIC competition. I particularly acknowledge and thank our Year 12 students for their commitment to the blue, white and green over their years at ATC and especially this year. In this, our fourth year of having Year 12 students, we are gradually building a path to the future of ATC sport and competition and this season has been another step in the right direction. I thank the Co-Curricular and Sport Teams for their leadership, tenacity under challenging circumstances and generosity as we have prioritised opportunity for all students throughout this semester.

It was wonderful late last week to see some of the boys training and playing at lunch time on Jack Bowers and Brothers ovals for the first time since February. The constant rain has left Brothers oval especially very soft and muddy, but the clear weather finally got us to the stage where we felt we could open up without causing a mud bath! I have thanked the students for their patience and understanding and I thank our staff for working with them over an extended period without these resources. Thank you to our parents and caregivers who have supported us while we have used off site resources during this time.

The insurance bill now is in the realm of four million dollars across numerous classrooms, rooms, offices, ceilings, roofs, sheds, and storage areas. As the semester draws to a close, a few of these situations are coming back on-line but several will take at least the remainder of the year due to supply and labour shortages.

I take the opportunity to thank and celebrate our resilient community for your faith, patience and good will as we continue to put ATC back together again.

Staffing News

Mr Tim Walker, Head of Health and Physical Education, commences a well-deserved period of long service leave for Term Three and we wish him well for this time. Thank you to Mr Jarod D’Roza for acting in this position. We also welcome back Ms Sharni MacLean to the teaching staff after her maternity leave. Ms MacLean won’t return to her Assistant Head of Year role for the remainder of the year, and I thank Ms Alison Robbins for continuing in that capacity.

We also wish Mr Brett Cashmere, Year 5 Coordinator the best for his period of leave in the early weeks of next term and congratulate Ms Maryanne Gillespie who will act in this role for this period. Mr David Gardiner, Deputy Principal, will return from leave at the commencement of Term Three. I thank Mr Conor Finn for acting in the role of Deputy Principal, Mr Sam Brown for acting in the role of Dean of Formation and Mr Jarod D’Roza for acting in the role of Head of Leinster House while Mr Gardiner enjoyed a well-earned break.

We congratulate Ms Christina Xavier, our Middle School Inclusive Practices Coordinator on her promotion position at St Edmund’s College, Ipswich as Director of Inclusive Practices. We thank Ms Xavier for her service to the College and to the students and families in her care. The College is presently recruiting for this important role.

Congratulations to Mr Daniel Grindrod, our Music Department’s piano teacher, and his wife Cassandra on the safe arrival of their baby boy, Henry.


The ATC Parents and Friends will host the annual Trivia Night on Saturday 30 July at 6pm in Nudgee Junior Hall. Tickets for tables of 10 ($200) go on sale Tuesday 12 July at 5pm via Parent Lounge. More information will be shared via the ATC App and we look forward to a fun themed evening and the College Leadership Team avenging our 6th place from 2021!

End of Semester Reports

During the holiday break, you will receive your son’s Semester One Report. Please take the time to review your son’s report with him to identify areas of strength as well as focus areas of improvement for Semester Two.  Boys should return in Term Three with a clearer understanding of what they can do to grow as a learner.

Year 12 News

I wish to extend our community prayers and thoughts to our Year 12 young men as they commence their final semester of schooling after the break. This time will go fast and there is much to do. The rhythm of the school year is very different due to the change in the Senior Schooling system, COVID related impacts and the Term One floods, and it is certainly very busy for students, parents and staff alike. We wish our Year 12 students the very best in their study, their co-curricular and service activities and in their friendships as they work together with parents and staff and support one another. This group led our student community well in in the first half of the year and it is time for renewed energy and commitment. The job is not done yet, it is time to focus and build on what was achieved in Semester One. I am very confident that our Seniors will lead the way.

School Officer Day

On Wednesday 8 June the College celebrated School Officer Day. A humble but sincere thank you to all of our staff across our various systems and teams at ATC. The expertise, professionalism, camaraderie and goodwill provided by our staff is invaluable in the formation of our students and the holistic education opportunities offered here at the College.

I wish our community a safe and restful break, and look forward to welcoming students and staff to Term Three on Monday 11 July.

God bless.

Chris Ryan
College Principal