Today, several staff, student leaders and past students and parents attended the funeral of Cooper Rodgers of our 2023 Senior cohort. As always, the loss of a young life, full of potential and hope is terribly sad. Cooper passed away a fortnight ago after a brief illness and it was a privilege for members of the College community to join his family and friends in farewelling him today.
Cooper is the first Ambrose Treacy College graduate after six cohorts to pass away. He was a gentle, humble, caring and intelligent young person who contributed richly to the formative years of our school and used the opportunity of his education to achieve to the best of his ability and to be true to our College motto of Signum Fidei: to be a Sign of Faith. Cooper was most certainly that and May he Rest in Peace and May Perpetual Light Shine Upon him.
Kicking off 2025
Thank you for what has been a very dynamic and positive first three weeks of the school year with various College events and forums and a genuine atmosphere of engagement and relationship. Thank you to all parents and caregivers who attended the various Parent Information evenings over the past fortnight.
An opportunity to engage with the broader community and make connections with fellow parents is happening this Saturday evening 22 February, at the College with the annual Kick Off Cocktails event. This Parents & Friends event is open for ticket sales via Parent Lounge and I warmly encourage as many of the ATC family to join us for an enjoyable evening of community. You have the opportunity to win one term's tuition fees valued up to $4300 in the raffle.
Opening Masses
Last Tuesday’s Opening Mass was a grand occasion and there is great confidence in and hopes for a marvellous year inspired by the leadership of our Year 12 students. Thank you to our Year 12 parents and caregivers who came to participate in the Eucharist and our rites and rituals in commissioning the Year 12 group for the mission ahead. May their friendships, some as old as Prep to Year 12, and some new and evolving, bear fruit in animating our College in 2025.
Our Junior School celebrated Mass together on Friday and then enjoyed a fun time with plenty of House spirit at their swimming carnival where I hope new friendships were made and established ones enjoyed.
Child Protection Week
This focus week is usually facilitated in September but we feel that this important topic is best addressed as early as possible in the school year. Thus, during this week, on College Assembly, at Year level and House meetings and in Formation classes, we will focus on key messaging about child protection and safeguarding.
Child safeguarding is everyone’s business; teaching staff, non teaching staff, students, parents, caregivers, coaches, tutors and students.
All College staff undertake annual child safeguarding training regarding our responsibilities concerning behaviours and practices that promote child safety and our mandatory reporting responsibilities.
The College is supported and advised by the Edmund Rice Education Australia Colleges team of Mr Peter Simpson and Ms Shannon O’Gorman who are based in Brisbane and we seek regular advice and direction from the Child Protection Investigation Unit of the Queensland Police and other expert entities.
Our Child Protection Team meets regularly to review policy and process. This team is chaired by Mr Conor Finn, Dean of Formation and includes our Junior, Middle and Senior School Counsellors, Ms Siobhan Brophy, Ms Kate Nankivell and Ms Kelly Gaunt along with Mr Michael Stewart, Mr Brett Cashmere, Mr Brendan Flanagan and Ms Danika Ehlers, Ms Suzanne Colette and I. This team is well advertised throughout the College as Child Safety contacts and forms the nucleus that confidentially manages and supports child safety concerns at the College in liaison with students, staff, parents and caregivers as required.
The safety and well being of our students is of paramount importance. Please always feel welcome to make contact with the College if you have any concerns or queries regarding the safety of your or any child.
Co-curricular Program
After the Junior Band Co-curricular Music Information evening last week, I look forward to seeing the commencement of our youngest and most enthusiastic band, as they begin their wonderful journey in our music world. Thank you to Mr Jono Bolt and his Co-Curricular Music Team and our musicians and singers who led the way at our annual Opening Mass for both the Senior and Middle School and then the Junior School later in the week last week -their gifts make the occasion special and meaningful.
We are now two weeks into the AIC sport competition for Term One and as invited guests to the AIC competition, our sport participants have relished the challenge of competing against strong Colleges with games with St Patrick’s, Padua, Marist and Villanova Colleges so far. Schools within The Greater Public Schools (GPS) association continue to extend a hand of friendship to us and our Volleyball players have greatly enjoyed rounds with Nudgee College and Churchie over the past fortnight which is greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to Mr Lyndon Brieffies, the Sport Team, and our large band of coaches for supplying such wonderful opportunities, challenges, fun and growth for our participants. Thank you to all parents for your support in getting this big part of school life underway for the year.
Finally, the third part of our Co-Curricular Program, and of equal importance, is our Club Program which is well underway for 2025. The diverse range of options for participants is a genuine point of difference at ATC and I thank Mr Luke Read and Mr Andrew McCrohon for their leadership and coordination, along with all of the hosts, tutors, mentors and supervisors of the clubs. I am sure that the Clubs Program will again be a highlight in our year.
Community Prayer
Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.
God bless,
Chris Ryan