Inspiring, Reaffirming, Courageous - Empower Week at ATC

Empower Week is an event deeply rooted in our Courage Framework. Its core mission is to inspire students to embrace their authentic selves and empower others, especially those on the fringes of society. The aim of Empower Week is to reaffirm every member of our community, regardless of their background, that they are cherished, respected, and embraced at Ambrose Treacy College. Given the alarming statistic that one in seven young Australians faces a mental disorder, with anxiety and depression being prevalent, our focus during this week was on mental health and wellbeing.

Throughout the week, a variety of activities were organized to bolster the students' mental and emotional health. These included formation lessons, meditation sessions, wellbeing panels during College Assembly, and various events during lunchtimes across all school levels. Additionally, initiatives like the Push Up Challenge, Staffroom Wellbeing Challenges, and a Year 8 Social Afternoon were incorporated.

Alongside these efforts, our caregivers are encouraged to take proactive measures to support their sons' wellbeing:

Open Communication: Create a safe space for your son to express himself without fear of judgment. Actively listen to his thoughts and feelings about his day and any challenges he may be facing.

Promote Healthy Habits: Advocate for regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and a balanced diet. Physical and mental health are closely linked, making these habits essential for overall wellbeing.

Foster Resilience: Equip your son with coping mechanisms to manage stress and setbacks. Teaching problem-solving skills and resilience will aid him in navigating life's challenges.

Encourage Connection: Foster positive relationships with peers, family, and mentors. Social support is vital for mental health, so encourage meaningful connections.

Model Healthy Behaviour: Lead by example in managing stress and emotions. Your actions serve as a model for your son, so demonstrate healthy coping strategies.

Additionally, you may choose to access resources to further support your son's wellbeing, such as Head to Health, Beyond Blue, and the Black Dog Institute.

In summary, addressing youth mental health requires collaboration between the College and caregivers. By implementing strategies to support wellbeing and utilizing available resources, we can nurture resilience and compassion. Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength. Together, we can cultivate a culture of understanding and support for mental health.

Conor Finn

Dean of Formation

Wellbeing Panel on Assembly