I've Been Everywhere and Back!

I was fortunate to visit many of our camps last week and I have enjoyed following our social media pages which are loaded with photos and videos of the fun had by students all across South East Queensland and in Canberra. I have had many phone conversations with staff on camps and again I offer my gratitude to those who generously attended camps and retreats last week, to enable our students to experience so many wonderful opportunities.

Our Outdoor Education program across Years 4 to 10 provides a developmental, sequential program that challenges students, provides different opportunities and time to enjoy others and have fun. I saw all of these in abundance last week. The Year 12 Claddagh Retreat is most likely the most powerful experience the students will have in their whole ATC journey. I am sure the seniors will have a different view of life and be in a positive frame of mind as they tackle the next challenges of completing Year 12.

Everyone who participated in Camp Week 2023 will have slept well over the weekend and I hope had the opportunity to share a story and reflect on a good experience. Thank you one and all.

International Women’s Day

This week we celebrate International Women’s Day. At ATC, we believe students need good role models. They need good male role models, and they need good female role models. This is what we seek to provide across our community. In a male dominated school environment the role models provided by our female staff take on great importance.

Supporting and celebrating women’s rights is a year-round responsibility, but at its core, International Women’s Day serves an important purpose. It forces conversations about women’s achievements and global gender inequality into the mainstream – and it invites people of all backgrounds, ages, and genders to consider what they can do to make the world a more equal place for everyone.

I take this opportunity to recognise and celebrate the women on our staff both teaching and non-teaching. Their leadership, role modelling and example are invaluable in our community. We see this in and out of the classroom, across all systems of our community, in the playground, in sporting and cultural pursuits and most recently on camp and retreat. There is always space for challenge, growth and improvement in teaching and forming our young men and male members of staff about equality and respectful relationships. This year’s motto of International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #EmbraceEquity.

At ATC we celebrate women's achievements and raise awareness about discrimination. This week reminds us all to take action to drive gender parity and this forms the theme for our College Assembly.

Parenting Strategies for Teenage Success

In recognition of the importance of the necessary study skills required in Senior schooling, the College invites Year 11 and 12 parents and caregivers to attend a Parenting Strategies for Teenage Success workshop presented by Darren Pereira on Thursday 9 March 2023, 6pm to 7:15pm in NJ Hall.  Darren will speak to parents about how to support their child in becoming well organised, develop positive study habits and communicate effectively. Please note this evening is strictly for parents and has been designed to complement the students' presentation which will occur earlier in the day.  The student- teacher- parent partnership is critical to enhancing resilience and wellbeing, and to raise academic achievement.  Please CLICK HERE to register your attendance for Thursday 9 March. Registrations will close on Tuesday 7 March at 12pm. Parents are required to bring a pen to the evening.

AIC Swimming Championships

I wish all the very best to our swimmers who will compete in the AIC Swimming Championships tomorrow. Whilst different sports have been in regular competition all term, this is the first of our Carnivals of the year. As guest members of AIC we appreciate the opportunity to compete in such a high standard carnival at Chandler Complex. It is also mi9mportant we have a strong presence at these carnivals, and I thank the Year 11 cohort and the self-nominated Year 12 students who will not only provide raucous support for our swimmers but also ensure the AIC school that ATC is present and proud.

ATC’s Response to Al (ChatGPT)

Education continues to change and evolve. Over my career I have seen many changes that have posed challenges and benefits. Artificial Intelligence is the latest innovation that is having impacts on education as well as across many fields. Lara Morgan, our Dean of Learning, has written a blog considering the advancements in AI, as we cautiously evaluate the benefits and potential risks. In order to improve student learning and outcomes in the 21st Century, we all have a role to play. Lara's blog is an excellent and valuable resource for parents and students on Artificial Intelligence in the education space. This is the first of what I predict to be many steps that we will engage with to increase our awareness of the benefits of ChatGPT, and to explore the benefits of AI to assist students to be lifelong learners. Our teachers will engage with our students regarding the benefits of ChatGPT, the rules of plagiarism, the use of checkpoints to authenticate student ownership, and the importance of academic integrity. Please CLICK HERE to read how ATC is responding to ChatGPT and updating our policies and expectations.

How do students submit assessment in Student Café?

Week Seven equates to assessment time as we approach the later part of the term. Over the next four weeks students will have a number of assessments and exams to complete. With the new Student Café component of TASS being rolled out, students may need guidance in how to submit digital files. CLICK HERE for a step by step guide to guide parents and students through the process. This covers how to upload files, complete activities and how to re-submit in the case of an error.

Steve McGiffin

Steve is one of our great teachers as well as an ATC Cricket Coaching coordinator, but you may not know that he also plays high level cricket. Steve was in the limelight last week after being selected to play in the Qld Bulls One Day side at the Gabba and we are proud of him playing an integral part in the win against NSW, scoring 24 with the bat, taking three wickets with ball and also a catch! Congratulations Steve.

Wishing you a peaceful week.

God Bless,

David Gardiner

Acting Principal