2023 has seen Ambrose Treacy College staff familiarising themselves with the revised version 9 Australian Curriculum changes. The Australian Curriculum is designed to develop successful learners who are confident, creative and informed individuals, ready to take their place in society. It sets clear goals for what all students should learn as they progress through schooling – wherever they live in Australia and whatever school they attend.
The revised Australian Curriculum reflects the latest research, pedagogical approaches and global trends in education, and through our implementation we are ensuring that our students receive the best possible learning experiences and growth. At ATC we are fostering critical and creative thinking, diverse perspectives and digital literacies to ensure our students are equipped with essential life skills for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
Using the revised curriculum, teachers at Ambrose Treacy College, utilise each component of the Australian Curriculum and have began planning engaging and meaningful opportunities and programs ready for implementation in 2024. Staff have used 2023 to reflect on current practices and units of work, understand the changes and the implications of curriculum elements that have been included or moved within year levels. Teacher collaboration across year levels has been key to developing rigorous, relevant and future focused teaching and learning. Beginning with the two core subjects of English and Mathematics next year, all curriculum areas will be revised to align to version 9. We are excited to share our commitment to working towards the implementation of version 9 of the Australian Curriculum—fostering critical thinking, creativity and essential life skills—for the benefit of our students and their educational journey.
An overview of the revised English and Mathematics is below. More information can be found via the ACARA website.
Year 7 and 8
Students read and interpret a wide variety of literature. They create texts to influence their audience.
Students learn to:
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Mathematics Students extend their knowledge of number systems to include irrational numbers. They use proportional thinking and algebra to model practical situations and solve problems. They develop skills in geometric reasoning and consider statistical sampling when conducting statistical investigations. Students learn to
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Year 9 English Students analyse and evaluate a range of texts such as poetry and novels. They create texts to communicate complex ideas by experimenting with language features, text structures and images. Students learn to: Mathematics Students learn to:
If you would like more information regarding this blog, please email the writer, Meg Ellis, Assistant Dean of Learning, Middle School. |