Our Faith, Our Mission and the Formation of Young People

Last week was a busy and important week for us a Catholic School with our Ash Wednesday ceremonies and rituals in order to commence the Lenten journey and the facilitation of our Year 10 and Year 4 Retreat programs.

Mr Michael Fitzpatrick, an external facilitator, is a master teacher and faith formation leader who has been leading programs with young people throughout the Archdiocese of Brisbane for over 30 years. It is our pleasure and privilege to have Michael lead our Year 10 program which is a very effective strategy in bringing the group together as they commence their time in the Senior School.

Mr Matt Warr, our Dean of Faith and Mission and his team do a fabulous job of initiating our Year 4 students into the lives behind our three College pillars of Service, Learning and Leadership: Jesus, Br Patrick Ambrose Treacy and Blessed Edmund Rice. The team do this is a very relational, active and participative way and I know that the Year 4 students had a great day.

Kick off Cocktails

Thank you to the ATC Parents and Friends for their hosting of our annual welcome event held on Saturday evening. It was great to gather a crowd of 300 parents and caregivers to usher in the new year. Thank you to George Patrikios our Parents and Friends President and Vice President Jane Rowan, the coordinator of the event, assisted by Catherine Jackson, Melissa Kuflik and Belinda Rosen. Thank you to everyone who helped and came along to make Saturday night a most enjoyable occasion.

I also wish to thank our sponsors of the raffles for the evening. It is an enjoyable task announcing the lucky winner of a term’s fees - congratulations to the Witt family! Our partnership with families is a key component of the ATC community and I look forward to our community gathering for year level, whole College events and smaller gatherings throughout the year.

Camp Week

There is a hum in the air as the College readies for next week’s Camp Week 2024. I remember the first time I went on camp. I was in Year 3 and was a first- year member of the Bunya Park Cubs in Toowoomba. We had one night in Jubilee Park on the edge of the Great Dividing Range near my friend’s house in a paddock where his pet goat, ducks and chooks lived. It was brilliant!

I recall being nervous, worried about the older boys and practicing my knot tying, tent pitching and back-pack packing with my Mum and Dad. This and other later experiences provided important ‘deeper water’ experiences for me. Over time, I have gone on lots of camps as a cub, a primary and secondary school student, Duke of Edinburgh program participant and teacher all over south- east Queensland, the north and south coasts and the Darling Downs. The excitement as ATC prepares for ‘Camp Week’ is palpable and infectious and brings back plenty of happy memories.

The breadth and depth of our camp programs, the creativity of our partnerships and the scope and sequence of the experiences on offer are impressive. Across the entire program, from school based, to our Year 6 journey to Canberra to our Year 12 fellows engaging in the rich experience that is our Claddagh program, there is an exemplary effort made to provide challenge, diversity, inclusivity and opportunity for learning about self, each other and elements of the broader world.

On behalf of the extended ATC community, I wish to acknowledge the extraordinary generosity and commitment of our entire staff who make this week possible. This is a very special element of an Ambrose Treacy College formation experience and the contribution of our staff, with the support of their own families, is a blessing to our community and in my experience, certainly unique. I thank our staff most sincerely.

The undertaking of this week-long program which engages all year levels bar Year 11 who enjoy a Leadership Camp and Retreat later in the year, is huge now that we have grown to full size. The College reviewed the model and programs last in 2021 and will do so again after this year’s programs with a view to meeting our present and future needs, structures and resources.

Thank you and congratulations to Mr Jason Sepetauc and Mrs Georgie Ingham-Myers for their leadership, oversight and coordination and to all staff who are leaders and facilitators of particular programs. Thank you to our parent and caregiver body for your partnership with us and faith in us as we facilitate these programs. I wish all of our students a wonderful week which is safe, enjoyable and as rewarding as it was for an eight-year-old Cub who slept in his mate’s paddock back in 1978!

ATC Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The fourth of five strategic priorities in our new strategic plan is EMBEDDING PRODUCTIVE PARTNERSHIPS.

Ambrose Treacy College will embed partnerships with key stakeholders to enhance the holistic experiences and outcomes for our students.

  • Continue building positive relationships and partnership opportunities with local school communities including Parish primary schools, the wider network of EREA, Catholic Colleges and independent school communities with a particular focus on providing opportunities for our students to engage with young women in a range of settings.
  • Continue to foster positive relationships with targeted co-curricular associations, with the aim of consolidating and expanding our offerings.
  • Enhance engagement with key stakeholders including the parents, friends, and past students of Ambrose Treacy College. Formalising a Past Students Association with agreed protocols and priorities.
  • Nurture our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partnerships through our existing Clontarf Academy and future programs.
  • Establish our relationship/partnerships with higher education institutions, business, and industry to further develop student programs and pathway options.

Welcome to Mr Chris Woolley

The College Advisory Council is having its first meeting for 2024 this Wednesday evening. I thank ATC parents, Chair Mr Peter Kelly, Deputy Chair Mr Darrin Neumann, Ms Kaylene Perissinotto, Ms Amanda Ross, Ms Sondra Roberts, Mr Matt Horan, Mr Michael Casey and Mr Brett Solomon for their ongoing counsel, expertise and generous support of the College community, myself as Principal and the College Leadership Team.

This Wednesday evening, we welcome Mr Chris Woolley, Chief Executive Officer of Edmund Rice Education Australia College Ltd. Mr Woolley has a rich history in working in governance in Catholic Education with his most recent role being Chief Operating Officer of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission. Chris is leading the establishment of the new incorporated entity of which Ambrose Treacy College is a member in EREA Colleges Ltd which encompasses all mainstream EREA schools in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, the ACT and Tasmania. We welcome Chris to our meeting and thank him for his already stellar support of ATC.

Mr Chris Woolley

Welcome to Mr Peter Fullagar

Commencing this year, we also welcome Mr Peter Fullagar as Regional Director of Education for Queensland, ACT and Tasmanian mainstream EREA schools. Peter also has a rich history with our schools as the former Principal of St Edmund’s College in Canberra, St Joseph’s Nudgee College and as Deputy Principal of St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace. Peter is my immediate supervisor and supporter and is, therefore, pretty important to me! Peter will be a wonderful supporter of ATC and we wish him the very best in his new role.

Welcome to Mr Peter Fullagar

Commencing this year, we also welcome Mr Peter Fullagar as Regional Director of Education for Queensland, ACT and Tasmanian mainstream EREA schools. Peter also has a rich history with our schools as the former Principal of St Edmund’s College in Canberra, St Joseph’s Nudgee College and as Deputy Principal of St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace. Peter is my immediate supervisor and supporter and is, therefore, pretty important to me! Peter will be a wonderful supporter of ATC and we wish him the very best in his new role.

Staff News

We congratulate Mrs Alicia Madigan and her husband Luke on the safe arrival of their new baby Jessica. Mother and baby are doing well and big brother Theo is very excited.

Clontarf Leadership Camp

Year 12 Clontarf students attended their Leadership Camp in Runaway Bay recently. They met with Clontarf partners Thiess and Orica, as well as attending a presentation by Headspace. Students engaged in leadership activities with company regional managers, set goals for their final year of school and discussed pathways beyond ATC. These corporate partnerships offered our young people the opportunity to network with staff from major companies and productively plan their futures. I thank Mr Cam Pickering and Mr Josh Hoffman for facilitating of this camp.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

God Bless.

Chris Ryan, College Principal