Japanese Student Exchange Program This afternoon we welcomed Japanese students and teachers from Konan Elementary School, who are visiting as part of our Student Exchange Program. The Student Exchang…
As we head to the end of a busy Term One our staff are working towards finalising assessment and exam marks and will complete an Interim Report, based on application to learning. This year the Colleg…
I spent most of last week in Adelaide with my 54 colleague Principals of Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition reviewing and renewing our foundation governance document: The Charter for our s…
NAPLAN On Wednesday students in Year Five, Year Seven and Year Nine commenced NAPLAN testing. Testing concludes next Wednesday, 20 March. There will be catch up sessions organized for students who ar…
This weekend, our undefeated First XI Cricketers embark on a final journey. For all Year 12’s, this weekend marks their final game of cricket for the Blue, Green, White. The First XI could be easily …
As the NAPLAN test period begins, it is crucial to understand the purpose. The NAPLAN tests serve as a benchmark for students' academic performance around Australia and help identify areas where addi…
Welcome to Week 8 of a long, busy and hot term! We noted tiredness and unsettledness which is normal in any term of the year but more so after Camp Week. Week 8, 9 and 10 are hectic times for assessm…
We celebrate leadership at Ambrose Treacy College and believe every student is a leader. We relished the opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate our Student Representative Council (SRC) members a…
International Women’s Day (IWD) Today our community celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD). Our special assembly connected this year’s theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ to our Forming Men of Courage valu…