Our Year 12 students finished their classes last Wednesday and true to their 2023 Senior motto, they continued to Pave the Way with some fun, respect and positivity. We are delighted with and proud…
Arts Week has dominated the last two weeks with so many outstanding events. We could not squeeze the multitude of events into one week with it spilling over into this week. Jazz by the River was a wo…
Online Awareness The tragic events unfolding in Israel and Gaza are deeply concerning and confronting. We pray for all people and families for safety and safe passage at this dreadful time. The ESa…
I hope all families have had a positive first two weeks of the term. It has been another massive week at ATC with the spotlight strongly on The Arts and the celebration of the imagination, creativity…
In a compelling presentation to Year 10 Hospitality students, OzHarvest sheds light on two pressing issues facing our society: food waste and food insecurity. Despite there being enough food globally…
Our Courage To Care Program leads students to becoming upstanders and addressing prejudice and discrimination. In a world where fear-driven prejudice and discrimination continue to cast a shadow over…
We wish our Year 12 students the very best for their final full week of school classes. Our Year 12 students’ final day of classes is Wednesday 18 October and I thank you for your support at home as …
At Tuesday’s College Assembly, we celebrated the commissioning of our elected 2024 student leaders. The new ATAR system effectively sees the end of Year 12 classes next week, as they then enter their…
Welcome back for Term 4. I trust that all students have enjoyed the mid-semester break and we look forward to a short but full and dynamic term ahead. I am sure that many in the ATC community were a…