Welcome back for Term 4. I trust that all students have enjoyed the mid-semester break and we look forward to a short but full and dynamic term ahead. I am sure that many in the ATC community were a…
I hope all our families are enjoying a break from the normal busy routines of term time and making the most of this lovely Spring weather. I remind you that Monday 2 October is the King's Birthday Pu…
Our Middle School students participated in activities as part of National Science Week where staff incorporated this year's theme, Innovation: Powering Future Industries into investigating the advanc…
As we head into the final weeks of our schooling journey at ATC, it’s time to reflect on the achievements and successes we’ve had as the 2023 Senior cohort. This year has been filled with memorable m…
We welcome our Year 12 students back to classes this week as they reflect on their mock exams experience with the rhythm and pattern of Year 12 markedly different to the past. Year 12 students have a…
With the final week of term is upon us, exams and assessment are at the forefront of everyone's mind. Please use this weekend to prepare well for all assessment and end the term on a high. Assessment…
Helping our teens eat well can sometimes feel challenging in a culture where there is so much confusing information about food, eating and diets. Ambrose Treacy College and The Butterfly Foundation, …
Spring has sprung! The 1st of September marks the official start of spring and we welcome the warmer sunny weather, but it also marks two weeks to go of Term Three. Every student needs to be organise…
We wish all of the Dads and significant carers in our community an enjoyable and meaningful family time this coming Sunday. I am the proud Father of three young women and have recently enjoyed that p…