Over the past 18 months, Ambrose Treacy College has undertaken a significant change in how we are providingresources and learning opportunities for our boys. As we have transitioned away from SEQTA, …
We all love a long weekend, but I suspect that we may sometimes neglect to reflect on what Monday’s holiday was about. Without wishing to be overtly political, it’s a day when we celebrate the achiev…
Thank you to all families who engaged with the Parent Student Teacher feedback meetings this week. The partnership with parents and caregivers is crucial in the success for students. I hope the affir…
Young people can sometimes get a bad rap. On Friday evening, I was delighted to be present as our Year 12 students enjoyed their Formal. They introduced their partners to staff, danced, joked, and lo…
It has been full on back to action for Week One. As usual it has been wonderful having the smiling faces surrounding us and the associated energy. Already one week has been completed and a reminder i…
Welcome back for Term Two! I trust that the Holy season of Easter was a peaceful and renewing time for all in the ATC community and that the recent days have been filled with family and friends and t…
I look forward to welcoming everyone back to a new term and I hope you have enjoyed some relaxation as well as positive family time. At ATC we will continue to challenge our young people to be the be…
The Japanese department got off to an exciting start this year with the arrival of Koji, a student teacher from Nagoya University in Japan. We welcomed Koji through Griffith University’s Internationa…
This week brings us a week closer to the special celebration of Easter. For all Christians, Easter is a joy-filled conclusion to the Lenten season. At school, we have approached Lent as a time to ref…