“Communities of Faith, Hope and Love” - Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week

This week, it is our pleasure to join 312 other Catholic schools in Queensland in celebrating Catholic Education Week under the theme of “Communities of Faith, Hope and Love”.

This week and always, we are reminded of our call to be steadfast and dedicated to building up our own community in faith, hope and love and grateful for the privilege we share in working together to support our students in their development, formation and holistic education with the aim of them being for the world; Signum Fidei, Signs of Faith.

Catholic Education Week is also always a timely reminder of the shoulders on which we stand including the Christian Brothers who established Nudgee Junior College, the thousands of families and students who have walked our halls since 1938 and the faithful leadership of Michael Senior and all families, students and staff who have been the vital life source of the first decade of Ambrose Treacy College.

Thank you to all of our extended community for everything you do to help create our community of faith, hope and love.

College Leaders 2025

I am delighted to formally announce the following College Student Leader roles for 2025:

Ted Challenor: College Captain

Patrick Henningham: College Vice - Captain

Francis Kemp: College Vice - Captain

I warmly congratulate these students and wish them well for this responsibility. I also congratulate all of the students who were short listed in this process and acquitted themselves so well. We are indeed blessed by the calibre of young people within our community, and I look forward to the announcement of House Leaders for 2025 and the leadership of the entire cohort.

Academic Assemblies

It is most appropriate that we celebrate our Academic Assemblies during Catholic Education Week. An aspiration to excellence is a principle of Catholic social teaching and an important aspect of our culture at ATC where our students are challenged and supported to strive for their personal best.

One way in which we acknowledge these efforts is through our biannual academic awards. I congratulate the students who will receive these on our assemblies this week and acknowledge the partnership between them, their parents and caregivers and teachers which supports their efforts.

Equally, I celebrate and acknowledge the efforts and achievements of all students, home and school partnerships of students who may not walk across the stage this week but very much are doing their best and achieving great things. This is also a key domain of the culture of our school and is indicative of our commitment to inclusivity.

Whole School Signum Fidei Breakfast

The Term 3 Signum Fidei Breakfast will be held on Wednesday 24 July. This event is held to congratulate the nominated students and their families on their achievement and contribution to the three College Pillars– Service, Learning and Leadership in being Signum Fidei; a Sign of Faith in our community.

Music and Drama Recital Evening

Best wishes to our students who participate in various private tutoring programs and are working towards Australian Music Examination (AMEB) certifications and are sharing their work with family and peers this Thursday afternoon and evening in Nudgee Junior Hall. There is always some fabulous work to be seen on these presentations of music, speeches and drama.

Staff News

Today we welcome Mr Rabi Kundu to our Mathematics team. Mr Kundu is an experienced teacher of Mathematics, and we look forward to his contribution.

Mr Steve McGiffin has made a big decision to chase his dream of becoming a full time professional cricketer and is following up on opportunities both overseas and with the Bulls Academy here in Brisbane. Steve has resigned from his full time position with us. The College is presently recruiting for this role. Mr McGiffin will finish his time with us in Week 6 of this term and we thank him and wish him well.

Back to ATC Day

We warmly welcome all past students to visit our AIC round of Rugby League with our EREA brother school, St Patrick’s Shorncliffe on 3 August.

Our annual games of current versus past students of Football and Basketball will be held at 1.30pm and 3pm respectively and our inaugural Seniors of 2019 are gathering for a sausage sizzle and catch up with staff at 4pm at Waterford.

ATC Foundation Long Lunch 8 September

Please come along on 8 September for our annual Long Lunch for a relaxed and enjoyable afternoon of friendship and community building. Tickets are now available. The main purpose for the occasion is to enjoy some social time. All funds raised go towards supporting student who otherwise may not be able to, to access an ATC education.

Book your tickets here.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

Chris Ryan