Best Wishes to All Students Completing Final Assessments and Exams

EREA Colleges Gathering

It was a privilege to attend the first meeting of EREA Colleges Ltd Principals and the EREA Colleges Ltd Board last week in Adelaide.

Edmund Rice Education Australia nationally is now represented by five subsidiary entities and Ambrose Treacy College joins 19 other schools and Early Childhood Centres in Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, the ACT and Tasmania as a member of EREA Colleges.

In the arc of the history of Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition in Australia since Brother Treacy arrived in 1868, it was not lost on me as we gathered at Christian Brothers College in Wakefield Street in Adelaide that Brother Treacy founded in 1878, that our meeting was significant. Our focus was on building our connections across this new entity while recognising and celebrating our commitment to our national and international identity at the same time. Our work focussed on consulting regarding the first strategic plan for our entity and in sharing information about our school profiles, history, current challenges and current and future opportunities. I left the meeting most optimistic about our own College and the future of our tradition in Australia.

End of Semester Reports

Best wishes to all students across the year levels as they complete final assessments and exams this week. It is important that these are our main priority this week. During the holiday break, parents and caregivers will receive the Semester One Report. Please take the time to review the report to identify areas of strength as well as focus areas for Semester Two. Students should return in Term Three with a clear understanding of what they can do to grow as a learner, and we look forward to parent/teacher/student interviews in early Term 3.

School Officer Day

On Wednesday 12 June the College will celebrate School Officer Day. A humble but sincere thank you to all of our staff across our various systems and teams at ATC. The expertise, professionalism, camaraderie and good will provided inside and beyond the classroom by our non-teaching staff is invaluable in the formation of our students and their holistic education opportunities offered here at the College. On your behalf, I thank and congratulate our almost 100 non teaching staff for the excellent work they do in supporting and forming your sons.


The ATC Parents and Friends will host the annual Trivia Night on Saturday 27 July at 6pm in Nudgee Junior Hall. More information regarding this event will be available via the ATC APP and we look forward to a fun themed evening.

Year 12 News

I wish to extend our community prayers and thoughts to our Year 12 students as they commence their final semester of schooling after the break. This time will go fast and there is much to do. We wish our Year 12 students the very best in their study, their co-curricular and service activities and in their friendships as they work together with parents and staff and support one another. This group led our student community well in the first half of the year and it is time for renewed energy and commitment. The job is not done yet, it is time to focus and build on what was achieved in Semester One. I am very confident that our Seniors will continue to Be the Change.

Term 2 Sport

It was poignant to be sitting with some Year 12 parents on Saturday at Villanova Park for the final moments of the First XV Rugby game. For them, it was the last time their son would represent the College after many years.

(Rugby season highlights)

Congratulations to our Football and Rugby players who have just completed another season. I particularly acknowledge and thank our Year 12 students for their commitment to the blue, white and green over their years at ATC and especially this year.

(Football season highlights)

Some will participate in our inaugural entry into AIC Rugby League and in the Athletics program or in other GBC Sports to come. I thank the Co-Curricular and Sport Teams for their leadership and generosity as we have prioritised opportunity for all students throughout this semester.

Afternoon Tour

Do you know a young man who might like to come to ATC? Please share our registration details with him for our afternoon tour where we will take his family through the heart of campus. To register for the tour on Thursday 8 August, CLICK HERE.

Community Prayers 

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

I wish our community a safe and restful break and look forward to welcoming students and staff to Term Three on Monday 8 July 2024. Thank you for everything your family has contributed to our community thus far in 2024. We look forward to next semester.

God bless

Chris Ryan