Working Together To Support Our Students

In last week’s Blog I referred to Week 7 commencing what can be a challenging time for students, staff and parents as the business of the term comes to a head. This is the time that will show the work put in pays off or the work not put in can come home to roost.

By the end of last week, the ratio of mistakes and errors around the grounds was steadily climbing as tiredness and the feeling of being overwhelmed for some kicked in. Friday was a busy day at school!

Thank you for your support at home, with time away from online, rest and sleep, exercise, homework, study, fun and all the little things such as correct uniform, shined shoes, haircuts and shaving if required. Working together to help students hold their shape through to the break is vital as is calm and constructive conversation that is solution focussed when things don’t go according to plan which can be the case for a host of reasons at this time of term.

Assessment and Absence from School

We are now in the final two weeks of a busy time of term with assessment and quite a lot of sickness about. Thank you again for your support at home and communication.

The focus for the next fortnight is very much on assessment, exams and finishing the term positively.

If your son is absent for an extended period due to illness, I encourage you to reach out to our Learning Office if you are concerned he may miss assessment timelines or exams. We had one day recently where 22% of students were absent as RSV, walking pneumonia and COVID all continue to be present.

For all learning enquiries, please CLICK HERE to email the Learning Office.

Please CLICK HERE for information on the ATC Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Please CLICK HERE to access the 10 – 12 Senior Illness and Misadventure form.

Extended absences of more than a week are to be requested in writing to the Principal at 

Staff News

Mr Cameron Pickering, our Director of the Clontarf Academy, finishes with us this term. Mr Pickering has been a teacher, coach, Head of Year 6 and in his current role during his time with us. We wish him well as he explores other opportunities within and outside of the education sector. We thank Cameron and wish him well. Mr Matthew Rae has been appointed to this role and we look forward to welcoming him to the College.

Ms Kristy Freer, our Head of Senior School Science will also finish with us this term. Ms Freer is taking up a teaching position at another school. Ms Freer has been at ATC for most of the early days of our development and growth and we thank her and wish her every success in her new role. The College is currently recruiting for a new Head of Senior School Science.

Music Tour Farewell Concert

It was a delight to be with parents, grandparents, colleagues and friends to wish the 59 students and their mentors well for their upcoming Music Tour on Saturday afternoon.

The quality of performance was excellent and the excitement about the upcoming experience most tangible.

Congratulations to Mr Jonathan Bolt and all staff and parental supporters for a great occasion and for the preparations for the Tour.

I look forward to joining the group at the Sydney Opera House for their two performances there on 4 July.

AIC Cross Country

Last Wednesday, ATC competed in the AIC Cross Country Championships at Curlew Park. Well done to our AIC Cross Country Team, staff, and supporters on a good effort. While still growing and with room for improvement, there were some pleasing individual and group performances and definitely some positive steps forward taken from last year’s participation. 

I was particularly proud of our Open runners who came a very creditable 6th out of the 9 competing schools. We are grateful for their modelling the way through example, their commitment to each other and their sense of legacy.

Overall, we tied for 8th place with St Edmund’s College and our growing group culture and has now set the goal of further improvement in 2025.

Thank you to Mr Lyndon Brieffies, Head of Sport, the coaching team, staff and all supporters who contributed to a successful day. Your time, effort and dedication are appreciated.

Biggest Morning Tea

Congratulations and thank you to the Year 10 Hospitality students and staff team on an excellent Biggest Morning Tea last week.

The professional manner in which a huge amount of quality food was prepared and served effectively and efficiently was impressive.

 Thank you to the ATC community for your continued support of research by the Cancer Council and to our students in developing real life and industry experiences.

Queensland Volleyball Schools Cup

Our volleyball program continues to go from strength to strength and congratulations to all players, coaches, and supporters on an excellent performance.

In particular, well done to our 10A side who had an outstanding tournament and made their way to the final where they went down to a strong Nudgee side. We are proud of their achievement in making the final and they will now qualify for the honours division at the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup.

Community Prayers 

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

God bless

Chris Ryan