Students - Time for an Honest and Insightful Reflection

Afternoon Tour

Do you know a young man who might like to come to ATC? Please share our registration details with him for our afternoon tour where we will take his family through the heart of campus. To register for the tour on Thursday 8 August, CLICK HERE.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Thank you for engaging in this process today and this evening as the partnership between home and school is so vital. Please be in contact with staff with any matters of follow up as we commence a new semester. I take this opportunity to thank our staff for the big commitment of these interviews. Some staff have in the vicinity of 50 conversations on these days and their efforts are appreciated.

As always, I offer this simple set of questions for each student for their honest insight and reflection:

1. What am I going to keep doing? (What is working for me)

2. What am I going to stop doing? (What isn’t working for me)

3. What am I going to start doing? (What works for others that may work for me)

We look forward to tomorrow evening’s Career Expo and Senior School Subject Selection evening and I thank and congratulate Dean of Learning Ms Liana Baillie, Head of Pathways Ms Michelle Kath, Assistant Dean of Learning: Senior School Ms Angela Simpson and the Learning Team for their preparation of these important occasions.

Year 11 Leadership Retreat

Congratulations to our Year 11 students on a fine effort for this important rite of passage program. Our Formation Team staff returned from the program very energised and hopeful of an outstanding 2025.

Something that we as educators are noticing and experiencing in our post COVID world is the challenge for some young people to move beyond the individualist perspective and to buy into, and be open to and contribute to the collective task, challenge and experience. That isn’t to criticise or judge, quite the opposite, it is to see, care and support as the challenges of the last five years and the macro messaging of social media and world events are influencing risk aversion, mental health and overwhelm for some young people. Our Seniors for 2025 rose to the challenge and opportunity during the Leadership Program and we sincerely thank and congratulate them as I do our Formation Team.

This week, we move forward with the process of selecting the 2025 College Captain and Vice Captains and I wish the candidates all the best. It was a privilege to listen to them speak with their peers on the camp and all are outstanding young people. I look forward to sharing the news of their selection with the community.

Back to ATC Day 3 August

Our inaugural Past Students Association Committee has been established this year and is building on our practice of hosting Past Students vs Current Students Football and Basketball on August 3rd and warmly welcome all Past Students to our first “Back to ATC Day” for our round of Rugby League against our EREA brother school, St Patrick’s College Shorncliffe from 8am to the Firsts commencing at 12.15pm, followed by Football at 130pm on Bowers and Basketball in the SFX at 3pm.

The College and ATC Past Students Association aim to develop the Back to ATC Day in the coming years into a signpost community event. A future goal is to also reconnect with Nudgee Junior past students.

Our first ever group of Seniors from 2019 are holding their five year reunion that weekend and are joining in on the above festivities and also having a catch up BBQ with ATC staff at 4pm at Waterford. We greatly look forward to welcoming our oldest ATC past students, most of whom are 22!

Thank you to the ATC Past Students Association Committee for their work on this project:

Patrick Robinson ATC19 (Chair) , Jem Woolcock ATC21 (Deputy Chair), Charlie Neumann ATC21 (Secretary), Tom Perissinotto ATC20 (Treasurer), Reilly Allen
ATC21, Sam Edwards ATC22, Sebastian Silanesu ATC19, Zac William ATC22, Liam Warriner ATC2019.

(Pictured are some of our Past Students who recently gathered to discuss the upcoming 'ATC Day' and are looking forward to catching up with their old school mates.)

Parents and Friends Trivia Night 27 July

Thank you to the ATC Parents and Friends for preparing for this enjoyable community event to be held at the College on Saturday 27 July at 5.30pm. Some tickets for this event are still available and can be purchased through Parent Lounge. This is a really fun, casual night and I thank Nicole Moy and her team for their organisation. The College Leadership Team table is looking to improve on our third place from last year.

Long Lunch 8 September

The Ambrose Treacy College Foundation Long Lunch is another greatly enjoyable social event at the College. All are welcome to attend; past, present and future members of our community.

Tickets for this community social event to be held on Sunday 8 September 2024 go on sale this Friday, July 19th and will be snapped up quickly. This event is designed first and foremost to be a community building fun event and secondly, any funds raised are gifted to the ATC College Foundation and put towards creating an amount of funds which support students who may not otherwise be able to access an opportunity to attend our College, to join us in the future. We greatly look forward to this enjoyable event.

Sports News

Our Head of Sport, Mr Lyndon Brieffies, continues his recovery after a serious accident prior to the break. It was great to sit with him during our First XIII Rugby League fixture against Villanova on Saturday. Mr Brieffies has an operation this week to mend his collarbone which is broken in two places and we wish him all the best.

Congratulations to all Rugby League players from Year 5 to 12 on our debut in AIC Rugby League on Saturday. The reality is that the vast majority of our players played their first game ever of league on the weekend.

Like numerous things over our first 10 years, there is a first for everything, and our first all school hit up on Saturday was a good, solid showing against Villanova College and there will be some challenging rounds ahead. I was very proud of how we stuck to the task positively and supported one another on Saturday. This was on full display by our Firsts who were soundly beaten by a more experienced outfit but kept on keeping on which was acknowledged and commented on by the Villanova Principal and coaching staff. It was a privilege to stand close by our player huddle after the game and listen to our team debrief and the reflections and messages therein. Well done to our players, coaches and supporters and thank you.

Road Safety

As a new semester gets underway, a courteous reminder regarding the safety of our students around the College grounds. ATC is a big busy campus, and especially around drop off and pick up times. Please take an extra minute to slow down – ensure your driving is very slow, ensure you take that extra minute to drop off and pick up students at the appropriate location.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

Chris Ryan