Principal's Message

Principal's Message Tuesday, 03 Oct 2023

Term Four Wham Bam!

Welcome back for Term 4. I trust that all students have enjoyed the mid-semester break and we look forward to a short but full and dynamic term ahead. I am sure that many in the ATC community were a…

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Principal's Message Monday, 11 Sept 2023

Sailing Towards the End

We welcome our Year 12 students back to classes this week as they reflect on their mock exams experience with the rhythm and pattern of Year 12 markedly different to the past. Year 12 students have a…

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Principal's Message Monday, 28 Aug 2023

The Anchor that Grounds Us

We wish all of the Dads and significant carers in our community an enjoyable and meaningful family time this coming Sunday. I am the proud Father of three young women and have recently enjoyed that p…

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Principal's Message Monday, 14 Aug 2023

Standing on their Shoulders

Last week, we were delighted to announce the full complement of Student Leaders for 2024. In doing so, I wish to acknowledge and thank the Student Leaders from 2019 to 2023, our first five years of h…

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Principal's Message Monday, 07 Aug 2023

Looking Ahead and Planning Our Future

Parent & Caregiver Satisfaction Survey In 2021 the College entered an arrangement with our fellow Edmund Rice schools in Queensland to conduct regular surveys designed to gauge community school s…

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Principal's Message Monday, 31 July 2023

Warning - Midway Point Approaching Fast

We are pleased with our 2023 NAPLAN results which indicate we are successfully supporting our students to achieve high outcomes, and it is particularly pleasing to see the rewards of our focus on imp…

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Principal's Message Monday, 24 July 2023

Communities of Faith, Hope and Love

Catholic Education Week   This week, it is our pleasure to join 312 other Catholic schools in Queensland in celebrating Catholic Education Week under the theme of “Communities of Faith, Hope and Lov…

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Principal's Message Monday, 17 July 2023

Partnerships between home and school

Parent/Teacher Interviews   Thank you for engaging in this process as the partnership between home and school is so vital. Please be in contact with staff with any matters of follow up as we commen…

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Principal's Message Monday, 10 July 2023

Welcome to Term 3!

Welcome to Term 3 Welcome to Term 3. I trust that the mid- year break has been positive and enjoyable for all our students and families. We look forward to Parent/Caregiver/Teacher/Student Intervie…

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