We are pleased with our 2023 NAPLAN results which indicate we are successfully supporting our students to achieve high outcomes, and it is particularly pleasing to see the rewards of our focus on imp…
Catholic Education Week This week, it is our pleasure to join 312 other Catholic schools in Queensland in celebrating Catholic Education Week under the theme of “Communities of Faith, Hope and Lov…
Parent/Teacher Interviews Thank you for engaging in this process as the partnership between home and school is so vital. Please be in contact with staff with any matters of follow up as we commen…
Welcome to Term 3 Welcome to Term 3. I trust that the mid- year break has been positive and enjoyable for all our students and families. We look forward to Parent/Caregiver/Teacher/Student Intervie…
End of Semester Reports Best wishes to all students across the year levels as they complete final assessments and exams this week. It is important that these are our main priority this week. During…
Last Wednesday, ATC competed in the AIC Cross Country Championships at Curlew Park. Well done to our AIC Cross Country Team, staff, and supporters on a good effort. While still growing and with room …
National Reconciliation Week National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our history, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achiev…
It is great to be back at ATC after a wonderful week in Ireland attending the EREBB Congress in Dublin and travelling to Waterford where the story of schools such as ours began in the early 1790s. I…
I certainly hope yesterday was a special day for everyone – whether as a Mother, daughter, or celebrating an important woman in our lives. I hope it was a day filled with love for all families. My Mu…