With Term One coming to an end next week, so do our sporting fixtures for this season. The ATC Cricket season concluded on Saturday with a wonderful game under lights at Chelmer. Around 300 people ga…
Last week we acknowledged International Women’s Day and celebrated the women in our community who contribute so strongly as leaders, role models and colleagues. As a society we have made significant …
I was fortunate to visit many of our camps last week and I have enjoyed following our social media pages which are loaded with photos and videos of the fun had by students all across South East Queen…
The Tool does not describe everything that effective schools do, but focuses on those practices that are most directly related to school-wide improvements, and thus outcomes for students. In this sen…
The Opening Mass and Commissioning of our Year 12s was joyful, prayerful and true to who we are. Fr Gillen formally opened the 2023 academic year and officiated the commissioning of our Seniors on Tu…
It was an important week of information sharing, as we hosted our Parent Information evenings. I hope these presentations provided beneficial information for the start of the year including key dates…
A warm welcome to 2023. I certainly hope everyone had a joyful Christmas in addition to some relaxation and time for family and friends over the break.
A special time is when we put up our tree and decorations together as a family. We always get a real pine tree that fills our house with a fantastic aroma and is a wonderful place of evening contempl…