Safety First Around Our School

We have been advised by Brisbane City Council that along with some other schools, our College has been included in the Programmed School Patrols for Term Two. This is an initiative of Brisbane City Council to encourage compliance with road and parking rules surrounding schools. This particularly applies to us all following signage directions, road markings and not parking over residential driveways. Thank you for your support of safe and compliant driving around our College, and for co-operating with representatives of the Council who may patrol the roads around us. Council has suggested that parents and caregivers be encouraged to visit Council’s website at and search parking rules to learn more about parking in Brisbane.

Enrolments 2025 and 2027

We are presently facilitating enrolment processes for Year 7, 2027 and Year 4, 2025. A reminder to all families to ensure that you officially enrol siblings that you want to have attend ATC. CLICK HERE TO ENROL. Thank you to all of our current families who continue to be our greatest marketing strategy in encouraging families to enrol their son here. We have very strong enrolments for Year 7 2025 and 2026 with some positions still available in 2027.

A reminder to all our current Year 6 families that I have written to you to ask you to confirm if you are retaining your enrolment for Year 7 2025. We have a wait list for this group and your clarity is greatly appreciated as soon as possible. Thank you to those families who have been in contact with our Head of Enrolments, Robyn Donaldson.

Signum Fidei Breakfasts

We look forward to celebrating our Signum Fidei awards from Junior, Middle and Senior school this week. These Signs of Faith do the simple things well in the ordinary and everyday life of school and have been recognised by key staff as students who model the way for others to follow by their example. Congratulations and well done to all recipients.  

Edmund Rice Feast Day

We join our fellow Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition throughout the world in celebrating the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund this Friday. In doing so, we celebrate the lives and works of the Christian Brothers who founded Nudgee Junior College and Brother Patrick Ambrose Treacy who is the Founder of Catholic schools in the Ricean tradition in Australia. It is important and right that the pain and suffering of historical child abuse by some in the Order is recognised and the journey to address this continues.


It is also important and right to celebrate the achievements of the many good and great Christian Brothers, teachers, school officers, students, past students and Mums and Dads who have worked together in our tradition since 1802 in Ireland, 1868 in Australia and 1938 on our grounds to provide a liberating education, inspired by the Gospel in building up an inclusive community that seeks to act with justice and solidarity.

Staff News

Welcome to Ms Lin Zhou who has commenced with us this week as a School Officer in the Senior School Inclusive Practices team. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr Alex Scobie who has been appointed Acting Assistant Head of Year 8 for Semester Two this year and Semester One next year while Mr Jared D’Roza is on leave.

Congratulations to Mr Daniel Watts who has been appointed as Acting Coordinator of Middle School Mathematics while Ms Tegan Kent is on parental leave commencing part way through Term Three.

We look forward to welcoming Ms Angela Simpson in Semester Two in the role of Assistant Dean of Learning: Senior School.  This new role will work within the Learning Leadership Team leading and supporting processes and policy specific to the Senior School. Angela joins us with a rich history in educational leadership including roles at Iona College, Marist Ashgrove and most recently at Canterbury College. We look forward to her contribution.

Cross Country 

On Friday the College will also hold the Interhouse Cross Country championships that were postponed due to weather prior to Easter. May the best House win!

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

God Bless,

Chris Ryan