Sailing Towards the End

We welcome our Year 12 students back to classes this week as they reflect on their mock exams experience with the rhythm and pattern of Year 12 markedly different to the past. Year 12 students have a week of reflection and revision now, followed by approximately a fortnight of preparation for external exams after the September break period and we wish our Seniors all the very best. Our Year 11 students commence their exam block this week and, in many subjects, Year 12 work begins after the September holidays and we wish them well in this next phase of their journey.


R U OK? Day is on Thursday 14 September and is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask, 'are you OK?' and support those who may be struggling. By taking the time for an R U OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world feel supported and connected. Thank you to our Year 12 leaders who highlighted this day and our support for one another at school assembly. To read about R U OK? please click here.

Parents and Friends Second Hand Uniform Stall

Last Friday’s stall was a terrific success with lots of current and future families visiting this stall organised by our Parents and Friends. Thank you to ATC parents, Melissa Kuflik and Sasha Tucker for their organisation and leadership of this big process and to the extended community for your generous donations of clothes. 

Key Staff on Leave 

Many in our community are aware that our Dean of Learning, has been managing a difficult back injury this year. Lara is undergoing a process to assist in her healing and will be on leave in Week 10 of this term, over the September break and Week 1 of Term 4. We wish Lara all the very best for this time and I thank the extended community for your support and understanding and Mrs Katrina Mansfield and Mr Ben Rerden for assisting in the leadership of the Learning office and team in her absence.

Further, along with millions of other people throughout the globe, Mr David Gardiner had leave plans disrupted during the COVID period. Mr Gardiner and his wife, Sue, are taking a long-planned trip to the Greek Islands over the break and he will take long service leave for Week 1 of Term Four. We wish David all the best for this special time.

We look forward to Mr David Robertson, Dean of Connacht House returning in Term Four and thank Mr Alex Scobie for his leadership of the House during Mr Robertson’s leave.

Mr Ben Rerden returns after taking paternity and long service leave. Thank you to Mrs Katrina Mansfield who has acted ably as Assistant Dean of Learning during this time. Thank you and well done to Ms Nicole Kirsch and Mr Ben Eden who have acted as Head of Senior School Maths and Middle School Maths Co-ordinator respectively.

ATC Long Lunch

It was delightful to see several hundred of our ATC community at the ATC Foundation Long Lunch yesterday. What a spectacular event with many families enjoying the wonderful weather and welcoming atmosphere. Thank you to Ms Helen Hicks for her organisation of the event and to Mr Matt Warr for being our host and master of ceremonies. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, our third Long Lunch after a three-year period of disruption. We look forward to building on this in 2024.  

Arts Week Term 4 Week 2

We look forward to our Arts Week and all of the opportunities for our students to share their gifts and talents with the community. Jazz by the River on Saturday 14 October is a popular and well-established community tradition at ATC and forms a key part of the week, along with performances of Lord of the Flies by the Drama Club Actor’s Studio on 17 and 18 October and the ARTery exhibition in NJ Hall from Monday 9 October through to Saturday 14 October.

 There is a delicious menu of items available for purchase at JBTR, including a selection of burgers, pizzas, hot chips and a sizzling BBQ as well as treats, lollies, chips and cold drinks. You can support the ATC Hospitality students by pre-ordering a Cheese or Dessert Box.

Jazz by the River is a vibrant ATC Community event that showcases our very own student Jazz bands and ATC Guitars all in the beautiful surroundings of Warril Place, our Middle School setting with spectacular views of the river.If you haven’t attended before or are new to the ATC Community you are very, very welcome and bring your family and friends. Spread a picnic rug and set yourself up for a prime viewing and listening experience on the lawn by the river.  To purchase your tickets  please CLICK HERE.

GBC Sport Finals

Congratulations to all of our sport teams, coaches and supporters in Basketball and Football who made the GBC finals with our three GBC Football teams taking out premierships in all competitions. Well done!

Farewell to Mr David Gardiner

Our Deputy Principal, Mr David Gardiner, is retiring at the end of 2023 after 44 years of energetic and committed service at St James College, St Patrick’s College, Nudgee Junior College and Ambrose Treacy College. For the final 10 years of his long vocation, our community has been blessed by his leadership. Being who he is, Mr Gardiner has asked that his farewells be simple and humble. The staff will celebrate Mr Gardiner along with his fellow departing colleagues in our internal end of year rituals and we will formally acknowledge and thank Mr Gardiner at our Celebration of Excellence evening. As a community, there will be a brief presentation and acknowledgement of Mr Gardiner at our Jazz by the River event. It will also be a lovely environment to touch base personally with Mr Gardiner which is so apt as Mr Gardiner has chaired the organising committee of JBTR since its inception. While we don’t look forward to his departure, we look forward to acknowledging and celebrating a special person, colleague and friend.

School Holidays

I take this opportunity to wish all our families an enjoyable break from routines for the September school holidays. I hope it is a restful and safe time for all students and we look forward to a busy and full Term Four.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

God bless,

Chris Ryan