Small Acts ... Big Impact

Quote: “Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world” Howard Zinn

As settle into our school routines and once again familiarize ourselves with College life this term, it is perhaps a good opportunity to remind ourselves of the role that we play in being a Sign of Faith within the many communities in which we are a part. Participation in Service provides the young men at Ambrose Treacy College, with opportunities to utilize their unique skills and talents to assist others. Not only does this positively impact the communities in which we Serve, but it also provides authentic experiences for our students to make connections between the classroom and the real world. An awareness of others, coupled with recognising our role to support those living on the margins, is precisely the type of Learning that our Men of Courage receive throughout the Service-Learning program at ATC.

A quick ‘Benefits of Service Learning’ Google search will yield 1,130,000,000 responses (in an impressive 0.44 seconds!). Perhaps even more impressive is the 3 million Google Scholar articles associated with this search, indicating a plethora of research-based evidence suggesting that Service = Good. From local childcares to internationally recognized universities, educational institutions are right to promote Service as a way of enhancing their students. We know that performing acts of kindness for others, stimulates all manner of personal growth in our young people. However, if we were to look at Service through an Ambrose Treacy lens, what results would we find? What search engine responses might we see?

Perhaps you would see that Service is woven into the fabric of Ambrose Treacy College. That Service at Ambrose Treacy is uniquely different. Through the example set by Br Patrick Ambrose Treacy, Br Edmund Rice and of course Jesus Christ, ATC Men of Courage display an intrinsic desire to care for those living on the margins.

Already in 2025, students have commenced working with community groups, assisting with environmental issues, working with those in aged care, conversing and playing games with residents in specialist high-care facilities, as well as providing comfort and support to those living out of home. In addition to the wonderful work our students do in the broader community, closer to home, students continue to Serve in their coaching and mentoring roles, tutoring programs, homework clubs and environmental programs.

As the school year begins to take shape, students can now start to consider what role they will play this year. How can they make a difference? They are encouraged to take up the offers of their Year Level or Head of House and visit a friendship group, as well as participate in one of the many programs, activities and/or events that take place ATC. We are after all, Stronger Together.

Andrew McCrohon

Head of Service and Clubs