Strategy for Success

I trust everyone enjoyed a great long weekend. It was a wonderful week at ATC to kick off the new school year with our students, parents, and caregivers onsite and with our oldest students greeting our youngest. The Year 12 students certainly were proactive with their commitment to leadership from day one and I thank them for an excellent job. It was great to have the whole student body back on Tuesday. Week 2 will see the College settling into routines in the classroom.


Gala Day

Our Gala Day last Thursday for the Middle and Senior School students was a fun, active day to finish the short first week. The format of the day is a result of reflections of ‘carnival’ days. We are deliberate in our strategy to promote participation for all levels of ability and confidence. The Gala Day model focuses on an opportunity for our swimmers to shine, for everyone to have some fun to finish Week 1, promote leadership opportunities, and develop House spirit. Thank you to our Formation, Sport and HPE teams and all staff for their facilitation. Well done to Ulster House on their victory.

Academic Assemblies

I look forward to welcoming parents and caregivers to our upcoming Academic Assemblies this week and to our returning Year 12 2023 cohort on Tuesday to celebrate their achievements with them. Importantly, these assemblies recognise both our top-achieving students and our biggest improvers from Semester Two, 2023. Congratulations to all recipients and to all students who achieved their personal best.

ATC Parents and Friends Year 4 & Year 7 Welcome Picnic

The ATC Parents and Friends looks forward to hosting Year 4 and Year 7 families this Saturday on Brothers Oval from 2.30pm to 4pm. Details are on the College App. Some Year 12 leaders will facilitate some games for students and a casual afternoon will be enjoyed for parents and caregivers to have the opportunity to meet and mingle. Hopefully, this oppressive heat will have backed off for the afternoon of games!

ATC Parents and Friends Kick Off Cocktails Event

The ATC P&F is hosting a social event on Saturday 17 February at Wests Rugby Club for parents and caregivers of all year levels. Tickets are now available through Parent Lounge and further details are on the ATC App. We look forward to welcoming you to this event.

Kick off Cocktails

Strategic Plan 2024-2028

2024 is our 10th year as a growing and maturing school community, organisation and culture. Over the past two years, we have engaged in extensive consultation in developing a research and data-informed base of information to guide us in our planning for the next five years.

Our first priority in our new Strategic Plan is Enhancing our Learning Culture. Of course, this is an important priority for any school story and context but there are specific foci for our school developed as a result of our stage of growth and development and data collected over the past two years. Our priority is informed by our engagement with the Australian Council of Educational Leadership National School Improvement Tool in 2023 which saw us be benchmarked against data collected across Australian schools in nine key educational domains and, as such, our focus goals for this priority for the next five years are specific to our needs.

I shared a link in last week’s blog where parents and caregivers can access the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan for your perusal.

Our 'Enhancing Our Learning Culture' priority has five key foci for the next five years and below is a brief outline of our first priority of five in the plan. Of course, this isn’t to suggest that other foci not mentioned are of less importance or not being worked on, these shall continue, but the five foci articulated for this priority are important tasks for the next five years and will play a role in our operations, role development and organisational and financial planning:

1. Identifying and communicating an explicit improvement plan that is shared and understood across the community.
2. Developing a whole school data plan that informs practice and mentoring strategies.
3. Expanding our enrichment and extension strategies for high-ability learners.
4. Maturing our professional development planning for staff that aligns with our strategic priorities.
5. Enhancing our behaviour management framework and strategies.

Staff News

We welcome Mr Dallas Moffat back to the College this week after some personal leave for the past two weeks.

Ms Amy West-Sadler, our Co-ordinator of Senior School Inclusive Practices, has been appointed to the position of Head of Learning Enrichment Secondary at West Moreton Anglican College and will commence on Monday 26 February. I congratulate Amy on her appointment to this promoted position. Her expertise, knowledge and relationships with our students, staff, parents, and caregivers will be missed. We wish Amy and her family every success, health and happiness. The College is currently recruiting for this important role in our community.

Congregational Leader of the Christian Brothers, Brother Peter Clinch

The Ambrose Treacy College community extends our condolences to the Congregation of the Christian Brothers on the sudden and sad passing of Brother Peter Clinch, Congregational Leaders. Brother Peter was an Australian who hailed from Victoria and a much-loved and respected leader. He passed away in Rome early this morning. May Perpetual Light Shine Upon him and May he Rest In Peace. Live Jesus in Our Hearts Forever.

God bless,

Chris Ryan