Students Being the Change - Leadership at ATC

We celebrate leadership at Ambrose Treacy College and believe every student is a leader. We relished the opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate our Student Representative Council (SRC) members at a recent College Assembly. Leadership is present in many forms and the ability to lead by example supports our 2024 Senior's Theme of BE THE CHANGE.

Be the Change you want to see. Show Up – Represent - No Excuses.

Be the Change

The College Leaders, both SRC and Seniors, collaboratively agree that a community that is unified and hardwired with the courage to challenge behaviours amongst their peers and represent the change in their day-to-day interactions, will set the example for others and build a stronger community.

The opportunity to build leadership capacity amongst our students is further developed at Student Leadership afternoons. Everyone has the ability to lead. It is simply an active and intentional choice that someone makes in order to leave a person, situation or community in a better place than they found it.

Brendan Flanagan

Assistant Dean of Formation